I Will Do It

Click here ➢SSC based Reading Comprehensions Chapter 1C - I Will Do It

Chapter 1C I Will Do It

1. What is the ultimate aim of a bright student? And why?

The ultimate aim of a bright student is to study at IIT. It is because, these institutions maintain high standards.

2. ‘His heart sank in sorrow.’ Whose heart sank in sorrow? Why?

Narayana Murthy’s heart sank in sorrow. Because of the poor financial position, Murthy’s father refused to send him to IIT. 

3. How did Murthy react when his father expressed his helplessness to send him to IIT?

When his father expressed his helplessness to send him to IIT, Murthy was disappointed. It seemed his dreams had burnt to ashes. His heart sank in sorrow. He didn’t share his feelings with anybody. His heart was bleeding but he didn’t get angry with anybody.

4. The author calls Murthy an introvert. Which action of Murthy substantiates this claim of the author about Murthy?

‘Introvert’ means someone who is quiet and shy, and does not enjoy being with other people. When Murthy’s father refused to send him to IIT, he became sorrowful. Though he was sorrowful, he never shared his unhappiness or helplessness with anybody. He did not reply. He remained silent. So, we can say that Murthy was an introvert by nature.

5. What, according to Narayana Murthy, can change the life of a person?

According to Narayana Murthy, a person himself can change his life by hard work. It is not the institution or any other thing that can change the life of a person.

6. How does the motto ‘Powered by intellect and driven by values’ describe Murthy’s life?

Murthy believes in the motto, ‘Powered by intellect and driven by values’. He worked very hard without bothering about his comforts. He shared his wealth with others. He never used the help of any caste, community or political connections to go up in life. He proved that it was possible to earn wealth legally and ethically. He built a team of people who were equally good. The above words reveal that he was powered by intellect and driven by values.

II. Given below are some sentences from the lesson. What do they tell us about Narayana Murthy’s qualities? Use the adjectives given in the box to describe Murthy’s character. You may also use some more adjectives you like.

1. His seniors used to ask him to solve their difficulties in science.


2. He was a guide for the others.


3. While others struggle to solve the problems in the question papers, he would smile shyly and solve them in no time.


4. His principle was never to hurt anyone.


5. He did not reply. He never shared his unhappiness or helplessness with anybody.


6. He went to station to say goodbye and good luck to them for their future life.


7. He never used the help of any caste, community or political connections to go up in life.


8. He built a team of people who were equally good.



Let’s look at some more one-word substitutes.

Word  Meaning 
fatalist a person who believes in fate
centenarian a person who is above hundred years
omnipresent one who is present everywhere
mercenary a person who can do anything for money

misogynist one who hates women
monogamy apu a practice of having one wife or husband
autobiography a life history written by oneself
biography a life history written by somebody else
honorary a position for which no salary is paid
ambiguous a sentence whose meaning is unclear
inimitable that which cannot be imitated
theist one who believes in God
spendthrift apuone who spends too much
teetotaler one who abstains from taking alcohol

Tick (✓) the most appropriate one-word substitutes for the following.

1. A person or thing that cannot be corrected

a) unintelligible

b) Indelible

c) illegible

d) incorrigible✔️

2. A person of good understanding. knowledge and reasoning power

a) expert

b) intellectual✔️

c) snob

d) literate

3. A person who knows many languages

a) linguist

b) grammarian

c) polyglot ✔️

d) bilingual

4. One who possesses many talents

a) versatile ✔️

b) prodigy

c) exceptional

d) gifted

5. Words inscribed on a tomb

a) epitome

b) epistle

c) epilogue

d) epitaph ✔️
