How to Tell Wild Animals - Long Answer Questions

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How to Tell Wild Animals - Long Answer Questions

1. Which animals can we recognize from the poet's tips? 

The poet has listed down the ways of identifying seven animals in the poem, viz., the Asian lion, the Bengal Tiger, the leopard, the bear, the hyena, crocodiles and chameleons. As for me, I would like to identify the bear, the Bengal Tiger and the leopard. However, putting my life on the line just to identify the tiger and the leopard doesn’t seem worth the risk! So if I see a noble beast with black stripes on yellow, I’ll know the tiger, and the peppered spots will reveal the leopard. The bear hug, I wouldn’t mind! The poet, using humour, seems to warn readers against venturing too close to these animals.

2. The poet has successfully used humour to be able to ‘tell’ or identify ‘wild animals’. How do you think we need lots of it in our daily life?

Humour is the fuel of life. Without it, it would become difficult to continue living. Today, the life of a common man is typically mired in stress, tension, problems and sadness. It is amazing how the smallest problems may take on epic proportions for a common person. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to have a little humour in life. It gives us the much-needed respite from our monotonous routine and helps us face life more positively. Thus, the poet’s successful use of humour helps liven our minds and brings a smile on our faces.

3. What behavioural traits of a bear, a hyena, a crocodile and a chameleonare described by the poet?

The poet focuses on the behavioural traits rather than the physical appearance of the bear, hyena, crocodile, and chameleon. A bear is recognized by its strong, repetitive hugs. A hyena's merry smile distinguishes it, while a crocodile's tears mark its feeding behaviour. A chameleon, resembling a lizard without ears or wings, blends into surroundings by changing colour, making it hard to spot. Through humour, the poet highlights these unique behaviors, making it easy even for novices to identify these animals based on their actions rather than their looks.

4. Write a note on the element of humour in the poem "How to Tell Wild Animals." or How does the poet create humour in the poem "How to Tell Wild Animals"?

The poem "How to Tell Wild Animals" blends informative descriptions with humour. The poet employs wit to depict the identification methods for the Asian Lion and Bengal Tiger—encountering a roaring lion or becoming prey to a tiger. Likewise, recognizing a bear is humorously described as experiencing its tight embrace. Contrasting the smiling hyena with the weeping crocodile evokes laughter, while the chameleon's ability to disappear when there seems to be nothing on the tree adds a playful touch. Poetic license is employed with misspelt words like 'lep' and 'lept' for 'leap' and 'leapt,' enhancing the language's charm. The bear's fatal embrace is ironically termed a 'caress,' adding a final humorous twist. This synthesis of fact and humor makes the poem engaging and delightful.
