Gopal and the Hilsa-fish - Reading Comprehension

 AP/ NCERT Board-Based Reading Comprehension Passages Grade 7 Honeycomb

Chapter 3 Gopal and the Hilsa-fish

Reading Comprehension 1

(Scene 1: At the sea- Fishermen can be seen fishing at the sea)

Narrator: It was the season for Hilsa-fish. Fisherman could think of nothing but Hilsa-fish.

 (Scene 2: At the fish market)

Narrator: Fisher mongers sold nothing but Hilsa-fish.

Fisher monger: Come, buy. The price of Hilsa is down today.

(Scene 3: At the household- Two people can be seen talking about the Hilsa-fish)

Narrator: Householders could talk of nothing but Hilsa-fish.

Woman: How much did you pay for that Hilsa?

Man: You wouldn't believe it if I told you.

1. In Scene 1, what is the focus of the fishermen at the sea?

A. Crab hunting

B. Pearl diving

C. Fishing for Hilsa-fish

D. Lobster trapping

Answer: C. Fishing for Hilsa-fish

2.  What is the reason for the fisher monger to attract customers in Scene 2?

A. Discount on all fish

B. Freshness of seafood

C. Low price of Hilsa-fish

D. Availability of various fish

Answer: C. Low price of Hilsa-fish

3. How does the man respond to the woman's question in Scene 3?

A. He refuses to answer.

B. He quotes a reasonable price.

C. He exaggerates the price.

D. He changes the topic.

Answer: C. He exaggerates the price

4.  What does the narrator imply about the overall atmosphere in the given scenes?

A. People are disinterested in Hilsa-fish

B. Hilsa-fish is not in season

C. The focus is on Hilsa-fish in various contexts

D. Fishermen are facing challenges in catching Hilsa-fish

Answer: C. The focus is on Hilsa-fish in various contexts


 Reading Comprehension 2

(Scene 4: At the palace)

Narrator: And in the palace too the courtiers could discuss nothing but Hilsa-fish.

Courtier 1: Your majesty, you should have seen, the huge fish I caught, it was...

King: Stop it! Are you a courtier or a fisherman?

(Scene 5)

Narrator: The courtier fell silent with downcast eyes, the king felt guilty.

King: I'm sorry I lost my temper. It is the season for Hilsa-fish and no one....Not even Gopal can stop anyone from talking about Hilsa- fish not for even about five minutes.

Gopal: Oh! I think I could, Your Majesty.

King: Then let me see you buy a huge Hilsa and bring it to the palace without anyone asking you a word about it.

Gopal: I accept the challenge, Your Majesty.

1. How does the king react to Courtier 1's discussion about the Hilsa-fish in Scene 4?

A. He appreciates it

B. He scolds the courtier

C. He laughs

D. He ignores it

Answer: B. He scolds the courtier

2. What does the king feel guilty about in Scene 5?

A. Losing his temper

B. Not discussing Hilsa-fish

C. Dismissing Courtier 1

D. Ignoring Gopal

Answer: A. Losing his temper

3.  What does Gopal suggest he can do in Scene 5 to stop discussions about Hilsa-fish?

A. Sing a song

B. Perform a magic trick

C. Tell a joke

D. Bring a huge Hilsa-fish without anyone asking

Answer: D. Bring a huge Hilsa-fish without anyone asking

4. What is Gopal's reaction to the king's challenge in Scene 5?

A. He declines the challenge.

B. He laughs it off.

C. He accepts the challenge.

D. He suggests an alternative challenge.

Answer: C. He accepts the challenge

5. What does the overall setting of Scene 4 and Scene 5 imply about the influence of Hilsa-fish in the kingdom?

A. It has no impact on the palace discussions

B. The king is indifferent to Hilsa-fish

C. The kingdom is obsessed with Hilsa-fish

D. Hilsa-fish is banned in the palace

Answer: C. The kingdom is obsessed with Hilsa-fish

 Reading Comprehension 3

(Scene 6: At Gopal's house)

Narrator: A few days later---

Gopal's wife: Why is your face half-shaven?

Gopal: I'm dressing up to buy a fish.

Gopal's wife: What's the matter with you? Why are you smearing yourself with ash?

Gopal: I told you I'm dressing up to buy a Hilsa-fish.

Gopal's wife: Listen to me! Please you can't possibly go out in those disgraceful rags! What are you up to?

Gopal: How many times must I tell you, woman? I'm out to buy a huge Hilsa-fish.

Gopal's wife (thinking to herself): It's happened to him! He's gone mad!


1. How does Gopal's wife react to his appearance in Scene 6?

A. She laughs

B. She scolds him

C. She ignores him

D. She praises his look

Answer: B. She scolds him

2. How does Gopal respond when questioned about his appearance by his wife in Scene 6?

A. He denies any specific reason.

B. He explains that it's a fashion trend.

C. He insists he's going mad.

D. He reveals his plan to buy a Hilsa-fish.

Answer: D. He reveals his plan to buy a Hilsa-fish

3. What is Gopal's wife's reaction to Gopal's intention of buying a Hilsa-fish in Scene 6?

A. She supports him.

B. She encourages him.

C. She thinks he has gone mad.

D. She joins him in dressing up.

Answer: C. She thinks he has gone mad

4. What is the overall mood in Scene 6 based on Gopal's actions and his wife's reaction?

A. Joyful

B. Serious

C. Humorous

D. Anxious

Answer: C. Humorous

Reading Comprehension 4

(Scene 7: Gopal is on his way from the market and is walking with a big fish. He can be seen passing through a crowd of onlookers;  they are commenting on his look)

Narrator: Gopal bought the Hilsa-fish. Gopal started walking towards the palace.

Boy: Mother, Look at that man! Isn't he comical?

Man 1: He must be a mad man.

Man 2: Hush! I think he's a mystic.  

(Scene 8: Outside the palace)

Narrator:  When Gopal reached the court---

Guard 1: What do you want?

Gopal: I want to see the king.

Guard 1: You can't see the king! Get away with you!

1. How do the onlookers describe Gopal as he walks with the big fish?

A. Handsome

B. Comical

C. Mysterious

D. Angry

Answer: B. Comical

2. What does Man 1 suggest about Gopal in Scene 7?

A. He is a chef.

B. He is a mad man.

C. He is a magician.

D. He is a royal messenger.

Answer: B. He is a mad man

3. What is the opinion of Man 2 regarding Gopal in Scene 7?

A. He is comical.

B. He is a mystic.

C. He is a king.

D. He is angry.

Answer: B. He is a mystic

4. How do the guards react when Gopal expresses his intention to see the king in Scene 8?

A. They allow him inside.

B. They ignore him.

C. They escort him to the king.

D. They refuse his entry.

Answer: D. They refuse him entry

5. What is the overall tone of Scene 8 based on the guards' response?

A. Welcoming

B. Hostile

C. Indifferent

D. Joyful

Answer: B. Hostile

 Reading Comprehension 5

(Scene 9)

Narrator: Gopal began to dance and sing loudly.

(Scene 10)

Narrator: Inside the palace---

(The king hears the conversation between the guards and Gopal)

Guard 1:The man is crazy!

Guard 2: Throw him out at once!

Gopal: I want to see the king let me in!

(The guard is called for, and then the king demands Gopal's presence)

King: Bring that man to me at once!

Guard 1: Yes! Your Majesty.

1. What does Gopal do when he reaches the palace in Scene 9?

A. He silently waits outside.

B. He starts dancing and singing loudly.

C. He requests entry politely.

D. He walks away.

Answer: B. He starts dancing and singing loudly

2. How do the guards describe Gopal's behavior to each other in Scene 10?

A. Calm

B. Insane

C. Silent

D. Polite

Answer: B. Insane

3. How does Gopal react to the guards' refusal to let him in, according to Scene 10?

A. He gives up and leaves.

B. He argues with the guards.

C. He dances even more loudly.

D. He apologizes.

Answer: C. He dances even more loudly

4. How does the king feel about Gopal's actions, as indicated by Scene 10?

A. Amused

B. Annoyed

C. Indifferent

D. Angry

Answer: A. Amused

Reading Comprehension 6

(Scene 11: Inside the palace)

Narrator: Gopal was brought before the king.

Courtier 2: It's Gopal!

Courtier 3: The man has lost his mind!

Courtier 4: I think it's one of his crazy jokes.

King: All right, Gopal. Out with it! Why are you dressed up in this ridiculous fashion?

Gopal: Your Majesty, You seem to have forgotten something!

King: Forgotten something?

Gopal: Strangely enough no one seems to be interested in Hilsa-fish today! From the market to the palace and the court, not a soul has spoken a word about Hilsa-fish!

(Scene 12)

Narrator: Only then did the king remember the challenge he had thrown to Gopal.

King: Ha! ha! well Gopal, congratulations! You have achieved the impossible once again!

1. What is the courtiers' initial reaction when Gopal is brought before the king in Scene 11?

A. They applaud him

B. They express concern for him

C. They call him lunatic

D. They laugh at his appearance

Answer: C. They call him lunatic

2. How does the king address Gopal in Scene 11?

A. Gopal, the Wise

B. Gopal, the Foolish

C. Gopal, the Comical

D. Gopal, the Mystic

Answer: C. Gopal, the Comical

3. How does the king react to Gopal's achievement in Scene 12?

A. He scolds Gopal

B. He laughs and congratulates Gopal

C. He ignores Gopal

D. He asks Gopal to leave

Answer: B. He laughs and congratulates Gopal

4. What does Gopal achieve, according to the king, in Scene 12?

A. Completes a royal task

B. Achieves the impossible

C. Tells a crazy joke

D. Dresses in a ridiculous fashion

Answer: B. Achieves the impossible
