Grade 8 CBA Mcqs

Grade 8 English Honeydew- Prose- Competency/ Critical Thinking  Based Questions 

Click the Prose/ Poem to jump to the topic


Prose 1The Best Christmas Present in the World

Prose 2 The Tsunami

Prose 3 Glimpses of the Past

Prose 4 Bepin Choudhury's Lapse of Memory

Prose 5 The Summit Within

Prose 6 This is Jody's Fawn

Prose 7 A Visit to Cambridge

Prose 8 A Short Monsoon Diary


Poem 1 The Ant and the Cricket

Poem 2 Geography Lesson

Poem 3 The Last Bargain

Poem The School Boy

Poem 5 On the Grasshopper and the Cricket

Supplementary Reader

SR 1 How the Camel Got its Hump

SR 2 Children At Work

SR 3 The Selfish Giant

SR 4 The Treasure Within

SR 5 Princess September

SR 6 The Fight

SR 7 Jalebis

SR 8 Ancient Education System of India

Prose 1 The Best Christmas Present in the World

1. Fill in the blank with the correct option:

Sad to say, Connie, Fritz won, ______ goals to _______ 
a) one, two
b) three, two
c) one, three 
d) two, one 

2. How does the story explore the theme of empathy and compassion?

a) By showing how the soldier's family reacts to the news of his death 

b) By portraying the soldier as a brave and heroic figure on the battlefield 

c) By describing the joyful Christmas celebrations in England during wartime

d) By emphasizing the importance of receiving and giving meaningful gifts

3. Why is the letter found in the old desk a significant artifact?

a) It contains valuable information about the history of the desk.

b) It reveals a secret treasure hidden within the desk.

c) It sheds light on the soldier's emotions and experiences during the war. 

d) It serves as a reminder of the importance of Christmas traditions.

4. In "The Best Christmas Present in the World," what does the discovery of the letter and the soldier's identity reveal about the nature of war?

a) War is a noble endeavor that brings glory and honor to those who participate.

b) War is a senseless and futile conflict that results in the loss of innocent lives. 

c) War is a necessary evil to maintain peace and order in society.

d) War is an enjoyable and exciting experience for soldiers who engage in it.

5. What lessons can readers learn from the protagonist, Jim Macpherson's actions in the story?

a) The importance of material possessions and wealth in finding happiness.

b) The significance of preserving historical artifacts over personal emotions.

c) The value of empathy, compassion, and connecting with others' experiences. 

d) The need for maintaining strict boundaries between one's personal life and work.

6. The title "The Best Christmas Present in the World" can be interpreted as:

a) The soldier's return as the best Christmas present to his family.

b) The letter found in the desk as the best Christmas present to Jim.

c) The joyful Christmas celebrations during wartime as the best present to soldiers.

d) The act of returning the letter to the soldier's descendants as the best Christmas present to them.

7. Assertion: The letter found in the old desk is considered the best Christmas present in the story.

Reason: The letter brings closure and peace to the soldier's family, connecting them with their ancestor's emotions and experiences during the war.

Choose the correct option:

a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. 

b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is NOT the correct explanation of the assertion.

c) The assertion is true, but the reason is false.

d) The assertion is false, but the reason is true.

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Prose 2 The Tsunami

1. What caused the tsunami that hit Thailand and parts of India in 2004?
   a) Volcanic eruption
   b) Landslide
   c) Earthquake under the sea
   d) Hurricane

2. In the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which family member of Ignesious was swept away by the tsunami?
   a) His wife
   b) His father
   c) His mother
   d) His children

3. What did Tilly Smith remember from her geography lesson that helped her family and others on the beach?
   a) A tsunami hitting Hawaii in 1946
   b) Volcanoes causing tsunamis
   c) The role of whirlpools in tsunamis
   d) The importance of swimming pools during a tsunami

4. What did Tilly's family do after she warned them about the potential tsunami?
   a) They stayed on the beach
   b) They went for a swim in the sea
   c) They went to the swimming pool at the hotel
   d) They took a boat out to sea

5. What did many animals in India and Sri Lanka do before the tsunami hit?
   a) Flee to higher ground
   b) Seek shelter in zoos
   c) Stay on the beach
   d) Swim out to sea

6. Why do some experts believe animals can sense approaching disasters?
   a) They have a sixth sense
   b) They can predict the weather
   c) They can communicate with each other
   d) They are more intelligent than humans

7. How many people were reported dead due to the tsunami in the Indian Ocean?
   a) Over 150,000
   b) Less than 10,000
   c) About 50,000
   d) Over 1 million

8. What unusual behavior did the dogs of a Sri Lankan gentleman exhibit before the tsunami?
   a) They refused to eat
   b) They refused to go for their daily run on the beach
   c) They barked loudly
   d) They swam out to sea

9. How are the three sections of the lesson Tsunami related to each other?
a) They analyse the cause of related incidents.
b) They compare different but similar incidents.
c) They place a series of incidents in proper sequence.
d) They relate the same incident from different perspectives.

10. Assertion: Earthquakes are usually followed by Tsunami.
      Reason: Tsunami occurs due to earthquakes.
a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. 

b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is NOT the correct explanation of the assertion.

c) The assertion is true, but the reason is false.

d) The assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Answer: a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. 
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Prose 3 Glimpses of the Past

1. What were the major factors contributing to the British East India Company's conquest of India from 1757 to 1849?

   a) Indian unity and strong leadership
   b) British preference for peace and trade
   c) British technological superiority and Indian princely rivalries
   d) Indian resistance movements

2. How did Ram Mohan Roy contribute to the Indian reform movement during British rule?

   a) By advocating for the continuation of superstitions
   b) By promoting religious divisions
   c) By emphasizing the common essence of religions and advocating for social reform
   d) By supporting British colonial policies

3. What impact did British rule have on Indian industries?

   a) It led to significant growth and prosperity.
   b) It had no impact on Indian industries.
   c) It crippled Indian industries and led to the decline of skilled artisans.
   d) It brought technological advancements that boosted Indian industries.

4. Why did Indian soldiers (sepoys) revolt during the First War of Independence in 1857?

   a) They were paid well and treated with respect by the British.
   b) They were upset about British efforts to improve their working conditions.
   c) Religious concerns and issues related to the use of ammunition cartridges triggered their revolt.
   d) They were motivated by British support for Indian customs and traditions.

5. How did the British respond to the 1857 revolt?

   a) They immediately withdrew from India.
   b) They increased taxes on Indians to suppress the revolt.
   c) They imposed martial law and brutally suppressed the uprising.
   d) They offered concessions to Indian leaders to end the rebellion.

6. What role did popular leaders like Maulvi Ahmedulla play in the 1857 revolt?

   a) They supported the British colonial rule.
   b) They called for peaceful negotiations with the British.
   c) They encouraged the people to rise against the British and condemned their actions.
   d) They stayed neutral and did not participate in the uprising.

7. Why did many former rulers and landlords join the revolt against the British during the First War of Independence?

   a) They believed in British policies and leadership.
   b) They sought British protection against local uprisings.
   c) They had lost their lands and power due to British policies.
   d) They had no interest in politics or independence movements.

8. Assertion: Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded Brahmosamaj to improve the conditions of women.
    Reason:  Women during this period were victims of various social practices that were against women especially widows. 

a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. 

b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is NOT the correct explanation of the assertion.

c) The assertion is true, but the reason is false.

d) The assertion is false, but the reason is true.

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Prose 4 Bepin Choudhury's Lapse of Memory

1. What genre of books did Bepin Choudhury frequently buy from Kalicharan's in New Market?

   a) Science fiction and fantasy
   b) Romance and drama
   c) Crime stories, ghost stories, and thrillers
   d) Historical fiction and biographies

2. Why did Bepin Choudhury visit Dr. Chanda, the physician?

   a) To discuss his travel plans
   b) To inquire about a job for a friend
   c) To seek treatment for a mysterious illness
   d) To ask for a prescription for a painkiller

3. What was the advice given by Dr. Chanda to Bepin Choudhury to help him recall the forgotten incident?

   a) To consult a psychiatrist immediately
   b) To take a nerve tonic and tranquillizers
   c) To go on another trip to Ranchi
   d) To undergo hypnosis therapy

4. Why did Bepin Choudhury receive a letter from Chunilal?

   a) Chunilal wanted to apologize for a past mistake.
   b) Chunilal needed financial assistance from Bepin.
   c) Chunilal had written a novel and wanted feedback.
   d) Chunilal wanted to reconnect with an old friend.

5. What did Bepin Choudhury remember when he returned to Ranchi?

   a) He remembered his past trip to Ranchi clearly.
   b) He recalled all the details of his stay in Ranchi.
   c) He realized he had never been to Ranchi before.
   d) He had vague memories of a trip to Ranchi.

6. What was said to be the main reason behind Bepin Choudhury's mysterious ailment and memory loss?

   a) A physical injury to his head
   b) A psychological condition
   c) The side effects of medication
   d) Stress and overwork

7. What was the primary motive behind Chunilal's letter to Bepin Choudhury?

   a) To seek forgiveness for past actions
   b) To share good news about his novel
   c) To reconnect with an old friend
   d) To reveal his role in Bepin's memory loss

8. Assertion: Chunilal almost proves his friend to have gone mad.
    Reason: Bepin Choudhury refuses to help his friend in need.

a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. 

b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is NOT the correct explanation of the assertion.

c) The assertion is true, but the reason is false.

d) The assertion is false, but the reason is true.

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Prose 5 The Summit Within

1. According to the author, what is the primary emotion experienced upon reaching the summit of Mount Everest?

   a) Jubilation
   b) Sadness
   c) Humility
   d) Thankfulness

2. What does the author mean by "the summit of the mind"?

   a) Climbing the highest mental peak
   b) Reaching the pinnacle of intellectual achievement
   c) Overcoming psychological obstacles
   d) Gaining a deep understanding of oneself

3. Why does the author believe that people climb mountains?

   a) Because it is a physical challenge
   b) Because it is a means of communion with God
   c) Because it is a way to demonstrate physical qualities
   d) Because it is an exhilarating experience

4. What does the author suggest is unique about climbing Mount Everest compared to other mountains?

   a) It is the tallest mountain in the world
   b) It is the most beautiful mountain
   c) It requires the last ounce of one's energy
   d) It is a brutal struggle with rock and ice

5. According to the author, what is the significance of leaving religious symbols on mountain peaks?

   a) It symbolizes conquest and domination
   b) It shows reverence and respect for nature
   c) It marks the territory of climbers
   d) It is a superstitious ritual for good luck

6. How does the author compare the physical climb of a mountain to the climb of the internal summit?

   a) The physical climb is more challenging
   b) Both climbs have similar effects on a person
   c) Climbing the internal summit is easier
   d) The physical climb is more rewarding

7. What is the main message conveyed by the author in this text?

   a) Climbing mountains is a dangerous and pointless activity.
   b) Climbing mountains is a physical challenge with no emotional or spiritual significance.
   c) Climbing mountains, both physically and metaphorically, can change a person and provide valuable insights.
   d) Climbing Mount Everest is the ultimate achievement for any adventurer.

8. Assertion: There is the fact that Everest is not just a physical climb.
    Reason: The physical conquest of a mountain is only one part of the achievement.
a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. 

b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is NOT the correct explanation of the assertion.

c) The assertion is true, but the reason is false.

d) The assertion is false, but the reason is true.

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Prose 6 This is Jody's Fawn

1. What does Jody's decision to bring the fawn back home reveal about his character?

   a) He is impulsive and doesn't think things through.
   b) He is compassionate and cares about the welfare of animals.
   c) He is selfish and only concerned about his own interests.
   d) He is indifferent to the fawn's plight.

2. Why does Jody want to keep the fawn as his own?

   a) He wants to prove that he can take care of it better than its mother.
   b) He believes it will make a good pet.
   c) He feels a strong connection to the fawn after saving its life.
   d) He wants to use it for hunting in the future.

3. How does Jody initially try to get the fawn to follow him?

   a) By offering it food and milk
   b) By scolding and intimidating it
   c) By leading it with a rope
   d) By carrying it in his arms

4. Why is Jody determined to keep the fawn a secret from others, including Mill-wheel?

   a) He is afraid they will try to take the fawn away from him.
   b) He wants to surprise them with the fawn later.
   c) He believes the fawn will only trust him if it's a secret.
   d) He doesn't trust anyone else to care for the fawn.

5. What does the fawn's behavior suggest about its feelings toward Jody?

   a) It is afraid of him and wants to escape.
   b) It is curious about him but unsure.
   c) It trusts him and is willing to follow him.
   d) It is indifferent to his presence.

6. How does Jody's relationship with the fawn reflect his personal growth and responsibility?

   a) He sees the fawn as a burden and wants to get rid of it.
   b) He realizes that taking care of the fawn requires effort and commitment.
   c) He becomes more selfish and less caring as he spends time with the fawn.
   d) He decides to abandon the fawn in the wilderness.

7. What does Jody's decision to show the fawn to his father indicate about their relationship?

   a) His father is likely to disapprove of his actions.
   b) His father will be proud of him for saving the fawn.
   c) His father is indifferent to his activities.
   d) His father will scold him for bringing the fawn home.

8. Who said, "Nothing in the world comes quite free"?

a) Jody
b) Mill-wheel
c) Jody's Father
d) Doctor Wilson

9. Which of these words best describes Jody?

a) Patient
b) Modest
c) Optimistic
d) Compassionate
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Prose 7A Visit to Cambridge

1. What prompted the author to contact Stephen Hawking during their visit to Cambridge?

   a) The author wanted to invite Hawking for a public lecture.
   b) The guide on their walking tour mentioned Hawking's disability.
   c) The author wanted to challenge Hawking's theories.
   d) The author needed assistance with their research.

2. How does the author describe Stephen Hawking's appearance when they first meet him?

   a) Hawking looks healthy and athletic.
   b) Hawking appears three-dimensional, unlike his photographs.
   c) Hawking's eyes are expressive, but his body is irrelevant.
   d) Hawking is physically strong despite his disability.

3. What does the author mean by "the incandescence of a man"?

   a) The radiant personality and brilliance of Stephen Hawking.
   b) The visible suffering and struggle of a disabled person.
   c) The glowing admiration of people outside the disability.
   d) The internal light of every individual's soul.

4. What does Stephen Hawking say about the best thing about being disabled?

   a) Disabled people experience greater kindness from others.
   b) There is nothing good about being disabled.
   c) Disability teaches people to value their bodies.
   d) Disabled individuals become more compassionate.

5. According to Stephen Hawking, what advice would he give to disabled people to make life better?

   a) He suggests participating in disabled sports like the Olympics.
   b) Disabled individuals should focus on improving their physical abilities.
   c) Concentrate on their strengths and what they are good at.
   d) Disabled people should seek constant medical treatment.

6. What did the author mean by "the one I was moving towards" in the last paragraph?

   a) The author was moving towards becoming disabled like Hawking.
   b) The author was moving towards achieving their own potential.
   c) The author was moving towards writing a biography of Hawking.
   d) The author was moving towards a different career path.

7. How does the author feel at the end of the visit with Stephen Hawking?

   a) The author feels overwhelmed and emotional.
   b) The author is disappointed by the meeting.
   c) The author regrets contacting Hawking.
   d) The author feels relieved and accomplished.

8. What was actually shockong about the first glimpse of Hawking?

a) The lack of movement
b) The expression in his eyes
c) The resemblance to photographs
d) The uniqueness of this appearance

9. Assertion: Growing up disabled, you get fed up with people asking you to be brave, as if you have a courage account on which you are too lazy to draw a cheque.
    Reason: The only thing that makes you stronger is somebody like you, achieving something huge.

a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. 

b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is NOT the correct explanation of the assertion.

c) The assertion is true, but the reason is false.

d) The assertion is false, but the reason is true.

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Prose 8 A Short Monsoon Diary

1. What is the effect of monsoon mist on the forest, according to the author?

   a) It makes the forest noisy and chaotic.
   b) It blankets the forest in silence.
   c) It enhances the beauty of the forest.
   d) It attracts more birds to the forest.

2. How does the author describe the arrival of monsoon rain?

   a) Cold and unpleasant.
   b) Warm and humid.
   c) High-altitude and refreshing.
   d) Unpredictable and destructive.

3. What word does the author use to describe the hill station and valley in one sentence?

   a) Mystical.
   b) Enigmatic.
   c) Paradise.
   d) Serene.

4. What new arrivals are mentioned in the text after the onset of the rains?

   a) Leeches and a leopard.
   b) Snakes and rodents.
   c) Tigers and elephants.
   d) Butterflies and bees.

5. What bird is described as "brilliant jewels" flitting silently among the leaves?

   a) Minivets.
   b) Drongos.
   c) Crows.
   d) Tree creepers.

6. How does the author feel about the sound of rain on a tin roof?

   a) Annoyed.
   b) Disturbed.
   c) Comforted.
   d) Indifferent.

7. What happens when the rain stops in the text?

   a) The author falls asleep.
   b) The clouds break up, and the sun appears.
   c) The author gets drenched.
   d) The sky turns completely overcast.

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Poem 1 The Ant and the Cricket

1. What is a fable?

a) A story in which animals are characters. 
b) A story in which human beings are characters.
c) A story from any mythology.
d) A story from epic of any country

2. What does the cricket complain about in the poem?

a) The lack of food and shelter during winter
b) The absence of flowers and leaves in spring
c) The rainy weather ruining his singing
d) The unavailability of a dance partner

3. What does the cricket say about his actions during the warm months?

a) He was busy building a shelter.
b) He was enjoying nature and singing day and night.
c) He was gathering food for winter.
d) He was searching for a dance partner.

4. What lesson does the ant impart to the cricket?

a) The importance of friendship and camaraderie
b) The value of hard work and preparedness
c) The need to focus on self-expression and creativity
d) The significance of living in the present moment

5. The cricket's decision to sing all day and night during summer and not prepare for winter exemplifies:

a) Creativity
b) Procrastination
c) Confidence
d) Resourcefulness

6. How does the poem "A Silly Young Cricket" end?

a) The ant invites the cricket to dance together.
b) The ant helps the cricket find his way back home.
c) The ant lends food to the cricket out of kindness.
d) The ant advises the cricket to dance away the winter.

7. In this fable, the ant represents:

   a) Hard work and preparedness
   b) Laziness and incompetence
   c) Joy and celebration
   d) Greed and hoarding
8. The concluding statement of the poem suggests that fables often carry:

   a) Hidden meanings and moral lessons
   b) Scientific facts and explanations
   c) Historical accounts and events
   d) Humorous anecdotes and jokes
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Poem 2 Geography Lesson 

1. Who wrote the poem Geography Lesson?

   a) Sarojini Naidu
   b) W. B. Yeats 
   c) Zulfikar Ghose
   d) Robert Frost

2. What was difficult for the poet to understand ? 
   a) It was difficult for the poet to understand why humans hate each other. 
   b) It was difficult for the poet to understand why earth is covered with land. 
   c)It was difficult for the poet to understand why earth has water 
   d) It was difficult for the poet to understand why people love eachother  

3. What does ‘walls’ in this poem stand for ? 
   a)Generation gap 
   b) Proximity 
   c) Unity 
   d) Differences

4. Valleys are populated because … 
   a) people love to live by hillside. 
   b) water is easily available there. 
   c) the climate is good. 
   d) valleys are far from the hustle-bustle of city areas.

5. What logic of geography could the poet see from a great height? 
   a) The rivers and valleys looked very beautiful from that height. 
   b) The majority of people loved to live in cities. 
   c) The people chose to live close to rivers. 
   d) There is no geography logic mentioned in the poem. 

6. The poem is narrated from the point of view of a/an ........ perspective. Fill in the blank. 

   a) Marine  
   b) Animal's  
   c) Aerial  
   d) Elevated

7. Which of the following is not a synonym for the word haphazard? 

   a) Chaotic 
   b) Unplanned 
   c) Disorderly 
   d) Systematic

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Poem 3 The Last Bargain

1. What does the King offer to hire the speaker with?
   a) Money
   b) Power
   c) A chariot
   d) Gold
2. Why does the speaker reject the King's offer?

   a) The King's power is worthless.
   b) The King has no chariot.
   c) The speaker dislikes the King.
   d) The speaker prefers to work alone.

3. What does the old man offer to hire the speaker with?

   a) A bag of gold
   b) A smile
   c) A chariot
   d) A house
4. Why does the speaker turn away from the old man's offer?

   a) The old man's coins are counterfeit.
   b) The old man has nothing of value.
   c) The speaker doesn't like gold.
   d) The speaker prefers a smile.
5. What does the fair maid offer to hire the speaker with?

   a) Money
   b) A bag of gold
   c) A smile
   d) A chariot
6. Why does the fair maid's smile turn into tears?

   a) The speaker rejected her offer.
   b) She realized the speaker was poor.
   c) She was sad for an unknown reason.
   d) The sun was too bright.
7. How does the speaker become a free man in the end?

   a) He accepts a bag of gold.
   b) He hires himself with his own power.
   c) He is hired by the King.
   d) A child hires him with nothing.
8. Statement 1: An employee becomes a slave or servant.
    Statement 2: An employee offers his services on payment.

a) Statement 1 is the assertion and the Statement 2 is the correct reason for it. 
b) Statement 2 is the assertion and the Statement 1 is the correct reason for it.
c) Both the statements are not related.
d) Nothing can be inferred from both the statements. 

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Poem 4 The School Boy

1. What is the speaker's mood in the first stanza of the poem?

   a) Joyful
   b) Sad
   c) Anxious
   d) Angry

2. What interrupts the speaker's joy in the second stanza?

   a) The distant huntsman
   b) School
   c) Birds singing
   d) The skylark

3. How does the speaker describe the experience of going to school on a summer morning?

   a) Joyful and delightful
   b) Sighing and dismayed
   c) Exciting and adventurous
   d) Refreshing and invigorating

4. In the third stanza, what does the speaker compare themselves to when feeling sorrow and cares?

   a) A joyful bird
   b) A withered plant
   c) A summer day
   d) A blossoming flower

5. According to the poem, how can a child's joy be taken away?

   a) By the beauty of nature
   b) By the arrival of summer
   c) By sorrow and cares
   d) By the warmth of the sun

6. What question does the speaker ask in the last stanza regarding summer?

   a) How can the summer be joyful?
   b) When does summer begin?
   c) What is the meaning of summer?
   d) Where does summer go?

7. What is the central theme of this poem?

   a) The joy of going to school
   b) The beauty of nature in summer
   c) The impact of sorrow and cares on joy
   d) The importance of learning


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Poem 5 On the Grasshopper and the Cricket

1. What is the central theme of the poem?

   a) The beauty of the natural world
   b) The changing seasons
   c) The songs of insects
   d) The impact of winter on nature

2. According to the poem, what does the grasshopper's voice symbolize?

   a) The coming of winter
   b) The beginning of spring
   c) The continuous vitality of nature
   d) The end of summer

3. How does the poem describe the grasshopper's role in summer?

   a) He hides in cooling trees.
   b) He takes the lead in winter.
   c) He rests beneath the stones.
   d) He revels in summer luxury.

4. What does the poem suggest about the grasshopper's enjoyment of summer?

   a) He gets tired quickly and stops chirping.
   b) He only enjoys the hot sun.
   c) He never tires of his summer delights.
   d) He prefers the winter evenings.

5. When does the cricket's song become prominent, according to the poem?

   a) During the hottest part of summer
   b) On a lonely winter evening with frost
   c) At the onset of spring
   d) Amidst the lush meadows in summer

6. What effect does the cricket's song have on someone in drowsiness?

   a) It wakes them up abruptly.
   b) It lulls them into a deeper sleep.
   c) It causes them to become restless.
   d) It creates a sense of warmth and comfort.

7. Overall, what message does the poem convey about nature's poetry?

   a) Nature's poetry is only heard in summer.
   b) Nature's poetry never ceases, even in winter.
   c) Nature's poetry is exclusive to birds.
   d) Nature's poetry is silent during the daytime.

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SR 1 How The Camel Got its Hump 

1. From which book the story 'How The Camel Git its Hump' has been taken? 

   a) Just So Stories
   b) Panchatanra
   c) The Jungle Book
   d) Malgudi Days

2. How does the camel behave at the beginning of the story?

   a) Hardworking and diligent
   b) Lazy and idle
   c) Energetic and playful
   d) Grumpy and unfriendly
3. What is the main reason the Djinn punishes the camel?

   a) The camel refuses to share food with others.
   b) The camel disobeys the Djinn's command to work.
   c) The camel insults the other animals in the desert.
   d) The camel damages the oasis with its hooves.
4. How does the Djinn's punishment transform the camel's physical appearance?

   a) It gives the camel a hump on its back.
   b) It makes the camel taller and slender.
   c) It gives the camel long, graceful legs.
   d) It adds spots and stripes to the camel's fur.
5. What does the camel say to the Horse and the Dog after receiving the hump?

   a) "I'm sorry for my laziness. Let's all work together now."
   b) "I can now work faster than any of you!"
   c) "The Djinn was wrong to punish me. It's not fair!"
   d) "From now on, I shall be known as the Humpbacked Horse."
6. How do the Horse and the Dog react to the camel's hump?

   a) They are jealous and resentful.
   b) They are frightened and run away.
   c) They find it amusing and laugh at the camel.
   d) They are indifferent and do not care.
7. What lesson does the story "How the Camel Got Its Hump" teach readers?

   a) The importance of sharing and cooperation.
   b) The consequences of laziness and disobedience.
   c) The value of hard work and perseverance.
   d) The significance of physical appearances.
8. Who is the author of "How the Camel Got Its Hump"?

   a) Mark Twain
   b) Charles Dickens
   c) Rudyard Kipling
   d) Oscar Wilde
9. What is the setting of the story "How the Camel Got Its Hump"?

   a) A bustling city
   b) A peaceful village
   c) A lush jungle
   d) A hot and sandy desert
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SR 2 Children At Work 

1. Velu reached Chennai Central ..........

   a) to meet his relative 
   b) to meet Jaya 
   c) having run away from home 
   d) to see Chennai

2. Jaya said that she would take only ........... food.

   a) fresh 
   b) untouched 
   c) unused 
   d) covered

3. Velu and the girl walked along the side of the road under some huge __________.

   a) buildings 
   b) temples 
   c) sign boards 
   d) hotels

4. Exhausted means ......

   a) happy 
   b) tired 
   c) sad 
   d) confused

5. Choose the wrongly paired words.

   a) vanished - disappeared 
   b) terrible - serious
   c) distaste - tasteless
   d) puzzled - confused

6. Assertion : Velu hesitated, but his stomach squeezed him again.
Reason : After gulping banana and vada, his stomach felt better immediately.
Choose the correct option:

   a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. 

   b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is NOT the correct explanation of the assertion.

   c) The assertion is true, but the reason is false.

   d) The assertion is false, but the reason is true

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SR 3 The Selfish Giant

1. What is the initial reaction of the children when they see the Giant in his garden?
   a) They welcome him warmly.
   b) They become frightened and run away.
   c) They invite him to play with them.
   d) They ask him to build a wall around the garden.

  2. Why does the Giant build a high wall around his garden?

   a) To protect the flowers from birds
   b) To create a private space for himself
   c) To prevent children from playing in it
   d) To keep out wild animals

  3. How does the garden change when the Giant excludes the children?

   a) It becomes even more beautiful.
   b) It remains the same throughout the seasons.
   c) It turns into a winter landscape.
   d) It becomes a sanctuary for rare birds.

 4. What ultimately brings the Spring back to the Giant's garden?

   a) The children's return
   b) The Giant's remorse
   c) A magical spell
   d) The removal of the high wall

  5. What happens to the Giant's garden after the children return?

   a) It remains in a state of winter.
   b) It transforms into a beautiful paradise.
   c) It becomes overgrown and neglected.
   d) It is sold to the highest bidder.

 6. How does the Giant feel about the little boy he loves when he doesn't see him again?

   a) He forgets about him.
   b) He becomes angry and resentful.
   c) He longs to see him again.
   d) He is relieved that he is gone.

  7. What is the significance of the wounds on the little boy's hands and feet?

   a) They are the result of a fall.
   b) They are symbolic of love and sacrifice.
   c) They are a sign of abuse.
   d) They are related to a game the children played.

8. How does the story conclude?

   a) The children and the Giant live happily ever after.
   b) The Giant becomes a ruler of a distant kingdom.
   c) The Giant passes away in his garden.
   d) The Giant decides to build an even higher wall.

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SR 4 Treasure Within

1. What was Mr. Hafeez Contractor's recurring nightmare, which eventually disappeared?

   a) Failing in his architecture projects
   b) Forgetting his childhood memories
   c) Failing a math examination
   d) Losing his job as an architect

2. What led to Mr. Hafeez Contractor's interest in architecture?

   a) His fascination with construction toys
   b) His natural talent for drawing and design
   c) A recommendation from his cousin
   d) His passion for mathematics

  Answer: b) His natural talent for drawing and design

3. What did Mr. Hafeez Contractor's principal tell him when he was in the eleventh standard?

   a) To quit school and start working
   b) To focus on sports rather than academics
   c) To take responsibility for his own studies
   d) To continue copying in exams

4. How did Mr. Hafeez Contractor feel about being disciplined by teachers and receiving canings?

   a) He felt threatened and insecure
   b) He didn't mind and quickly forgot about it
   c) He was deeply hurt and cried
   d) He became more determined to excel in academics

5. What prompted Mr. Hafeez Contractor to pursue architecture as a career?

   a) His love for learning languages
   b) His interest in the Army and police force
   c) His ability to draw a window detail
   d) His cousin's advice

6. How did Mr. Hafeez Contractor perform in his college entrance exam for architecture?

   a) He scored below 50%
   b) He barely passed with an 'A+'
   c) He didn't take the entrance exam
   d) He scored 85% or higher

7. What motivated Mr. Hafeez Contractor to excel in architecture despite his earlier disinterest in academics?

   a) A bet with his friends
   b) A desire to prove himself to his teachers
   c) His mother's encouragement
   d) His ability to visualize designs

8. What can be inferred about Mr. Hafeez Contractor's approach to architecture and design?

   a) He relies on his intuition and understanding of people.
   b) He follows a strict mathematical formula.
   c) He focuses on rigid academic principles.
   d) He prefers a trial-and-error approach.

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SR 5 Princess September

1. What was the peculiar habit of the King of Siam on his birthday?
   a) Receiving gifts
   b) Giving gifts
   c) Attending a grand party
   d) Going on a royal tour

2. Why did the King give each of his daughters a green parrot in a golden cage on his birthday?
   a) He wanted to impress his daughters.
   b) He thought parrots were a symbol of royalty.
   c) He wanted to encourage their love for birds.
   d) He didn't have any other gifts available.

3. What could all the parrots say after being trained by the princesses?
   a) 'Good morning'
   b) 'God save the king'
   c) 'Pretty Polly'
   d) 'Sing a song'

4. Why did Princess September put her pet bird in a cage?
   a) She wanted to protect it from other animals.
   b) She wanted to train it to speak better.
   c) She was afraid it might forget her.
   d) She wanted to show it to her sisters.

5. What advice did the eight Princesses give to Princess September regarding her pet bird?
   a) Keep it in the cage at all times.
   b) Let it fly freely every day.
   c) Pop it into the cage for its safety.
   d) Train it to say more words.

6. Why did the little bird refuse to sing and eat after being put in the cage?
   a) It was unhappy with its surroundings.
   b) It didn't like the food provided.
   c) It was sulking because it missed flying.
   d) It was tired and wanted to sleep.

7. How did Princess September react when she found her pet bird seemingly lifeless in the cage?
   a) She cried and begged it to sing.
   b) She opened the cage door and set it free.
   c) She called for help from her sisters.
   d) She scolded the bird for being ungrateful.

8. What happened to Princess September's appearance over time?
   a) She became extremely ugly.
   b) She remained the same as before.
   c) She grew extremely beautiful.
   d) She became physically ill.

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SR 6 The Fight

1. The lesson ‘The fight’ is written by ______.
        A. Ruskin Bond
        B. Rabindranath Tagore
        C. T.S. Eliot
        D. None of the Above

2. Ranji had been less than a month in _____.
        A. Rajputana
        B. Rajpur
        C. Raipur
        D. Raebareli

3. Which season was it in the place he had just moved to?
        A. Summer
        B. Winter
        C. Autumn
        D. Spring

4. “ The water had a gentle ______, and you could see the smooth round pebbles at the bottom
of the pool.”
        A. Transparency
        B. Clarity
        C. Translucency
        D. Flow

5. What held the water in the pool and not let it dry like the pools in plains?
        A. Cluster of rocks
        B. Greenery
        C. The forest
        D. People living in that area

6 . What type of pools had he seen earlier?
        A. Clear, translucent
        B. Sticky, muddy
        C. Sticky, clear
        D. Translucent, muddy

7. “They had reached an impasse”. What do you mean by the words “impasse”?
        A. Deadlock
        B. Corner of the pool
        C. Middle of the pool
        D. Beginning of a fight

8. Who suggested that they should continue the fight?
        A. The Warrior
        B. The Fighter
        C. A third party
        D. Birds

9. “The warrior had an inspiration”. What was the inspiration?
        A. That they should continue the fight at that particular moment
        B. That they should end the fight
        C. That they should continue the fight the following day
        D. That they should help each other

10. What did Ranji find difficult to conceal when he got home?
        A. Cuts and bruises on his face
        B. Cuts and bruises on his legs and arms
        C. That he had been in an unusually violent fight
        D. All of the Above

11. What did Suraj agree to help Ranji with?
        A. How to dive
        B. How to swim under water
        C. How to be a pahelwan
        D. Both A and B

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SR 7 Jalebis

1. Who is the writer of the lesson Jalebis?
        A. Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi
        B. Rabindranath Tagore
        C. Sufiya Pathan
        D. None of the Above

2. Who translated the lesson “Jalebis” from Urdu?
        A. Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi
        B. Rabindranath Tagore
        C. Sufiya Pathan
        D. Master Ghulam Mohammed

4. Who collected the school fees?
        A. Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi
        B. Master Ghulam Mohammed
        C. Sufiya Pathan
        D. None of the above

5. What do you mean by “khanak-khanak”?
        A. To lose one’s mind
        B. To go mad
        C. Jingling sound
        D. Thumping sound

6. What did he do to make the coins silent?
        A. Spent them
        B. Shouted at them
        C. Clenched them in his fist
        D. He did nothing to make them silent

7. Who was he supposed to show his face at Qayamat?
        A. Allah Miya
        B. Master Ghulam Mohammed
        C. His parents
        D. Himself

8. Who said, “kissa khatam, paisa hazam”?
        A. The author
        B. Master Ghulam Mohammed
        C. Halwai
        D. The oldest coin

9. What made the jalebis “not common”?
        A. Crispness
        B. Freshness
        C. Filled with syrup
        D.All of the Above

10. How much did he spend on jalebis?
        A. One rupee
        B. Two rupees
        C. Five rupees
        D. Four rupees

11. What did he feel like when he distributed the jalebis?
        A. Governor Saheb
        B. Rice distributor
        C. A noble man
        D. A great boy

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SR 8 Ancient Education System of India

1. What was the primary focus of the ancient education system mentioned in the text?

   a) Intellectual development  
   b) Physical development  
   c) Spiritual development  
   d) All of the above

2. According to the text, where did students participate in activities like krida and vyayamaprakara?

   a) Gurukuls  
   b) Viharas  
   c) Tols  
   d) Pathshalas

3. What role did the temples play in the ancient education system?

   a) They were the primary centers of learning.  
   b) They provided a serene environment for learning.  
   c) They promoted knowledge and learning.  
   d) All of the above

4. Based on the text, why did students live away from their homes in gurukuls?

   a) To avoid distractions  
   b) To focus on their studies  
   c) To achieve their educational goals  
   d) All of the above

5. How did the ancient education system contribute to the overall development of students?

   a) By providing holistic education  
   b) By focusing on physical fitness  
   c) By encouraging intellectual pursuits  
   d) By promoting spiritual growth

6. What distinguished the education system of Takshashila according to the text?

   a) Its curriculum  
   b) Its teaching methods  
   c) Its location  
   d) Its faculty

7. What was the role of the community in supporting education during ancient times?

   a) Financial support  
   b) Donations of land and buildings  
   c) Contributions of resources  
   d) All of the above

8. Why do you think the text suggests that ancient education was considered sacred and free of charge?

   a) To promote equal access to education  
   b) To emphasize the importance of knowledge  
   c) To highlight the generosity of society  
   d) All of the above

9. If you were to design a modern-day educational institution inspired by ancient gurukuls, what features would you include?

   a) Residential facilities  
   b) Focus on holistic development  
   c) Emphasis on peer learning  
   d) All of the above

10.How can contemporary education systems integrate elements of the ancient Indian education system to enhance learning outcomes?

    a) By promoting values such as discipline and respect  
    b) By incorporating physical education into the curriculum  
    c) By encouraging community participation  
    d) All of the above

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