Grade 10 Project 7 / Portfolio 7

Project  / Portfolio 1

Create a character profile, including traits, motivations, and key events. Add illustrations or sketches of Valli.

Character Profile: Valli from "Madam Rides the Bus"

Name: Valli

Age: 8 years old


- Valli is a young, lively girl with bright, curious eyes.

- She often wears simple, traditional clothes typical of rural India.

Personality Traits:

Curious: Valli has a strong desire to explore and learn about the world beyond her village.

Independent: She prefers to do things on her own and makes her own decisions.

Determined: Once she sets her mind on something, she is persistent in achieving it.

Observant: Valli pays close attention to details and is aware of her surroundings.

Brave: Despite her young age, she is fearless and ready to embark on adventures.


- Valli’s primary motivation is her curiosity about the world outside her small village.

- She is driven by a desire to experience new things and see the bustling town that she hears so much about.

- Valli is motivated by her sense of adventure and the thrill of doing something independently.

Key Events:

1. Decision to Ride the Bus: Valli is fascinated by the idea of taking a bus ride to the nearby town after watching the bus pass by her village multiple times.

2. Saving Money: Valli carefully saves her pocket money and plans her journey meticulously, showing her determination and planning skills.

3. The Bus Ride: Valli sneaks out of her house and takes the bus to the town. She experiences a mix of emotions, from excitement to slight nervousness.

4. Interactions on the Bus: Valli observes the passengers and the scenes outside the bus, interacting with the conductor and other passengers, showing her observant and sociable nature.

5. Returning Home: After reaching the town, Valli quickly returns home on the same bus, ensuring she is back before her mother notices her absence. This shows her careful planning and sense of responsibility.

Illustrations ( Pictures You can draw):

1. Valli Watching the Bus: A sketch of Valli standing by the roadside, watching the bus pass by her village with a look of fascination.

2. Valli on the Bus: An illustration of Valli sitting by the window on the bus, her eyes wide with excitement as she looks out at the passing scenery.

3. Valli Interacting with the Conductor: A drawing of Valli talking to the bus conductor, showing her confidence and curiosity.

4. Valli Returning Home: A sketch of Valli walking back to her house with a satisfied smile, reflecting on her adventure.

Project  / Portfolio 2

Write a summary of the story and a personal reflection on its themes of curiosity, independence, and growth.

Summary of "Madam Rides the Bus"

"Madam Rides the Bus" is a delightful story about an eight-year-old girl named Valli who is fascinated by the bus that passes through her village every day. Driven by curiosity, Valli dreams of taking a ride on the bus to the nearby town. She saves her pocket money and plans her trip carefully. One day, while her mother is napping, Valli sneaks out and boards the bus. Throughout the journey, she observes the passengers and the scenery, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Valli's adventure to the town and back fills her with a sense of accomplishment and joy. She returns home safely, her heart brimming with the thrill of her independence and the new experiences she has gained.

Personal Reflection

The story "Madam Rides the Bus" highlights themes of curiosity, independence, and growth. Valli's curiosity drives her to explore beyond her village, showing the importance of seeking new experiences. Her careful planning and saving for the bus ride demonstrate her growing sense of responsibility and self-reliance. Valli's adventure symbolizes the growth that comes from stepping out of one's comfort zone. 

Reading about Valli reminded me of my own childhood curiosity and small adventures that shaped my understanding of the world. The story underscores the importance of allowing children to explore and learn independently, fostering their personal development. It shows how even simple adventures can lead to significant growth.

Project  / Portfolio 3

Write an alternate ending or a sequel to the story. Include the original ending and your new ending or sequel, explaining the differences and reasons for your changes.

Original Ending of "Madam Rides the Bus"

In the original ending, Valli returns home safely after her adventurous bus ride to the town and back. She feels a great sense of accomplishment and joy from her journey. Her mother remains unaware of Valli's adventure, and Valli treasures her experience as a special secret.

Alternate Ending

After returning home from her first bus ride, Valli can't stop thinking about the outside world. The next weekend, she saves up enough money to take another trip, this time inviting her best friend, Raji, to join her. They plan the trip carefully and sneak out together. During the ride, they encounter a kind old lady who tells them stories about her travels, inspiring Valli even more. When they return home, Valli decides to share her adventure with her mother, who, instead of being angry, is impressed by Valli's independence and curiosity. Valli's mother agrees to take her on future trips, making exploration a family activity.

Comparison and Explanation


Companionship: In the alternate ending, Valli shares her adventure with her friend Raji, emphasizing the joy of shared experiences.

Parental Involvement: Valli confides in her mother, who supports her curiosity and independence, contrasting with the original ending where Valli keeps her adventure a secret.

Future Exploration: The alternate ending opens up opportunities for Valli to explore more with her family, suggesting continuous growth and learning.

Reasons for Changes:

Encouraging Openness: The new ending promotes honesty and openness between Valli and her mother, fostering a supportive environment for Valli's curiosity.

Shared Experiences: Including Raji in the adventure highlights the value of friendship and shared experiences in personal growth.

Ongoing Adventure: By planning future trips, the alternate ending emphasizes that exploration and learning are ongoing processes, encouraging readers to continue seeking new experiences.

Project  / Portfolio 4

Write a diary entry from Valli's perspective about her bus ride experience. Create a diary page with Valli's thoughts, feelings, and what she learned from her adventure.

Diary Entry from Valli's Perspective

Date: May 10, 2024

Dear Diary,

Today was the most exciting day of my life! I finally did it—I rode the bus all by myself to the town and back. I've been watching that bus go by for so long, dreaming about what it would be like to be on it. And today, my dream came true!

I felt a mix of excitement and a little bit of nervousness as I boarded the bus. I had saved my pocket money for weeks and planned everything so carefully. The conductor was very kind and even called me "Madam," which made me feel very grown-up.

As the bus drove through the fields and villages, I couldn't take my eyes off the window. The world outside my little village is so big and beautiful. I saw people, shops, trees, and rivers. Everything looked so different and new. I loved every moment of it!

I met some interesting people on the bus, too. There was an old man who fell asleep, and a woman who offered me sweets. I realized that there's so much to learn and see in the world. When we reached the town, I felt a great sense of accomplishment, but I knew I had to return quickly before anyone noticed I was gone.

When I got back home, I felt proud and happy. This adventure taught me that I'm capable of more than I thought. It also made me realize how important it is to plan carefully and be responsible. I can't wait to tell Raji about it and maybe take her along next time. And one day, I'll share this with Amma, too. For now, it's our little secret, dear diary.





An illustration can be added to the diary page depicting Valli sitting on the bus, looking out of the window with a wide smile, with scenes of fields and houses passing by outside the window.

Project  / Portfolio 5

Write about a personal experience of a memorable journey or adventure. Write a narrative essay comparing your experience with Valli’s bus ride, focusing on what you learned and how it changed you.

A Memorable Journey

One summer, I decided to explore a nearby forest alone. I had always heard stories about the beauty of the forest but had never seen it myself. With a small backpack and a map, I set off on my adventure. The moment I stepped into the forest, I felt a mix of excitement and fear, just like Valli on her bus ride.

As I walked deeper, I saw tall trees, colorful birds, and a flowing stream. Every sight was new and wonderful. I even met a kind old man who told me stories about the forest, similar to how Valli met interesting people on the bus.

By the end of the day, I felt proud and changed. Like Valli, I learned that stepping out of my comfort zone brings joy and growth. This journey taught me to appreciate nature and gave me confidence to explore more.

More Activities 

6. Draw or paint scenes from the story. Compile a series of illustrations depicting key moments in the story, with captions explaining each scene.

7. Perform a role play of a scene from the story. Record the performance and include it in the portfolio, along with a script and reflections on the characters’ interactions.

8. Create a map showing Valli’s bus route and important landmarks. Draw a map and annotate it with descriptions of significant locations from the story.

9. Research the cultural and social context of the story. Write a brief report on the cultural and social background of the setting, including information about rural India and transportation.

10. Identify and define unfamiliar words from the story. Create a vocabulary journal or flashcards, including definitions, sentences using each word, and illustrations.
