How The Camel Got His Hump-Reading Comprehension

 AP/ NCERT Board-Based Reading Comprehension Grade 8 Supplementary Reader It So Happened 
Chapter 1 How The Camel Got His Hump 

Reading Comprehension 1

The world had just begun, and the animals were working for humans. There was one lazy animal that did nothing, and said nothing but ‘Humph’. Even the clever Djinn was at his wit’s end.
IN the beginning, when the world was new and the Animals were just beginning to work for Man, there was a Camel, and he lived in the middle of a Howling Desert because he did not want to work. He ate sticks and thorns and prickles, and when anybody spoke to him he said “Humph!” Just “Humph!” and no more.
Presently the Horse came to him on Monday morning, with a saddle on his back and said,“Camel, O Camel, come out and trot like the rest of us.”
“Humph!” said the Camel, and the Horse went away and told the Man.

1. What is the setting of the story? 
    a) River
    b) Desert
    c) Forest
    d) Home

2. What is the meaning of the word 'trot'?
    a) Walk fast
    b) Jump
    c) Run with short steps
    d) Walk slowly

3. Why do you think the Camel lived in the middle of the desert?
    a) The Camel liked the middle of the Desert.
    b) The Camel was too lazy to work.
    c) The Camel hated to be with other animals.
    d) The Camel didn't like to live in the town.

4. Why do you think the Camel ate sticks, thorns and prickles?
    a) The Camel liked to eat them. 
    b) The Camel did not find anything else in the middle of the Desert.
    c) The Camel was asked to eat them.
    d) They are good for Camel’s health.

5. How did the Djinn feel about the Camel's behavior?
    a) Annoyed and frustrated.
    b) Proud and delighted.
    c) Indifferent and uncaring.
    d) Grateful and impressed.

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Reading Comprehension 2

The Djinn remonstrated with the camel, who said “Humph”. The camel’s beautiful back suddenly grew a lump, which was the camel’s hump. The Djinn assured the camel his hump would always be a help, not a hindrance. The Djinn rolled himself up in his dust-cloak, and took a walk across the Desert, and found the Camel looking at his own reflection in a pool of water. “My friend,” said the Djinn, “what’s this I hear of your doing no work?”

The Djinn sat down, with his chin in his hand, while the Camel looked at his own reflection in the pool of water. “You’ve given the Three extra work ever since Monday morning, all on account of your idleness,” said the Djinn. And he went on thinking with his chin in his hand.

“Humph!” said the Camel.

“I shouldn’t say that again if I were you,” said the Djinn; “you might say it once too often. I want you to work.”

And the Camel said “Humph!” again; but no sooner had he said it than he saw his back, that he was so proud of, puffing up and puffing up into a great big hump.

1. What was the Djinn's initial response when the Camel said "Humph"?
   a) The Djinn scolded the Camel.
   b) The Djinn ignored the Camel.
   c) The Djinn laughed at the Camel.
   d) The Djinn granted the Camel's wish.

2. What happened to the Camel's back after the Djinn remonstrated with him?
   a) It grew a lump, which became the Camel's hump.
   b) It shrank and became smaller.
   c) It turned into a beautiful pattern.
   d) It remained the same, without any changes.

3. How did the Djinn describe the Camel's hump?
   a) A burden and a hindrance.
   b) A beautiful and useful feature.
   c) A mysterious and magical growth.
   d) A sign of laziness and stubbornness.

4. What did the Djinn discover when he found the Camel looking at his reflection in the pool of water?
   a) The Camel was practicing drinking water.
   b) The Camel was admiring his own hump.
   c) The Camel was playing with other animals.
   d) The Camel was trying to hide his hump.

5. How did the Camel respond to the Djinn's request to work?
   a) He immediately agreed to start working.
   b) He became sad and apologized for his laziness.
   c) He stubbornly said "Humph!" again.
   d) He asked for more time to consider the request.

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Reading Comprehension 3

“Do you see that?” said the Djinn. ‘‘That’s your very own humph that you’ve brought upon your very own self by not working. Today is Thursday, and you’ve done no work since Monday, when the work began. Now you are going to work.”
“How can I,” said the Camel, “with this humph on my back?” ‘‘That has a purpose,” said the Djinn, “all because you missed those three days. You will be able to work now for three days without eating, because you can live on your humph; and don’t you ever say I never did anything for you. Come out of the Desert and go to the Three, and behave.”
And the Camel went away to join the Three. And from that day to this the Camel always wears a humph (we call it ‘hump’ now, not to hurt his feelings); but he has never yet caught up with the three days that he missed at the beginning of the world, and he has never yet learned how to behave.

1. Why did the Djinn say the Camel had a humph on his back?
   a) Because the Djinn cursed the Camel.
   b) Because the Camel had done no work since Monday.
   c) Because the Camel had a medical condition.
   d) Because the Camel was born with it.

2. What did the Djinn say the purpose of the Camel's humph was?
   a) To burden the Camel with extra weight.
   b) To punish the Camel for being lazy.
   c) To allow the Camel to work for three days without eating.
   d) To make the Camel look unique and special.

3. What did the Djinn instruct the Camel to do after explaining the purpose of the humph?
   a) Return to the Howling Desert and continue being lazy.
   b) Apologize to the Djinn for being stubborn.
   c) Go to the Three and start working with them.
   d) Find a way to get rid of the humph.

4. How long did the Camel go without working when the world began?
   a) Three days.
   b) Four days.
   c) One week.
   d) The text doesn't specify.

5. What has the humph (hump) become for the Camel after joining the Three?
   a) A reminder of his laziness.
   b) A source of pride and strength.
   c) A burden that he dislikes.
   d) A symbol of his uniqueness and beauty.

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