How the Dog Found Himself a New Master! Reading Comprehension

 AP / NCERT Board- Based Reading Comprehension Grade 6 Honeysuckle Prose
How the Dog Found Himself a New Master!

Reading Comprehension 1

DOGS were once their own masters and lived the way wolves do, in freedom, until a dog was born who was ill pleased with this way of life. He was sick and tired of wandering about by himself looking for food and being frightened of those who were stronger than he.

He thought it over and decided that the best thing for him to do was to become the servant of one who was stronger than anyone on earth, and he set out to find such a master.

1. What made the dog unhappy with its life?

   a) Being frightened of stronger animals

   b) Being unable to find food

   c) Wandering alone and scared

   d) All of the above


2. How did the dog plan to change its situation?

   a) Join a pack of wolves

   b) Find a master stronger than anyone on earth

   c) Become the leader of a dog pack

   d) Learn to hunt better


3. What did the dog hope to gain by serving a powerful master?

   a) Freedom and independence

   b) Protection and security

   c) More food and resources

   d) Companionship and friendship


4. What best describes the dog's attitude towards its current life?

   a) Satisfied and content

   b) Frightened and scared

   c) Lonely and dissatisfied

   d) Joyful and playful


5. What did the dog want to avoid by finding a powerful master?

   a) Hunger and starvation

   b) Attacks from other dogs

   c) Being dominated by stronger animals

   d) Having to hunt for its own food


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Reading Comprehension 2

He walked and he walked and he met a kinsman of his, a big wolf who was as strong as he was fierce.

     “Where are you going, Dog?” the Wolf asked.

     “I am looking for someone to take up service with. Would you like to be my master, Wolf?”

     “I don’t see why not!” the Wolf said, and this agreed upon, the two of them went on together.

They walked and they walked, and all of a sudden the Wolf lifted his nose, sniffed, darted quickly off the path and into the bushes and crept deeper into the forest. The Dog was much surprised.

     “What’s come over you, master?” he asked. “What has frightened you so?”

     “Can’t you see? There’s a Bear out there, and he might eat up both of us — you and me.”

1. Why was the Dog looking for someone to take up service with?

   a) To find a friend

   b) To have a master stronger than him

   c) To explore the forest together

   d) To protect him from other animals


2. Who did the Dog meet while walking?

   a) Another dog

   b) A bear

   c) A wolf

   d) A rabbit


3. How did the Wolf respond when the Dog asked if he wanted to be his master?

   a) He refused

   b) He asked for more information

   c) He agreed

   d) He ignored the question


4. Why did the Wolf suddenly leave the path and go into the bushes?

   a) To find food

   b) To escape from the Dog

   c) To play a game

   d) Because he sensed danger (a Bear)


5. How did the Dog react to the Wolf's sudden behavior?

   a) He ran away in fear

   b) He laughed at the Wolf's fear

   c) He questioned the Wolf's actions

   d) He joined the Wolf in hiding


6. What did the Wolf fear would happen if they encountered the Bear?

   a) The Bear would attack only the Dog

   b) The Bear would attack only the Wolf

   c) The Bear would eat both the Dog and the Wolf

   d) The Bear would ignore them


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 Reading Comprehension 3

Seeing that the Bear was stronger than the Wolf, the Dog decided to take up service with him, and he left the Wolf and asked the Bear to be his master. The Bear agreed to this readily and said, “Let us go and find a herd of cows. I’ll kill a cow and then we can both eat our fill.”

 They walked on and soon saw a herd of cows, but just as they were about to come up to it they were stopped by a terrible noise. The cows were mooing loudly and running in a panic in all directions.

1. Why did the Dog decide to take up service with the Bear instead of the Wolf?

   a) The Bear was stronger than the Wolf

   b) The Bear promised more food

   c) The Dog was afraid of the Wolf

   d) The Dog wanted to hunt cows


2. What did the Bear suggest they do after becoming companions?

   a) Find a herd of cows

   b) Hunt rabbits in the forest

   c) Go fishing in a nearby river

   d) Climb up a mountain


3. What interrupted their approach to the herd of cows?

   a) A thunderstorm

   b) A loud noise

   c) A group of wolves

   d) A forest fire


4. How did the cows react to the noise?

   a) They attacked the Dog and Bear

   b) They ran away in fear

   c) They formed a circle around the Dog and Bear

   d) They ignored the Dog and Bear


5. What were the cows doing while the noise disrupted their approach?

   a) Grazing peacefully

   b) Sleeping in the shade

   c) Mooing loudly

   d) Chasing each other   

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Reading Comprehension 4

The Bear looked out from behind a tree, and then he too ran hastily deeper into the forest.

     “Now, why did I have to come here!” said he to the Dog. “It is the Lion who rules the forest in these parts.”

     “The Lion? Who’s he?”

     “Don’t you know? He is the strongest beast on earth!”

     “Well, then, I’ll say goodbye to you, Bear. I want a master who is stronger than anyone on earth!”

1. Why did the Bear run deeper into the forest?

   a) He was afraid of the Dog

   b) He spotted the Lion and was scared

   c) He wanted to find more food

   d) He was playing a game with the Dog


2. Who ruled the forest in the area they were in?

   a) The Bear

   b) The Dog

   c) The Wolf

   d) The Lion


3. How did the Bear describe the Lion?

   a) The fastest beast on earth

   b) The smartest beast on earth

   c) The strongest beast on earth

   d) The friendliest beast on earth


4. How did the Dog react upon learning about the Lion?

   a) He became curious and wants to meet the Lion

   b) He decided to stay with the Bear for protection

   c) He immediately left the Bear and sought a stronger master

   d) He planned to challenge the Lion for dominance


5. What did the Dog want in a master?

   a) Someone who ruled the forest

   b) Someone who was friendly and kind

   c) Someone who was weaker than him

   d) Someone who was stronger than anyone on earth   

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Reading Comprehension 5

And off the Dog went to ask the Lion to be his master.

     The Lion agreed to it, and the Dog stayed with him and served him for a long, long time. It was a good life, and he had nothing to complain of, for there was no stronger beast in the forest than the Lion, and no one dared touch the Dog or offend him in any way.

1. Why did the Dog approach the Lion to ask him to be his master?

   a) The Lion was the ruler of the forest

   b) The Lion was the strongest beast in the forest

   c) The Dog wanted to challenge the Lion

   d) The Dog was bored with his current life


2. How did the Lion respond to the Dog's request?

   a) He refused the Dog's offer

   b) He asked the Dog to prove his loyalty

   c) He agreed to be the Dog's master

   d) He challenged the Dog to a fight


3. How would you describe the Dog's life with the Lion?

   a) Unhappy and lonely

   b) Adventurous and unpredictable

   c) Difficult and challenging

   d) Good and satisfying


4. What was the Dog's experience with other animals while serving the Lion?

   a) Other animals respected and feared the Dog

   b) Other animals ignored the Dog

   c) Other animals bullied and offended the Dog

   d) Other animals wanted to challenge the Dog


5. Why did no one touch or offend the Dog while serving the Lion?

   a) The Lion protected the Dog

   b) The Dog was faster than anyone else

   c) The Dog had a fierce reputation

   d) The Dog had a secret weapon

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Reading Comprehension 6

But one day the two of them were walking side by side along a path that ran amid bare cliffs when all of a sudden the Lion stopped. He gave a great roar and struck the ground angrily with his paw with such force that a hole formed there. Then he began to back away very quietly.

     “What is it, Master, is anything wrong?” asked the Dog, surprised.

     “I smell a man coming this way,” the Lion said. “We’d better run for it or we’ll be in trouble.”

     “Oh, well, then I’ll say goodbye to you, Lion. I want a master who is stronger than anyone on earth!”

 And off the Dog went to join the man and he stayed with him and served him faithfully. This happened long, long ago, but to this day the dog is man’s most loyal servant and knows no other master.

1. Why did the Lion suddenly stop while walking with the Dog?

   a) He smelled danger approaching

   b) He saw a prey animal nearby

   c) He was tired and needed a rest

   d) He wanted to play a game with the Dog


2. How did the Lion react to the approaching danger?

   a) He attacked and fought the danger

   b) He roared and struck the ground angrily

   c) He ran away in fear

   d) He hid behind the Dog


3. What did the Lion smell approaching?

   a) Another lion

   b) A bear

   c) A man

   d) A dog


4. How did the Dog react to the Lion's decision to run away?

   a) He agreed and decided to stay with the Lion

   b) He questioned the Lion's decision

   c) He laughed at the Lion's fear

   d) He immediately left the Lion to join the man


5. Why did the Dog want a master stronger than anyone on earth?

   a) To protect him from danger

   b) To have more food and resources

   c) To challenge the Lion's strength

   d) To be a faithful servant


6. How does the story describe the relationship between dogs and humans?

   a) Dogs are loyal to any master

   b) Dogs are independent creatures

   c) Dogs have multiple masters

   d) Dogs are loyal servants to humans


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