Grade 6 Project 3

Taro's Reward- Project Work

After reading the story of Taro, it's time you knew how good you should be in honouring your parents.
Create a pledge or commitment to honour and care for your parents, and inculcating values portrayed in the story.

Honouring Parents Pledge

I, Prerna, pledge to honour and care for my parents with love and respect. As a responsible and thoughtful child, I understand the importance of showing gratitude and kindness to the ones who have always been there for me.

I promise to:

1. Listen and communicate with my parents, sharing my thoughts and feelings openly.

2. Help with household chores.

3. Obey their rules and guidelines, knowing that they are set to keep me safe and guide me.

4. Show appreciation through words and actions, expressing my gratitude for their love, sacrifices, and support.

5. Spend quality time together.

6. Try hard to do well in my studies and other activities and make them proud.

7. Understand their feelings.

8. Support them in times of need, just as they are supporting me.

9. Seek their guidance and advice whenever I need.

10. Carry forward the values of filial piety, passing on the tradition of honoring and caring for parents to future generations.

I commit to upholding this pledge as a symbol of my appreciation and love for my parents. By honouring them, I aim to create a loving and nurturing family that thrives on mutual respect, understanding, and support.


Date: 22 April 2022
