
Thinking About the Text 

I. Answer these questions in one or two words or in short phrases.

1. Name the two temples the author visited in Kathmandu.

The author visited the pashupatinath and the Baudhnath temples in Kathmandu.

2. The writer says, “All this I wash down with Coca Cola.” What does ‘all this’ refer to?

‘All this’ refers to all the food items - the marzipan bar and the corn on the cob that he ate.

3. What does Vikram Seth compare to the quills of a porcupine?

Vikram Seth compares the flutes protruding out of the flute - seller’s pole to the quills of a porcupine.

4. Name five kinds of flutes.

Five kinds of flutes are the reed neh, the recorder, the Japanese shakuhachi, the deep bansuri of Hindustani classical music and the clear or breathy flutes of South America.

5. Why did the author hire a cheap hotel in Kathmandu?

Because he was tired and wanted to sleep for hours.

II. Answer each question in a short paragraph.  

1. What difference does the author note between the flute seller and the other hawkers?

The author noticed that the flute seller was calm and quiet. He did not scream to sell his wares like other hawkers did.

2. What is the belief at Pashupatinath about the end of Kaliyug?

The belief at the Pashupatinath temple about the end of Kaliyug is that when the small shrine will protrude completely, then the goddess will emerge out of it. The goddess will bring an end to the evil period of Kaliyug.

3. The author has drawn powerful images and pictures. Pick out three examples each of

    (i) the atmosphere of ‘febrile confusion’ outside the temple of Pashupatinath (for example: some people trying to get the priest’s attention are elbowed aside...)

   (ii) the things he sees

   (iii) the sounds he hears

(i) the atmosphere of ‘febrile confusion’ outside the temple of Pashupatinath (for example: some people trying to get the priest’s attention are elbowed aside...)

a) There are so many worshippers that some people trying to get the priest’s attention are elbowed aside by others

b) By the main gate, a party of saffron-clad Westernersstruggle for permission to enter.

c) A fight breaks out between two monkeys.

(ii) the things he sees

a) fruit sellers

b) flute sellers

c) hawkers of postcards

(iii) The sounds he hears

a) Film songs blare out from the radios

b) car horns sound

c) vendors shout out their wares.

III. Answer the following questions in not more than 100–150 words each.

1. Compare and contrast the atmosphere in and around the Baudhnath shrine with the Pashupatinath temple.

The atmosphere at the Baudhnath temple is calm and quiet. The temple has a huge white dome with an outer ring road. The place is relaxing as there are no noises or crowds around.

On the contrary, the atmosphere at the Pashupatinath temple is chaotic. There is a lot of confusion and noise as tourists, pilgrims, priests and animals roam around. As entry is restricted to Hindus only,foreigners dressed as sadhus can be seen arguing with the guards to gain entry. A rush of people can be seen elbowing each other to gain entry. One can see monkeys fighting and climbing on the shivling in the temple. There is a lot of activity going on near the holy river Bagmati that flows near the temple.

2. How does the author describe Kathmandu’s busiest streets?

Kathmandu’s busiest streets are lined with shops and stalls selling different things. There are small temples having deities adorned with flowers. The vendors scream to attract buyers. There.are shops selling various things, namely, chocolates, camera film rolls, imported cosmetics, postcards, utensils and antiques. There are hawkers selling fruits, flutes, postcards for the tourists.

3. “To hear any flute is to be drawn into the commonality of all mankind.” Why does the author say this?

The author says this because the sound produced by the flute is the closest to human voice. It is an extension of human voice as it is produced by exhaling into it.

Thinking About the Language 

I. Read the following sentences carefully to understand the meaning of the italicised phrases. Then match the phrasal verbs in Column A with their meanings in Column B.

1. A communal war broke out when the princess was abducted by the neighbouring prince.

2. The cockpit broke off from the plane during the plane crash.

3. The car broke down on the way and we were left stranded in the jungle.

4. The dacoit broke away from the police as they took him to court.

5. The brothers broke up after the death of the father.

6. The thief broke into our house when we were away.

(i) break out(a) to come apart due to force
(ii) break off(b) end a relationship
(iii) break down(c) break and enter illegally; unlawful trespassing
(iv) break away (from someone)(d) to start suddenly, (usually a fight, a war or a disease)
(v) break up(e) to escape from someone’s grip
(vi) break into(f) stop working


(i) break out(d) to start suddenly, (usually a fight, a war or a disease)
(ii) break off(a) to come apart due to force
(iii) break down(f) stop working
(iv) break away (from someone)(e) to escape from someone’s grip
(v) break up(b) end a relationship
(vi) break into(c) break and enter illegally; unlawful trespassing

II. Question 1: Use the suffixes -ion or -tion to form nouns from the following verbs. Make the necessary changes in the spellings of the words.

Example: proclaim – proclamation

cremate-- cremation

act -- action

exhaust -- exhaustion 

invent -- invention 

tempt -- temptation 

immigrate -- immigration 

direct -- direction 

meditate -- meditation 

imagine -- imagination 

dislocate -- dislocation 

associate -- association 

dedicate -- dedication 

2. Now fill in the blanks with suitable words from the ones that you have formed.

(i) Mass literacy was possible only after the invention of the printing machine.

(ii) Ramesh is unable to tackle the situation as he lacks imagination.

(iii) I could not resist the temptation to open the letter.

(iv) Hardwork and dedication are the main keys to success.

(v) The children were almost fainting with exhaustion after being made to stand in the sun.

III. Punctuation

Use capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas and inverted commas wherever necessary in the following paragraph.

An arrogant lion was wandering through the jungle one day. He asked the tiger, “Who is stronger than you?” “You, O! Lion,” replied the tiger. “Who is fiercer than a leopard?” asked the lion. “You, sir,” replied the leopard. He marched up to an elephant and asked the same question. The elephant picked him up in his trunk, swung him in the air and threw him down. “Look”, said the lion, “there is no need to get mad just because you don’t know the answer.”

IV: Simple Present Tense

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

(i) The heart is a pump that __________ (send) the blood circulating through our body. The pumping action __________ (take place) when the left ventricle of the heart __________ (contract). This __________ (force) the blood out into the arteries, which __________ (expand) to receive the oncoming blood.

(ii) The African lungfish can live without water for up to four years. During a drought it __________ (dig) a pit and __________ (enclose) itself in a capsule of slime and earth, leaving a tiny opening for air. The capsule __________ (dry) and __________ (harden), but when rain __________ (come), the mud __________ (dissolve) and the lungfish __________ (swim) away.

(iii) MAHESH : We have to organise a class party for our teacher.

__________ (Do) anyone play an instrument?

VIPUL : Rohit __________ (play) the flute.

MAHESH : __________ (Do) he also act?

VIPUL : No, he __________ (compose) music.

MAHESH : That’s wonderful!


(i) The heart is a pump that sends (send) the blood circulating through our body. The pumping action takes place (take place) when the left ventricle of the heart contracts (contract). This forces (force) the blood out into the arteries, which expand (expand) to receive the oncoming blood.

(ii) The African lungfish can live without water for up to four years. During a drought it digs (dig) a pit and encloses (enclose) itself in a capsule of slime and earth, leaving a tiny opening for air. The capsule dries (dry) and hardens (harden), but when rain comes (come), the mud dissolves (dissolve) and the lungfish swims (swim) away.

(iii) MAHESH : We have to organise a class party for our teacher.

Does (Do) anyone play an instrument?

VIPUL : Rohit plays (play) the flute.

MAHESH : Does (Do) he also act?

VIPUL : No, he composes (compose) music.

MAHESH : That’s wonderful!


1. Discuss in class the shrines you have visited or know about. Speak about one of them.

One notable South Indian temple is the Meenakshi Amman Temple, located in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. Dedicated to Goddess Meenakshi (a form of Parvati) and her consort Sundareswarar (Lord Shiva), it is a masterpiece of Dravidian architecture. The temple complex is vast, with intricately carved gopurams (towering entrance gates) adorned with colorful sculptures depicting various mythological stories.

The highlight is the Thousand Pillar Hall, showcasing numerous intricately carved pillars. The hall is not only architecturally fascinating but also acoustically advanced. Another unique feature is the golden lotus pond inside the temple.

The Meenakshi Temple is not just a religious site but also a cultural and artistic marvel, drawing pilgrims, tourists, and scholars alike from around the world.

2. Imagine you are giving an eyewitness account or a running commentary of one of the following:

(i) a game of football, cricket or hockey, or some sports event

(ii) a parade (e.g. Republic Day) or some other national event

Speak a few sentences narrating what you see and hear. Use the simple present and the present continuous tenses.

Hi Friends! I'm watching this awesome football game, and it's super exciting! The players are running, kicking, and the crowd is cheering like crazy. The goalkeeper just made an amazing save! Both teams are really trying hard to win, and it's so tense! The referee blows the whistle, and everyone goes wild with cheers!

Now, let's talk about the big Republic Day parade. They played our national anthem, and it gave me chills! Soldiers marched in perfect lines, showing how organized they are. There are these cool floats that go by, showing how different and awesome our country is. People in the crowd are waving flags and clapping. It's like a big party celebrating our country!


Diary entry for a travelogue

I. The text you read is a travelogue where the author, Vikram Seth, talks about his visit to two sacred places in Kathmandu.

Imagine that you were with Vikram Seth on his visit to Pashupatinath temple, and you were noting down all that you saw and did there, so that you could write a travelogue later.

Record in point form

• what you see when you reach the Pashupatinath temple

• what you see happening inside the temple

• what you do when inside the temple

• what you see outside the temple

• what your impressions are about the place.

16 August 2022

Dear Diary,

Today was amazing. I visited the special Pashupatinath temple with my friend Vikram Seth. It was crowded with lots of people – priests, sellers, those who believe in God, visitors, cows, monkeys, pigeons, and dogs were all around. Vikram and I gave flowers and coconuts to God. We saw some people trying hard to get to the front, and it got a bit chaotic.

Near the temple entrance, we saw people in orange clothes who weren't allowed inside because only Hindus could go in.

Visiting Pashupatinath made me feel calm and happy.


II. Here is your diary entry when you visited Agra. Read the points and try to write a travelogue describing your visit to Agra and the Taj Mahal. You may add more details.

January 2003 — rise before dawn — take the Shatabdi Express at 6.15 a.m. from Delhi — meet a newly-married couple on train — talk about Himachal Pradesh — get off the train — enter the once-grand city, Agra — twisted alleys — traffic dense — rickshaws, cars, people — vendors selling religious artifacts, plastic toys, spices and sweets — go to the Taj Mahal — constructed entirely of white marble — magical quality — colour changes with varying of light and shadow — marble with gemstones inside — reflection of the Taj Mahal in the pond — school-children, tourists — tourist guides following people.

It was January 2003, I woke up really early that day. I caught a train Shatabdi Express at 6:15 a.m. from Delhi. On the train, I met a couple who had just got married, and we talked about a place called Himachal Pradesh. When I got off the train, I was in Agra, a city that used to be grand. The streets were narrow and crowded with rickshaws, cars, and people. I saw sellers with religious things, toys, and yummy spices. I visited the Taj Mahal, a big white marble building that looked magical as the light changed. It even had gemstones inside! I saw its reflection in a pond. Lots of school-kids, tourists, and guides were around.
