Grade 7 CBA MCQs

Grade 7 English Honeycomb- Prose, Poem Supplementary Reader An Alien Hand  - Competency/ Critical Thinking  Based Questions 

Click the Prose/ Poem to jump to the topic


Prose 1 Three questions

Prose 2 A Gift of Chappals

Prose 3 Gopal and the Hilsa

Prose 4 The Ashes That Made The Trees Bloom

Prose 5 Quality

Prose 6 Expert Detectives

Prose 7 The Invention of Vita-Wonk

Prose 8 A Homage to our Beloved Soldiers


Poem 1 The Squirrel

Poem 2 The Rebel

Poem 3 The Shed

Poem 4 Chivy

Poem 5 Trees

Poem 6 Mystery of the Talking Fan

Poem 7 Dad and the Cat and the Tree

Poem 8 Garden Snake

Poem 9 Meadow Surprises

Supplementary Reader

SR 1The Tiny Teacher

SR 2 Bringing up Kari

SR 3 Golu Grows a Nose

SR 4 Chandni

SR 5 A Bear Story

SR 6 A Tiger in the House

SR 7 An Alien Hand

Prose 1 Three Questions

1. What were the three questions the king wanted to know the answers to?

   a) How to become rich, who are his enemies, what is the secret of happiness
   b) What is the right time to begin something, which people should he listen to, what is the most important thing for him to do
   c) How to become powerful, how to win wars, who are his loyal subjects
   d) How to gain knowledge, how to find true love, what is the meaning of life
2. How did the king seek the answers to his questions?

   a) He consulted his ministers and advisors
   b) He asked the hermit for guidance
   c) He sent messengers throughout the kingdom offering rewards
   d) He consulted magicians and fortune-tellers
3. Why were the wise men's answers to the king's questions different?

   a) They were confused and did not know the correct answers
   b) They all had different opinions based on their expertise and beliefs
   c) They did not want to help the king and intentionally gave different answers
   d) They were afraid of the king and gave vague answers

4. What did the hermit advise the king regarding the most important time and person?

   a) The most important time is in the future, and the most important person is the king himself
   b) The most important time is now, and the most important person is whoever the king is with at the moment
   c) The most important time is in the past, and the most important person is the hermit
   d) The most important time is when making decisions, and the most important person is the king's counselor

5. Why did the king forgive his enemy?

   a) His enemy begged for forgiveness.
   b) The king realized the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation.
   c) The king feared retaliation from his enemy.
   d) The king wanted to make peace to avoid future conflicts.

6. What did the hermit advise the king about the most important business?

   a) To focus on expanding his kingdom and conquering other lands
   b) To prioritize his own wealth and personal gains
   c) To do good for others, especially those in need, as it is the most important business
   d) To concentrate on improving his political alliances and relationships with neighboring kingdoms

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7. What was the hermit doing when the king first approached him?

   a) Sowing seeds in the beds
   b) Praying inside his hut
   c) Meditating near the river
   d) Talking to other visitors

8. How did the king meet his enemy again?

   a) The enemy came to seek forgiveness from the king
   b) The king encountered his enemy while on a journey
   c) The king found his enemy wounded and in need of help
   d) The enemy attacked the king on his way back from the hermit's hut

9. What does the word "councillors" mean?

   a) Wise men who offer advice and guidance
   b) Doctors who provide medical care
   c) Priests who perform religious ceremonies
   d) Soldiers who protect the king's kingdom

10. What does the word "impertinence" mean?

    a) Boldness and assertiveness
    b) Disrespect and rudeness
    c) Laziness and carelessness
    d) Generosity and kindness

11. Which statement is irrelevant to the story?

    a) The king sought the advice of many wise men but was not satisfied with their answers.
    b) The king encountered a wounded man who turned out to be his enemy.
    c) The king's bodyguard helped him dress the wounds of the wounded man.
    d) The king asked the hermit three questions, but the hermit did not answer immediately.

12. Assertion: The hermit believed that the most important time is "Now" and the most necessary person is the one the king is with at a particular moment.

Reason: The hermit believed in living in the present moment and focusing on doing good to others as it is the purpose of life.

(a) Both the assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both the assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) The assertion is true, but the reason is false.
(d) The assertion is false, but the reason is true.

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Prose 2 A Gift of Chappals 

1. Who is Mridu visiting in Madras?
   a) Her aunt Rukku Manni
   b) Her cousins Lalli, Ravi, and Meena
   c) Her grandparents Tapi and Thatha
   d) All of the above

2. How did Mridu's cousin Ravi try to trick his grandmother to feed the kitten?
   a) He pretended to be very hungry and asked for a glass of milk.
   b) He offered to wash the milk tumbler himself to avoid suspicion.
   c) He secretly fed the milk to the kitten in a coconut half-shell.
   d) All of the above

3. What is the name of the small kitten they found?
   a) Mahabalipuram Rishi-Cat
   b) M.P. Poonai
   c) Mahendravarma Pallava Poonai
   d) Bastet

4. Why did Lalli's music practice upset the children?
   a) She played the violin very loudly.
   b) She kept derailing and going off track in her music.
   c) She disturbed the peace of the garden with her music.
   d) All of the above

5. What did the children do for the beggar who came to their house?
   a) Gave him food to eat
   b) Offered him some money
   c) Gave him the music-master's chappals
   d) Called the police to report him

6. What is the meaning of "derailed" as used in the story?
   a) To move very fast
   b) To go off course or lose track
   c) To stop suddenly
   d) To play a musical instrument skillfully

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7. What did the beggar ask for when he came to the house?
   a) Food to eat
   b) New clothes to wear
   c) Money or alms
   d) A place to sleep

8. What was Mridu's relation to Rukku Manni?
   a) Niece
   b) Cousin
   c) Granddaughter
   d) Daughter

9. What does the word "blemished" mean?
    a) Dirty or soiled
    b) Damaged or imperfect
    c) Loud or noisy
    d) Bright or radiant

10. Which statement is irrelevant to the story?
    a) Ravi claimed that Mahendran was descended from ancient cats, including Egyptian cat-goddess Bastet.
    b) Lalli's violin playing often sounded off-key and uncoordinated.
    c) Mridu's cousin Ravi played marbles with her and Meena in the garden.
    d) The beggar had pink, peeling blisters on the soles of his feet.

11. Assertion: Ravi gave the music-master's chappals to the beggar without asking for permission.

Reason: The beggar's feet were blistered, and he needed something to protect them from the hot road.

a) Both the assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
b) Both the assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c) The assertion is true, but the reason is false.
d) The assertion is false, but the reason is true.

12. What does the word "incarnate" mean in the context of the story?
    a) To come back to life after death
    b) To embody or represent something in human form
    c) To be very old and wise
    d) To be a religious deity or god

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Prose 3 Gopal and the Hilsa Fish

1. What was the challenge thrown by the king to Gopal?
   a) To buy a rare Hilsa-fish
   b) To dress up in a comical fashion
   c) To bring a Hilsa-fish to the palace without anyone asking about it
   d) To perform a dance and sing loudly

2. How did people react when they saw Gopal on his way to the palace with the fish?
   a) They thought he was a mystic.
   b) They called him a mad man.
   c) They believed he was a courtier.
   d) They ignored him.

3. What was the king's initial reaction when Gopal reached the court?
   a) He asked the guards to let Gopal in.
   b) He thought Gopal was entertaining with his crazy jokes.
   c) He demanded Gopal's presence before him.
   d) He ordered the guards to throw Gopal out.

4. Why did Gopal's wife think he had gone mad?
   a) Because he dressed up in a comical fashion.
   b) Because he wanted to see the king.
   c) Because he bought a Hilsa-fish.
   d) Because he smeared himself with ash.

5. What did Gopal do when he reached the court and no one was talking about Hilsa-fish?
   a) He laughed loudly.
   b) He started dancing and singing.
   c) He began discussing Hilsa-fish with the courtiers.
   d) He remained silent.

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6. How did the king react when Gopal reminded him of the challenge?
   a) He got angry with Gopal.
   b) He ignored Gopal's remark.
   c) He congratulated Gopal for achieving the impossible.
   d) He asked Gopal to leave the palace.

7. What does "mongers" mean in the context of the story?
   a) Fishermen
   b) Buyers
   c) Sellers
   d) Customers

8. What does "courtiers" mean in the context of the story?
   a) Wise advisors
   b) Royal guards
   c) Fishermen at the court
   d) Attendants to the king

9. Which statement is irrelevant to the story of Gopal and the Hilsa-fish?
   a) Courtiers discussing Hilsa-fish at the palace.
   b) Fishermen fishing at the sea for Hilsa-fish.
   c) Gopal's wife expressing concern over his appearance.
   d) The king feeling guilty after scolding a courtier.

10. Assertion: Gopal dressed up in a comical and ridiculous fashion.

    Reason: He wanted to bring attention to himself and avoid anyone asking about the Hilsa-fish he was carrying.

   a) Both the assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
   b) Both the assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
   c) The assertion is true, but the reason is false.
   d) The assertion is false, but the reason is true.

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Prose 4 The Ashes That Made The Trees Bloom

1. What was the name of the old couple's pet dog?

   a) Koko
   b) Muko
   c) Toto
   d) Piko

2. How did the old couple become rich?

   a) They won a lottery
   b) They found gold in their backyard
   c) Their dog led them to a pile of gold
   d) They inherited a fortune from a relative

3. Why did the wicked old man and his wife kick and beat the dog to death?

   a) The dog stole their food
   b) The dog refused to find treasure for them
   c) The dog attacked them
   d) The dog scratched their furniture

4. What did the spirit of the dog instruct the old man to do with the pine tree?

   a) Build a house from the wood
   b) Use it as firewood
   c) Make a mortar for rice pastry and a mill for bean sauce
   d) Plant more pine trees

5. What happened when the old man used the magic mill to grind boiled beans?

   a) The beans turned into a foul mass of worms
   b) The beans disappeared without a trace
   c) The beans transformed into gold coins
   d) The beans produced a pleasant aroma

6. What did the wicked neighbour do with the ashes of the burned mill?

   a) Used them to make cherry trees blossom
   b) Sold them to the villagers as medicine
   c) Sprinkled them on the ground for good luck
   d) Threw them away in the river

7. Why did the people along the road kneel down when the daimio's train passed by?

   a) To avoid impertinence by looking at the daimio
   b) To worship the daimio as a god
   c) To avoid getting dirty from the passing procession
   d) To beg for gifts from the daimio

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8. What happened when the wicked neighbour tried to use the magic ashes in front of the daimio?

   a) The cherry tree blossomed
   b) The daimio rewarded him with gifts
   c) The magic didn't work, and he was beaten and left in a ditch
   d) The daimio's wife sneezed and choked

9. What reward did the daimio give to the kind old man for his magical display?

   a) Silk robes, sponge-cake, and fans
   b) A large sum of money
   c) A house in the village
   d) A position in the daimio's court

10. How did the story end for the wicked old man and the kind friend of the dog?

    a) They both became rich and lived happily ever after
    b) They both died in poverty
    c) The wicked old man died in the mud, and the kind friend of the dog lived in peace and plenty
    d) The wicked old man became kind, and the kind friend of the dog became wicked

11. What does the word "covetous" mean?

    a) Kind and generous
    b) Envious and greedy
    c) Intelligent and wise
    d) Honest and trustworthy

12. What does the word "dignity" mean?

    a) Calmness and composure
    b) Respect and honor
    c) Humor and playfulness
    d) Sadness and grief

13. Choose the Irrelevant Statement.

    a) The old couple loved their pet dog like a baby.
    b) The wicked old man owned a cherry tree in his garden.
    c) The daimio rewarded the kind old man with silk robes and sponge-cake.
    d) The old man used the magic mill to grind boiled rice.

14. Which statement is irrelevant to the story?

    a) The wicked old man and his wife tried to find treasure with the dog's help.
    b) The spirit of the dog appeared to the old man in a dream.
    c) The daimio's procession passed through the village.
    d) The old man's pet dog was named Muko.

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Prose 5 Quality

1. What was Mr. Gessler's profession?

   a) Tailor
   b) Shoemaker
   c) Carpenter
   d) Blacksmith

2. Where was Mr. Gessler's shop located?

   a) In the countryside
   b) In a fashionable part of London
   c) In a small village
   d) In a remote area

3. What was distinctive about Mr. Gessler's shop?

   a) It had a large signboard.
   b) It sold a wide variety of items.
   c) It had no sign other than the name "Gessler Brothers."
   d) It was located in a busy market.

4. What did Mr. Gessler make?

   a) Hats
   b) Gloves
   c) Boots
   d) Scarves

5. What was the narrator's impression of Mr. Gessler's work?

   a) Ordinary
   b) Mysterious and wonderful
   c) Unfinished
   d) Cheap

6. What was Mr. Gessler's reaction when the narrator mentioned the creaking boots?

   a) He got angry.
   b) He offered a refund.
   c) He expressed regret.
   d) He denied responsibility.

7. What did Mr. Gessler say about the boots purchased elsewhere?

   a) They were excellent.
   b) They were not comfortable.
   c) They were of high quality.
   d) They were his own creation.

8. Why did Mr. Gessler's brother die?

   a) Due to old age
   b) Due to illness
   c) Due to starvation
   d) Due to an accident

9. What happened to Mr. Gessler's shop in the end?

   a) It became very successful.
   b) It was destroyed in a fire.
   c) It was taken over by someone else.
   d) It was moved to a different location.

10. What was Mr. Gessler known for?

   a) Making good boots but not having customers
   b) Being a wealthy businessman
   c) Being a famous actor
   d) Being a skilled painter

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Prose 6 Expert Detectives

1. What is the nickname of the boy in the story?

   a) Ten
   b) Maya
   c) Seven
   d) Nishad

2. Why does Maya believe Mr. Nath might be a criminal?

   a) Because he is poor and starving.
   b) Because he has no friends.
   c) Because he has scars on his face.
   d) Because he pays for his meals with cash.

3. How does Nishad try to befriend Mr. Nath?

   a) By giving him a bar of chocolate.
   b) By inviting him for lunch.
   c) By offering to play with him.
   d) By asking him about his past.

4. What information does Seven gather from Ramesh, the restaurant worker?

   a) Mr. Nath's eating habits.
   b) Mr. Nath's daily routine.
   c) Mr. Nath's family history.
   d) Mr. Nath's criminal activities.

5. What conclusion does Maya draw about Mr. Nath's Sunday visitor?

   a) He is Mr. Nath's brother.
   b) He is Mr. Nath's accomplice in crime.
   c) He is Mr. Nath's lawyer.
   d) He is Mr. Nath's long-lost friend.

6. Why does Maya believe Mr. Nath gives generous tips to Ramesh?

   a) To bribe him to keep quiet about his past.
   b) Because he is grateful for the meals.
   c) To gain favor with the restaurant staff.
   d) Because he is a generous person.

7. How does Nishad react when Maya accuses Mr. Nath of being a criminal?

   a) He agrees with her.
   b) He becomes angry and defensive.
   c) He laughs it off.
   d) He ignores her.

8. Why does Maya want to investigate Mr. Nath further?

   a) To make friends with him.
   b) To learn about his past.
   c) To prove he is a criminal.
   d) To understand his loneliness.

9. How does Nishad feel about Maya's theories regarding Mr. Nath?

   a) He agrees with her completely.
   b) He is skeptical and disagrees with her.
   c) He is indifferent and does not care.
   d) He is afraid of Mr. Nath.

10. What is Maya's reaction when Nishad decides to befriend Mr. Nath?

   a) She encourages him and supports his decision.
   b) She becomes frustrated and angry.
   c) She laughs at him.
   d) She warns him of the potential danger.

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Prose 7 The Invention Of Vita-Wonk

1. Who is the author of the story?

   a) J.K. Rowling
   b) Roald Dahl
   c) Dr. Seuss
   d) Enid Blyton

2. What is the name of the invention created by Mr. Willy Wonka?

   a) Wonka-Sap
   b) Wonka-Jam
   c) Vita-Wonk
   d) Wonka-Elixir

3. Which tree inspired Mr. Wonka to create his invention?

   a) Cedar
   b) Oak
   c) Bristlecone Pine
   d) Douglas Fir

4. What is the purpose of Wonka-Vita, the previous invention?

   a) To make people older
   b) To make people younger
   c) To make people disappear
   d) To make people invisible

5. What is the oldest living thing in the world mentioned in the story?

   a) Oak tree
   b) Bristlecone Pine
   c) Cedar tree
   d) Douglas Fir

6. What special item did Mr. Wonka collect from the oldest living things to create his invention?

   a) Hair
   b) Eyebrow
   c) Jam
   d) All of the above

7. Who did Mr. Wonka give the experimental potion to test its effects?

   a) Charlie Bucket
   b) An Oompa-Loompa volunteer
   c) Mr. Wonka himself
   d) A scientist

8. What happened to the Oompa-Loompa after consuming the experimental potion?

   a) He became younger
   b) He disappeared
   c) He aged rapidly
   d) He became invisible

9. What is the name of the book from which this story is taken?

   a) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
   b) The BFG
   c) Matilda
   d) Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator

10. Where did Mr. Wonka collect the sap from to create his invention?

   a) From a 100-year-old oak tree
   b) From a 200-year-old tortoise
   c) From a 4000-year-old Bristlecone Pine
   d) From a 97-year-old grimalkin cave

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Prose 8 A Homage To The Beloved Students

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Poem 1 The Squirrel 

1. What did the squirrel wear as its tail?
   a) A question mark
   b) An overcoat of gray
   c) A bushy tail
   d) A fluffy tail

2. What did the squirrel like to eat?
   a) Acorns
   b) Nuts
   c) Berries
   d) Seeds

3. How did the squirrel react when people ran around its tree?
   a) It chased after them
   b) It hid in its nest
   c) It climbed higher up the tree
   d) It went the other way

4. What color was the squirrel's overcoat?
   a) Brown
   b) Gray
   c) Black
   d) White

5. What characteristic of the squirrel is highlighted in the poem?
   a) Its ability to fly
   b) Its love for water
   c) Its playfulness and teasing nature
   d) Its preference for solitude

6. What does the word "tease" mean in the context of the poem?
   a) To play a joke on someone
   b) To share food with others
   c) To build a nest
   d) To sleep during the day

7. Which statement is irrelevant to the poem?
   a) The squirrel wore a question mark for a tail.
   b) It sat up straight to eat a nut.
   c) The squirrel had a brown overcoat.
   d) If people ran around its tree, it went the other way.

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Poem 2 The Rebel

1. Who is the poet of the poem "The Rebel"?

   a) Roald Dahl
   b) Dr. Seuss
   c) D. J. Enright
   d) Shel Silverstein

2. What is the rhyming pattern of the poem?

   a) AABB
   b) ABAB
   c) ABCB
   d) The poem does not follow rhyme pattern.

3. According to the poem, what does the rebel do when everyone talks during the lesson?

   a) Creates a disturbance
   b) Doesn't say a word
   c) Reads a book
   d) Dresses in fantastic clothes

4. What does the rebel do when everybody wears fantastic clothes?

   a) Dresses soberly
   b) Dresses in fantastic clothes too
   c) Doesn't attend the event
   d) Talks during the lesson

5. In the company of cat lovers, what does the rebel do?

   a) Prefers dogs
   b) Expresses a preference for cats
   c) Praises the sun
   d) Cuts his hair short

6. What does the rebel do when everybody is greeting the rain?

   a) Regrets the absence of sun
   b) Remarks on the need for rain
   c) Goes to the meeting
   d) Reads a book

7. When everybody says, "Yes please," what does the rebel say?

   a) Yes please
   b) No thank you
   c) Creates a disturbance
   d) Reads a book

8. What does the rebel do when nobody talks during the lesson?

   a) Creates a disturbance
   b) Dresses in fantastic clothes
   c) Prefers cats
   d) Reads a book

9. What does the poet conclude about rebels in the last line of the poem?

   a) Rebels are troublemakers
   b) Rebels are important for society
   c) Rebels are disliked by everyone
   d) Rebels should conform to societal norms

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Poem 3 The Shed

1. (Quoting a few lines from the poem) What is the name of the poem?

   a) The Garden
   b) The Window
   c) The Shed
   d) The Ghost

2. Who is the poet of the poem?

   a) Robert Frost
   b) Maya Angelou
   c) Langston Hughes
   d) Frank Flynn

3. What is described as hanging across the door of the shed?

   a) Dust
   b) A spider's web
   c) Curtains
   d) Leaves

4. How many cracked panes of glass are mentioned in the poem?

   a) One
   b) Two
   c) Three
   d) Four

5. Who does the speaker think is staring at them through the dusty window?

   a) A ghost
   b) Their brother
   c) A spider
   d) A stranger

6. What does the brother claim is hiding in the shed?

   a) A spider
   b) A ghost
   c) A mouse
   d) A snake

7. What does the brother threaten will happen if the speaker enters the shed?

   a) They will find treasure
   b) They will be locked in
   c) Their head will be chopped off
   d) They will be given a reward

8. What reason does the speaker give for not entering the shed yet?

   a) They are scared of the dark
   b) They believe there is a ghost
   c) They want to wait until it's sunny
   d) They are too busy playing outside

9. What does the speaker conclude about the shed at the end of the poem?

   a) It is haunted
   b) It is filled with treasures
   c) It is empty and safe
   d) It is a cozy hideaway

10. What is the tone of the poem?

   a) Joyful
   b) Fearful
   c) Serious
   d) Playful

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Poem 4 Chivy

1. (Quoting a few lines from the poem) Identify the poem.

   a) The Shed
   b) Chivy
   c) The Rebel
   d) Speak Up

2. Who is the poet of the poem?

   a) Roald Dahl
   b) Dr. Seuss
   c) Frank Flynn
   d) Michael Rosen

3. What do grown-ups often say according to the poem?

   a) Run fast
   b) Jump high
   c) Speak up
   d) Play quietly

4. According to the poem, what should you not do while talking?

   a) Speak quietly
   b) Speak slowly
   c) Speak with your mouth full
   d) Speak politely

5. What does the poem suggest you shouldn't do in terms of your hands?

   a) Keep them in your pockets
   b) Put them on the table
   c) Wave them around
   d) Use them to gesture

6. What is the main theme of the poem?

   a) Instructions for children
   b) Adventures of a shed
   c) Rebellion against rules
   d) Ghostly encounters

7. Which phrase from the poem suggests manners?

   a) "Don’t interrupt"
   b) "No one thinks you’re funny"
   c) "Don’t pick your nose"
   d) "Pull your socks up"

8. According to the poem, what should you do after entering a room?

   a) Keep the door open
   b) Close the door quietly
   c) Slam the door
   d) Knock before entering

9. What is the poet's attitude towards the instructions given by grown-ups?

   a) He agrees with them
   b) He is amused by them
   c) He ignores them
   d) He is annoyed by them

10. What is the purpose of the poem?

   a) To teach children manners
   b) To criticize grown-up behavior
   c) To entertain readers with humorous instructions
   d) All of the above

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Poem 5 Trees

1. (Quoting a few lines from the poem) Identify the poem.

   a) Birds and Children
   b) The Wind Through Trees
   c) Trees
   d) Tree Houses and Swings

2. Who is the poet of the poem?

   a) Michael Rosen
   b) Dr. Seuss
   c) Frank Flynn
   d) Shirley Bauer

3. What are trees used for in the poem?

   a) Making paper
   b) Building houses
   c) Providing shade
   d) Making noise

4. According to the poem, what are trees for in summer?

   a) Making noise
   b) Providing shade
   c) Swinging on swings
   d) Growing apples and pears

5. What do fathers say about trees according to the poem?

   a) "What a lovely picture to paint!"
   b) "What a lot of leaves to rake this fall!"
   c) "Trees are for birds."
   d) "Trees are to swing swings on."

6. What do trees make mothers say in the poem?

   a) "What a lot of leaves to rake this fall!"
   b) "What a lovely picture to paint!"
   c) "Trees are for the wind to blow through."
   d) "Trees are to chop down and call, 'TIMBER-R-R!'"

7. According to the poem, what are trees for in winter?

   a) Making noise
   b) Swinging on swings
   c) Providing shade
   d) Making no shade

8. What is the main theme of the poem?

   a) Trees as habitats for animals
   b) Trees as sources of food
   c) Trees as objects of human activity
   d) Trees as symbols of nature

9. What does the poem suggest about the versatility of trees?

   a) Trees have limited uses
   b) Trees serve multiple purposes
   c) Trees are only for children
   d) Trees are primarily for birds

10. What is the poet's tone towards trees in the poem?

   a) Negative
   b) Indifferent
   c) Appreciative
   d) Critical

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Poem 6 Mystery Of The Talking Fan

1. Because one day somebody oiled - His little whirling motor......... Identify the poem.

   a) The Whirring Fan
   b) The Mysterious Fan
   c) The Talking Fan
   d) The Silent Fan

2. Who is the poet of the poem?

   a) Michael Rosen
   b) Dr. Seuss
   c) Maude Rubin
   d) Frank Flynn

3. What characteristic does the fan possess in the poem?

   a) It dances
   b) It sings
   c) It talks
   d) It sleeps

4. What is the fan's chatter compared to in the poem?

   a) A whisper
   b) A roar
   c) Electrical
   d) Silent

5. What happens to the fan one day in the poem?

   a) It starts singing loudly
   b) It stops talking
   c) It gets oiled
   d) It falls silent

6. What effect does the oiling of the fan have?

   a) It starts talking louder
   b) It stops working
   c) It becomes noisier
   d) It becomes quieter

7. What does the poet hope regarding not hearing the fan's chatter?

   a) It will not matter
   b) It will make the fan happy
   c) It will make the fan sad
   d) It will increase curiosity

8. What is the main theme of the poem?

   a) Silence and noise
   b) Mystery and revelation
   c) Electrical appliances
   d) Human intervention

9. What can be inferred about the fan from the poem?

   a) It is a magical object
   b) It has a mechanical issue
   c) It is possessed by a spirit
   d) It enjoys speaking quietly

10. How does the poem end?

   a) With the fan turning off
   b) With the fan becoming noisy
   c) With the mystery being spoiled
   d) With the fan continuing to chatter

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Poem 7 Dad and the Cat and the Tree

1. So it’s smiling and smirking,
    Smug as can be,
    But poor old Dad’s

     Identify the poem.

   a) Dad's Cat Rescue
   b) Climbing Adventures
   c) Dad and the Cat and the Tree
   d) Plan C Climbing

2. Who is the poet of the poem?

   a) Michael Rosen
   b) Dr. Seuss
   c) Kit Wright
   d) Frank Flynn

3. What task does Dad undertake at the beginning of the poem?

   a) Fixing the roof
   b) Saving a cat stuck in a tree
   c) Mowing the lawn
   d) Planting flowers

4. How does Dad initially plan to rescue the cat?

   a) Using a ladder
   b) Climbing the tree
   c) Calling the fire brigade
   d) Shaking the tree

5. What happens when Dad climbs onto a branch of the tree?

   a) The branch breaks
   b) Dad successfully rescues the cat
   c) Dad falls into the flower bed
   d) Dad lands on the deck

6. What does Mum warn Dad about repeatedly?

   a) Not to get dirty
   b) Not to fall
   c) Not to scare the cat
   d) Not to climb too high

7. Which plan does Dad finally succeed with?

   a) Plan A
   b) Plan B
   c) Plan C
   d) Plan D

8. What does Dad do after landing in the crook of the tree-trunk?

   a) He rescues the cat
   b) He gives up and climbs back down
   c) He tries to reach for the cat again
   d) He starts laughing

9. How does the cat react when it is finally freed?

   a) It scratches Dad
   b) It runs away
   c) It climbs another tree
   d) It gives a yell and springs to the ground

10. How does the poem conclude?

   a) Dad successfully rescues the cat
   b) Dad gives up and waits for help
   c) Dad is still stuck up the tree
   d) Dad falls asleep in the tree branches

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Poem 8 Garden Snake

1. So when he wiggles in the grass
    I’ll stand aside and watch him pass

1. Who is 'he' in the poem?

   a) A Garden Snake
   b) A Snake Charmer
   c) A Scorpion
   d) A Child

2. Who is the poet of the poem?

   a) Shel Silverstein
   b) Robert Frost
   c) Muriel L. Sonne
   d) Langston Hughes

3. What does the narrator do upon seeing the snake?

   a) Approaches it cautiously
   b) Runs away
   c) Observes it closely
   d) Calls for help

4. Why does the narrator's mother say the snake is good?

   a) It's beautiful to look at
   b) It's harmless and beneficial
   c) It's a rare species
   d) It's easy to catch

5. What does the narrator decide to do when encountering the snake again?

   a) Try to catch it
   b) Call for their mother
   c) Stand aside and watch it pass
   d) Chase it away with a stick

6. What does the narrator reassure themselves about the snake?

   a) It's a garden ornament
   b) It's a potential danger
   c) It's just a harmless garden snake
   d) It's a valuable pet

7. What does the narrator acknowledge about some snakes?

   a) They make good pets
   b) They are fun to play with
   c) They are dangerous
   d) They are friendly creatures

8. What behavior does the narrator exhibit when encountering the snake again?

   a) Fearlessness
   b) Curiosity
   c) Anger
   d) Indifference

9. How does the narrator feel about encountering the snake?

   a) Terrified
   b) Excited
   c) Curious
   d) Uninterested

10. What lesson does the narrator learn about the snake?

   a) Snakes are always dangerous
   b) Some snakes are harmless and beneficial
   c) Snakes should be avoided at all costs
   d) All snakes should be killed on sight

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Poem 9 Meadow Surprises

1. Walk softly through the velvet grass,  And listen by the brook. - Identify the poem.

   a) Meadows and Surprises
   b) Surprises in the Meadow
   c) Meadow Tales
   d) Meadow Discoveries

2. Who is the poet of the poem?

   a) Lois Brandt Phillips
   b) Mary Shelley
   c) Emily Dickinson
   d) Robert Frost

3. What should you do to find surprises in the meadows?

   a) Run through the meadows
   b) Talk loudly in the meadows
   c) Look and listen carefully
   d) Close your eyes in the meadows

4. What does the butterfly do in the poem?

   a) Rests on a leaf
   b) Rests on a flower
   c) Flies around aimlessly
   d) Hides in the grass

5. How does the dandelion change over time in the poem?

   a) It grows taller
   b) It turns into a tree
   c) It becomes golden
   d) It turns into parachutes

6. What might you find in the meadow houses mentioned in the poem?

   a) Birds only
   b) Ants only
   c) Rabbits only
   d) Various creatures like birds, rabbits, and ants

7. What should you do to discover surprises in the meadows?

   a) Run around quickly
   b) Look and listen carefully
   c) Close your eyes
   d) Talk loudly

8. What animal might you scare in the meadows according to the poem?

   a) Turtle
   b) Frog
   c) Rabbit
   d) Squirrel

9. What is described as turning into airy parachutes in the poem?

   a) Butterflies
   b) Bees
   c) Ants
   d) Dandelions

10. What does the poem suggest about meadows?

   a) They are boring and have nothing interesting
   b) They are full of surprises and things to discover
   c) They are dangerous and should be avoided
   d) They are noisy and chaotic places

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SR 1 The Tiny Teacher

1. What is the main reason ants allow other creatures to live in their nests?
   a) They provide additional protection against predators
   b) They help in building the anthill structure
   c) Some give off pleasant smells or sweet juices, while others are pets or playthings to ants
   d) Ants are afraid of driving them away

2. What is the greenfly's role in the ant colony?
   a) Guarding the anthill entrance
   b) Providing honeydew like milk to the ants
   c) Helping in construction work
   d) Warning the ants about approaching danger

3. Why do ants bite off the wings of the queen after its "wedding" flight?
   a) To prevent the queen from flying away again
   b) To punish the queen for leaving the nest
   c) To weaken the queen's ability to lay eggs
   d) To conserve energy for egg-laying and nesting activities

4. What lesson can humans learn from ants, according to the passage?
   a) To train other creatures to help with daily tasks
   b) To share their living spaces with different species
   c) To be diligent, disciplined, and loyal to their land
   d) To use other creatures as pets and playthings

5. How do ants train the greenfly to provide honeydew?
   a) They communicate through dances
   b) They touch the greenfly with their antennae
   c) They use pheromones to give instructions
   d) They build special chambers for the greenfly to produce honeydew

6. What does the word "predators" mean in the context of the passage?
   a) Creatures that live in anthills
   b) Creatures that ants consider their friends
   c) Creatures that attack and prey on other animals
   d) Creatures that ants use for transportation

7. What does the word "devotion" mean in the context of the passage?
   a) A feeling of dislike or hostility
   b) A state of confusion or chaos
   c) Faithfulness and loyalty
   d) A period of time spent on a specific activity

8. Assertion: Ants allow other creatures like beetles and greenflies to live in their nests because they provide beneficial services.
   Reason: Some creatures give off pleasant smells, others provide sweet juices, and some even become pets or playthings for the ants.

   a) Both the assertion and the reason are true, and the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion.
   b) Both the assertion and the reason are true, but the reason is NOT a correct explanation of the assertion.
   c) The assertion is true, but the reason is false.
   d) The assertion is false, but the reason is true.

9. Which statement is irrelevant to the passage's topic?
   a) The greenfly is the ants' cow.
   b) An anthill is a home for ants and other creatures like beetles.
   c) Ants communicate through dances and pheromones.
   d) Humans may still learn a few things from ants, like hard work and discipline.

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SR 2 Bringing Up Kari 

1. Who saved the life of a boy in the story?

   a) The narrator's parents
   b) KARI, the elephant
   c) The narrator's friends
   d) The narrator's teachers

2. What did KARI do to signal his enjoyment during his bath?

   a) He trumpeted loudly
   b) He squealed with pleasure
   c) He rolled in the sand
   d) He splashed water everywhere

3. When did the narrator realize KARI was stealing fruit?

   a) In the morning
   b) At night
   c) During lunchtime
   d) In the afternoon

4. Where did the narrator find KARI eating bananas?

   a) In the dining-room
   b) In the forest
   c) In KARI's pavilion
   d) By the riverbank

5. Why did the narrator scold KARI for stealing fruit?

   a) Because KARI was too greedy
   b) Because the narrator wanted all the fruit for himself
   c) Because KARI wasn't supposed to eat bananas
   d) Because KARI had been trained not to steal

6. How did the narrator feel when he discovered KARI was the fruit thief?

   a) Angry
   b) Happy
   c) Sad
   d) Indifferent

7. Which animal did the narrator initially suspect of stealing the fruit?

   a) Snake
   b) Monkey
   c) Tiger
   d) Elephant

8. Why did the narrator teach KARI the master call?

   a) To summon other animals
   b) To scare away intruders
   c) To communicate with other elephants
   d) To call for help in emergencies

9. When did KARI learn the master call?

   a) In three days
   b) In three weeks
   c) In three months
   d) In three years

10. How did KARI help the narrator in the jungle?

    a) By building a shelter
    b) By finding food
    c) By pulling down trees
    d) By guiding the way
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SR 3 Golu Grows a Nose 

1. What did Golu use to cool his long nose (trunk)?
   a) Banana leaf
   b) Coconut shell
   c) Cloth
   d) Bamboo stick

2. Who suggested Golu go to the Limpopo river to find out about the crocodile's dinner?
   a) His aunt, the ostrich
   b) His uncle, the giraffe
   c) His hairy uncle, the baboon
   d) The mynah bird

3. Why did the python follow Golu to the river?
   a) To catch the crocodile
   b) To help Golu find his family
   c) To find out the crocodile's dinner
   d) To give Golu advice

4. What advantage did the python mention about Golu's long nose?
   a) It helps him see better
   b) It allows him to fly
   c) It makes him look handsome
   d) It enables him to do things he couldn't with a small nose

5. How did the crocodile trick Golu and catch him by the nose?
   a) By pretending to be a log of wood
   b) By pretending to be a mynah bird
   c) By pretending to be the python
   d) By pretending to be a banana leaf

6. How did Golu manage to free his nose from the crocodile's grip?
   a) The python scared the crocodile away
   b) Golu pulled as hard as he could
   c) Golu offered the crocodile some food
   d) Golu asked the mynah bird for help

7. What happened to Golu's nose after being pulled by the crocodile and the python?
   a) It shrank back to its original size
   b) It grew even longer and longer
   c) It turned blue
   d) It became wrinkled and rough

8. What does "coiled" mean in the context of the story?
   a) Jumped
   b) Curled up in a spiral shape
   c) Stretched
   d) Hid

9. What does "advantage" mean in the story?
   a) Disadvantage
   b) A benefit or favorable circumstance
   c) A problem
   d) An obstacle

10. Assertion: Golu's nose (trunk) was as big as a boot before he went to the river.

Reason: The mynah bird told Golu to go to the Limpopo river to find out what the crocodile has for dinner.

a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is NOT the correct explanation of the assertion.
c) Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
d) Assertion is false, but the reason is true.
e) Both assertion and reason are false.

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SR 4 Chandni 

1. Who was Abbu Khan?

   a) A shepherd
   b) A farmer
   c) A carpenter
   d) A goat herder

2. What did Abbu Khan often name his goats?

   a) Flower names
   b) Funny names
   c) Human names
   d) Random numbers

3. Why did Abbu Khan's goats frequently disappear?

   a) They were afraid of Abbu Khan.
   b) They wanted to explore the hills.
   c) They were hungry for better food.
   d) They were tired of being tied up.

4. Why did Abbu Khan decide not to keep goats anymore?

   a) He couldn't afford to buy more goats.
   b) He was too old to take care of them.
   c) He was tired of losing them to the hills.
   d) He wanted to focus on other animals.

5. Who was Chandni, and why did Abbu Khan choose her?

   a) A white cow; because she was strong
   b) A young goat; because she was pretty and gentle
   c) A brown horse; because she was fast
   d) A black dog; because she was obedient

6. What change did Abbu Khan notice in Chandni over time?

   a) She became disobedient.
   b) She became sad and lost interest in food.
   c) She became aggressive towards him.
   d) She became more attached to him.

7. Why did Chandni want to go to the hills?

   a) She missed her family.
   b) She wanted to explore the green fields.
   c) She was tired of being tied up.
   d) She wanted to fight the wolf.

8. How did Abbu Khan react to Chandni's desire to leave?

   a) He was sad but let her go.
   b) He scolded her and tied her up tighter.
   c) He ignored her and went about his work.
   d) He begged her to stay and promised better food.

9. What challenge did Chandni face after leaving Abbu Khan's compound?

   a) She couldn't find any food.
   b) She got lost in the hills.
   c) She encountered a dangerous wolf.
   d) She missed Abbu Khan's stories.

10. What was the outcome of Chandni's fight with the wolf?

    a) Chandni won and defeated the wolf.
    b) The wolf won and ate Chandni.
    c) They both gave up and walked away.
    d) Abbu Khan intervened and saved Chandni.

11. Who do you think won the fight between Chandni and the wolf, and why?

    a) Chandni, because she was brave and determined.
    b) The wolf, because it was bigger and stronger.
    c) Both of them, because they fought bravely.
    d) Abbu Khan, because he loved Chandni the most.

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SR 5 A Bear Story

1. What was the lady's pet in the manor-house?

   a) A dog
   b) A bear
   c) A cat
   d) A horse

2. How did the lady acquire her pet bear?

   a) She bought it from a zoo.
   b) She found it in the forest and nursed it back to health.
   c) It was a gift from her sister.
   d) It was a family heirloom.

3. What did the bear enjoy eating?

   a) Meat
   b) Fish
   c) Vegetables, apples, and honey
   d) Grains and nuts

4. Why did the lady put the bear on a chain at night?

   a) To prevent it from running away
   b) To protect it from wild animals
   c) To discipline it for misbehavior
   d) To train it for hunting

5. What did the lady do every Sunday afternoon?

   a) She went for a walk in the forest.
   b) She visited her sister.
   c) She attended church services.
   d) She went horseback riding.

6. How did the lady react when she found the bear following her through the forest?

   a) She scolded it and hit it with her umbrella.
   b) She hugged it and praised it for being obedient.
   c) She ignored it and continued walking.
   d) She took it back home immediately.

7. What did the lady do when she discovered that the bear had lost its new collar?

   a) She scolded it harshly and hit it with her parasol.
   b) She hugged it and gave it a treat.
   c) She laughed and bought it a new collar.
   d) She took it to the vet for a check-up.

8. How did the cook feel about the lady scolding the bear?

   a) Angry
   b) Indifferent
   c) Happy
   d) Sad

9. What did the bear do when the lady scolded it upon her return?

   a) It growled at her.
   b) It ran away into the forest.
   c) It sat quietly, waiting for her.
   d) It attacked her.

10. What was the lady's reaction when she saw the bear sitting outside its kennel upon her return?

    a) She was pleased and hugged it.
    b) She was surprised and gave it a treat.
    c) She was angry and scolded it.
    d) She was indifferent and ignored it.

11. Who is the author of the Bear Story?

    a) Axel Munthe
    b) Zakir Husain
    c) Dhan Gopal Mukerji
    d) None of the above

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SR 6 A Tiger in the House

1. Where was Timothy discovered?

   a) In a city
   b) In the forest
   c) Near a river
   d) In a zoo

2. Who found Timothy in the jungle?

   a) Grandmother
   b) Grandfather
   c) The cook
   d) The zookeeper

3. What was Timothy's diet initially?

   a) Raw mutton and cod-liver oil
   b) Milk
   c) Pigeons and rabbits
   d) Vegetables and fruits

4. What was one of Timothy's companions?

   a) A lion
   b) A monkey named Toto
   c) A horse
   d) A giraffe

5. Why did people give Timothy and his walker a wide berth during walks?

   a) Because they were scared of the walker
   b) Because Timothy was a tiger
   c) Because they were famous
   d) Because they were rich

6. What did Timothy do when he was out for walks?

   a) Stalk cats
   b) Roll on his back and kick
   c) Sleep
   d) Chase birds

7. Why was Timothy transferred to a zoo?

   a) Because he was too friendly
   b) Because he was sick
   c) Because he grew less friendly and started attacking animals
   d) Because he grew too large

8. What happened when Grandfather visited Timothy at the zoo?

   a) Timothy recognized him immediately
   b) Timothy attacked him
   c) Timothy was nowhere to be found
   d) Timothy licked his hand and allowed him to touch him

9. What did Grandfather realize when talking to the zookeeper?

   a) Timothy had become more aggressive
   b) Timothy had died two months ago
   c) Timothy had been transferred to another zoo
   d) Timothy had been released back into the wild

10. How did Grandfather react upon realizing the truth about Timothy?

    a) He was confused
    b) He was angry
    c) He was scared
    d) He was amused

11. How did Grandfather bid goodbye to Timothy?

    a) He hugged him
    b) He said goodnight and walked away
    c) He kissed him
    d) He waved from a distance

12. What is the name of the author of "A Tiger in the House"?

    a) Ruskin Bond  
    b) Rudyard Kipling  
    c) Mark Twain  
    d) Ernest Hemingway  
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SR 7 An Alien Hand

1. Who is Tilloo's father in the story?

   a) A scientist  
   b) A security guard  
   c) A farmer  
   d) A politician

2. What is Tilloo's forbidden destination?

   a) The supermarket  
   b) The park  
   c) The underground passage  
   d) The cinema

3. Why does Tilloo's father go to work every day through the underground passage?

   a) To meet his friends  
   b) To avoid traffic  
   c) To check on the machines on the surface  
   d) To enjoy the scenery

4. Where does Tilloo's father work on the surface of the planet?

   a) In a zoo  
   b) In a park  
   c) In a control room  
   d) In a research facility

5. What does Tilloo's father explain about the surface of the planet to Tilloo?

   a) It has a pleasant climate  
   b) It is inhabited by aliens  
   c) It has a thin atmosphere and freezing temperatures  
   d) It is covered in water

6. Who suggests that they should not interfere with the approaching spacecraft?

   a) Tilloo's father  
   b) Number One, in charge of defense  
   c) Number Two, the scientist  
   d) Number Three, the social scientist

7. What is the malfunction encountered by the Viking Mission on Mars?

   a) The spacecraft ran out of fuel  
   b) The mechanical hand stopped working  
   c) The communication system failed  
   d) The astronauts fell ill

8. Which button does Tilloo press in the control room, causing the malfunction in the spacecraft?

   a) The green button  
   b) The blue button  
   c) The red button  
   d) The yellow button

9. What is the outcome of the Viking Mission to Mars?

   a) Signs of life are discovered  
   b) No signs of life are found  
   c) The mission is aborted  
   d) The spacecraft crashes

10. Who is Jayant Narlikar in the context of the story?

    a) Tilloo's father  
    b) The President of the Central Committee  
    c) A scientist briefing the world press  
    d) The author of the story

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