Grade 10- Project 2/ Portfolio 2

Long Walk to Freedom 

Project / Portfolio 1

Construct a timeline detailing the significant events in Nelson Mandela's life, from his birth to his presidency. Include dates, descriptions, and illustrations to illustrate the progression of his journey.

Timeline of Nelson Mandela's Life:

1. July 18, 1918: Nelson Mandela is born in Mvezo, a village in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.

2. 1944: Mandela joins the African National Congress (ANC), an organization dedicated to fighting against apartheid and racial discrimination.

3. 1956: Mandela and 155 others are arrested and charged with high treason for their involvement in the ANC's anti-apartheid activities.

4. 1962: Mandela is arrested and sentenced to five years in prison for incitement and leaving the country illegally. While in prison, he is charged with sabotage and sentenced to life imprisonment.

5. June 12, 1964: Mandela and seven co-defendants are sentenced to life in prison during the Rivonia Trial for their involvement in planning armed resistance against apartheid.

6. 1980s: Mandela becomes a symbol of resistance against apartheid, with international calls for his release growing stronger.

7. February 11, 1990: Mandela is released from Victor Verster Prison after serving 27 years.

8. 1993: Mandela and South African President F.W. de Klerk jointly receive the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to dismantle apartheid and establish a democratic South Africa.

9. April 27, 1994: Mandela participates in South Africa's first democratic elections, in which he becomes the country's first black president.

10. May 10, 1994: Mandela is inaugurated as the President of South Africa, marking the end of apartheid and the beginning of a new era of democracy.

Illustrations:(Collect pictures of the following) 

- Birthplace of Nelson Mandela in Mvezo.

- Mandela's arrest and trial during the Rivonia Trial.

- Mandela's release from prison in 1990.

- Mandela's inauguration as President of South Africa in 1994.

- Mandela receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

Project / Portfolio 2

Write a character analysis of Nelson Mandela, focusing on his qualities, motivations, and impact on society. 

Nelson Mandela was a very strong and brave person. He never gave up, even when things were very hard. He spent a long time in prison for fighting against unfair rules. Instead of being angry, he chose to forgive and make peace with everyone. Mandela wanted everyone to be treated the same, no matter what they looked like. He had a big dream for South Africa, where everyone would be free and equal. Mandela's bravery and kindness inspired people all over the world to be fair and fight for what's right. He showed us that even when things seem impossible, we can make a big difference if we work together.

Project / Portfolio 3

Conduct research on the history of apartheid in South Africa and its impact on society. Explore key figures, events, and policies that shaped this era, and consider how Mandela's activism contributed to the eventual dismantling of apartheid.

Apartheid was a system of unfair rules in South Africa that separated people based on their skin color. It started in 1948 and lasted for many years. Black people had fewer rights than white people. They had to live in certain areas and couldn't go to the same schools or use the same facilities as white people. Nelson Mandela was one of the key figures who fought against apartheid. He spent 27 years in prison for standing up for equal rights. Mandela's bravery and determination inspired many others to join the fight. In 1994, apartheid finally ended, and Mandela became the first black president of South Africa. His leadership and courage helped bring peace and equality to the country, showing that even the biggest challenges can be overcome with perseverance and unity.

Project / Portfolio 4

Write a reflective essay exploring your own views on freedom, justice, and activism after studying Mandela's life. Consider how his story has influenced your perspective and what lessons you can apply to your own life and actions.

Nelson Mandela's life taught me about the importance of freedom, fairness, and standing up for what is right. He fought against unfair rules in South Africa called apartheid. Mandela showed that even when things seem hard, we should never give up on our beliefs. His bravery inspires me to speak up against injustice and help others. Mandela's story teaches us that everyone deserves equal rights, no matter their skin color. I learned that even one person can make a big difference in the world by being kind and brave. Mandela's actions remind me to be grateful for the freedom I have and to work towards a world where everyone is treated fairly. His life encourages me to be a good person and stand up for what I believe in, just like he did.

Project / Portfolio 5

Write a letter to Nelson Mandela expressing your admiration, gratitude, or curiosity about his life and legacy. Share your thoughts on how his story has inspired you and ask any questions you may have about his experiences.

Dear Nelson Mandela,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to tell you how much I admire you. Your bravery and kindness inspire me every day.

I learned about your life and legacy in school, and I was amazed by all the things you did to make the world a better place. You fought against unfair rules and worked hard to make sure everyone was treated equally. That's really cool!

Your story has taught me that even when things are tough, we should never give up on what we believe in. You showed that one person can make a big difference in the world, and that's something I want to do too.

I have some questions for you, if that's okay. What was it like to stand up for what you believed in, even when it was hard? How did you stay brave and hopeful during difficult times?

Thank you for being such an amazing person and for showing us all how to be kind and brave. I hope to hear from you soon!

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

Other Portfolio / Projects Ideas 

5. Community Service Project: 

Plan and execute a community service project inspired by Mandela's commitment to social justice and reconciliation. Choose an issue or cause that aligns with Mandela's values and work together to make a positive impact in your community.

6. Self-Reflection Essay: 

Write a reflective essay exploring your own views on freedom, justice, and activism after studying Mandela's life. Consider how his story has influenced your perspective and what lessons you can apply to your own life and actions.

7. Creative Expression: 

Express your understanding of Mandela's journey through a creative medium of your choice, such as a poem, song, artwork, or short film. Use symbolism and imagery to convey the themes of freedom, resilience, and justice.

8. Reflective Journal: 

Keep a reflective journal throughout the reading of the text, jotting down your thoughts, questions, and reactions to Mandela's story. Consider how his experiences resonate with your own life and values.
