How to Tell Wild Animals - Reading Comprehension

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How to Tell Wild Animals - Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension 1

If ever you should go by chance
To jungles in the east;
And if there should to you advance
A large and tawny beast,
If he roars at you as you’re dyin’
You’ll know it is the Asian Lion...

1. What type of beast is described in the poem?

   A) Asian Tiger
   B) Asian Lion
   C) Asian Elephant
   D) Asian Leopard

2. How is the Asian Lion described in the poem?

   A) Small and black
   B) Large and tawny
   C) Small and white
   D) Large and spotted

3. Where are the jungles mentioned in the poem located?

   A) West
   B) East
   C) North
   D) South

State True or False:

4. The poem suggests that encountering an Asian Lion in the eastern jungles can be dangerous. 

5. The poem describes the Asian Lion as small and harmless.

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Reading Comprehension 2

Or if some time when roaming round,
A noble wild beast greets you,
With black stripes on a yellow ground,
Just notice if he eats you.
This simple rule may help you learn
The Bengal Tiger to discern.

1. What kind of wild beast is described in the poem?

   A) Bengal Tiger
   B) African Lion
   C) Siberian Tiger
   D) Grizzly Bear

2. How is the Bengal Tiger described in the poem?

   A) Yellow with black stripes
   B) Black with yellow spots
   C) Orange with white stripes
   D) White with black stripes

3. What does the poem suggest about encountering a Bengal Tiger?

   A) It may greet you harmlessly
   B) It may attack and eat you
   C) It may run away in fear
   D) It may hide and observe you

State True or False:

4. The poem implies that encountering a Bengal Tiger requires caution.

5. The Bengal Tiger is described as having white fur with black stripes. 

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Reading Comprehension 3

If strolling forth, a beast you view,
Whose hide with spots is peppered,
As soon as he has lept on you,
You’ll know it is the Leopard.
’Twill do no good to roar with pain,
He’ll only lep and lep again.

1. What type of beast is described in the poem?

   A) Cheetah
   B) Leopard
   C) Jaguar
   D) Snow Leopard

2. How is the Leopard described in the poem?

   A) With stripes and a yellow hide
   B) With spots all over its hide
   C) With a sleek black coat
   D) With a mane of golden fur

3. What does the poem suggest about the Leopard's behavior?

   A) It will greet you with curiosity
   B) It will attack and retreat
   C) It will attack repeatedly
   D) It will flee upon seeing you

State True or False:

4. The poem advises that if a beast with spots attacks you, it's likely a Leopard. 

5. Roaring in pain may deter the Leopard from further attacks. 

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Reading Comprehension 4

If when you’re walking round your yard
You meet a creature there,
Who hugs you very, very hard,
Be sure it is a Bear.
If you have any doubts, I guess
He’ll give you just one more caress.

1. What kind of creature is described in the poem?

   A) Bear
   B) Wolf
   C) Fox
   D) Deer

2. How does the creature described in the poem express affection?

   A) By hugging tightly
   B) By licking your face
   C) By growling softly
   D) By standing on its hind legs

3. What action does the poem suggest the creature might take if there are doubts about its identity?

   A) It will give another hug
   B) It will run away
   C) It will growl aggressively
   D) It will whimper softly

State True or False:

4. The poem implies that encountering a creature that hugs you tightly suggests it's a Bear. 

5. If there are doubts about the creature's identity, it will likely retreat.

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Reading Comprehension 5

Though to distinguish beasts of prey
A novice might nonplus,
The Crocodile you always may
Tell from the Hyena thus:
Hyenas come with merry smiles;
But if they weep they’re Crocodiles.

1. Which two animals are compared in the poem?

   A) Crocodile and Lion
   B) Hyena and Tiger
   C) Crocodile and Hyena
   D) Lion and Hyena

2. How are Hyenas described in the poem?

   A) With merry smiles
   B) With fearsome roars
   C) With sharp claws
   D) With cunning eyes

3. What behavior distinguishes the Crocodile from the Hyena?

   A) Laughing loudly
   B) Weeping
   C) Growling fiercely
   D) Running swiftly

State True or False:

4. The poem suggests that the Crocodile can be distinguished from the Hyena by their facial expressions. 

5. Hyenas are described as weeping while Crocodiles are shown with merry smiles. 

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Reading Comprehension 6

The true Chameleon is small,
A lizard sort of thing;
He hasn’t any ears at all,
And not a single wing.
If there is nothing on the tree,
’Tis the chameleon you see.

1. What animal is described in the poem?

   A) Chameleon
   B) Gecko
   C) Salamander
   D) Frog

2. How is the Chameleon described in terms of size?

   A) Large and imposing
   B) Small and inconspicuous
   C) Medium-sized with vibrant colors
   D) Tiny with wings

3. What feature does the Chameleon lack according to the poem?

   A) Ears
   B) Eyes
   C) Tail
   D) Wings

State True or False:

4. The poem suggests that if there's nothing on a tree, it's likely a Chameleon. 

5. Chameleons are described as having wings. 

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