Glimpses of India

Textual Solutions for Class 10 English 

Chapter 5 Glimpses of India

 I. A Baker from Goa

"A Baker from Goa" by Lucio Rodrigues talks about how important bakers are in Goa. The story starts with the narrator remembering the "good old Portuguese days" when bakers were essential for all big events like weddings, engagements, and Christmas. Goan bakers, called "Paders," made special bread needed for these occasions. The narrator describes the unique dress of Goan bakers, who wore long, single-piece dresses reaching their knees. Even today, bakers' sons continue this tradition. The narrator recalls his childhood, waking up to the sound of the baker's bamboo stick and feeling excited to see the baker arrive. Bread is a vital part of Goan culture, and no big event can happen without sweet bread, or "bol." The narrator also mentions that bakers never went hungry because baking was a very profitable job in Goa. The story highlights the lasting importance of bakers in Goan culture and traditions.

Oral Comprehension Check (Page 86)

1. What are the elders in Goa nostalgic about?

In Goa, elders feel nostalgic about the old days when Portugal ruled, especially for the delicious bread they used to eat. Even though not many people eat that bread anymore, the bakers who make it are still around.

2. Is bread-making still popular in Goa? How do you know?

Yes, bread-making is still popular in Goa. It is evident from the fact that the bread makers still exist, though the eaters have gone away. The presence of the mixers, moulders, the ones who bake the loaves and the time-tested furnaces are a proof of their existence.

3. What is the baker called?

A baker is popularly known as a pader in Goa.

4. When would the baker come everyday? Why did the children run to meet him?

Every day, the baker would come around twice. First thing in the morning, he'd head out with his big basket full of bread. Then, later on, he'd come back after selling all his bread. The kids would rush to meet him because they loved his bread. They especially liked picking out bread-bangles, and sometimes he had sweet bread too, which was extra special.

Oral Comprehension Check (Page 87)

1. Match the following. What is a must

(i) as marriage gifts? – cakes and bolinhas
(ii) for a party or a feast? – sweet bread called bol
(iii) for a daughter’s engagement? – bread
(iv) for Christmas? – sandwiches

(i) as marriage gifts? – sweet bread called bol

(ii) for a party or a feast? – bread

(iii) for a daughter’s engagement? – sandwiches

(iv) for Christmas? – cakes and bolinhas

2. What did the bakers wear: (i) in the Portuguese days? (ii) when the author was young?

(i) In the Portuguese days, the bakers were usually dressed up in a peculiar dress known as the kabai. It was a single-piece long frock reaching down to the knees.

(ii) During the author’s childhood days, he saw the bakers wearing a shirt and trousers that were shorter than full-length ones and longer than half pants.

3. Who invites the comment — “he is dressed like a pader”? Why?

Any person who wears a half-pant that reaches just below the knees invites this comment— “he is dressed like a pader”. This is because the bakers, who are popularly known as paders in Goa, used to dress in a similar fashion.

4. Where were the monthly accounts of the baker recorded?

The bakers usually collected their bills at the end of the month and their monthly accounts were recorded on some wall in the house with a pencil.

5. What does a ‘jackfruit-like appearance’ mean?

A ‘jackfruit-like appearance’ means a plump physique. A baker used to have such a physique since it was believed that he and his family never starved. Baking was a lucrative profession and the baker, his family and his servants always looked happy and prosperous with their physical appearance.

Thinking about the Text (Page 88)

1. Which of these statements are correct?
(i) The pader was an important person in the village in old times.
(ii) Paders still exist in Goan villages.
(iii) The paders went away with the Portuguese.
(iv) The paders continue to wear a single-piece long frock.
(v) Bread and cakes were an integral part of Goan life in the old days.
(vi) Traditional bread-baking is still a very profitable business.
(vii) Paders and their families starve in the present times.

i) Correct     ii) Correct    iii) Incorrect. The paders still exist in Goan villages.

iv) Incorrect. The bakers wear a shirt and trousers that are shorter than full-length ones and longer than half pants.

v) Correct      v) Correct     vi) Incorrect. Baking happens to be a profitable business in Goa.

2. Is bread an important part of Goan life? How do you know this?

Bread is a big part of life in Goa. It's not just for eating; it's also used as gifts for weddings and big feasts. Moms use it to make sandwiches for their daughters' engagements. Everyone in Goa loves the smell of fresh bread. The older folks enjoy loaves, while the younger ones love bread-bangles. That's why every household needs bread for all occasions. Baking bread is a good business in Goa because people have loved tasty bread since the time of the Portuguese.

3. Tick the right answer. What is the tone of the author when he says the following?

(i) The thud and the jingle of the traditional baker’s bamboo can still be heard in some places. (nostalgic, hopeful, sad)
(ii) Maybe the father is not alive but the son still carries on the family profession. (nostalgic, hopeful, sad)
(iii) I still recall the typical fragrance of those loaves. (nostalgic, hopeful, naughty)
(iv) The tiger never brushed his teeth. Hot tea could wash and clean up everything so nicely, after all. (naughty, angry, funny)
(v) Cakes and bolinhas are a must for Christmas as well as other festivals. (sad, hopeful, matter-of-fact)
(vi) The baker and his family never starved. They always looked happy and prosperous. (matter-of-fact, hopeful, sad)

(i) nostalgic                (ii) hopeful

(iii) nostalgic            (iv) funny

(v) matter-of-fact     (vi) matter-of-fact

Writing (Page 88-89)

1. In this extract, the author talks about traditional bread-baking during his childhood days. Complete the following table with the help of the clues on the left. Then write a paragraph about the author’s childhood days.

the way bread was baked

The bakers used to bake loaves in the mixers and moulders on age-old, time-tested furnaces that were never extinguished.

the way the pader sold bread

The baker made his musical entry on the scene with the ‘jhang, jhang’ sound of his specially-made bamboo staff. One hand supported the basket on his head and the other banged the bamboo on the ground.

what the pader wore

The baker or bread-seller of those days had a peculiar dress known as the kabai. It was a single-piece long frock reaching down to the knees. In his childhood, he saw bakers wearing a shirt and trousers which were shorter than full-length ones and longer than half pants.

when the pader was paid

The baker usually collected his bills at the end of the month. Monthly accounts used to be recorded on some wall in pencil.

how the pader looked

The baker used to have a plump physique with a jackfruit-like physical appearance.

II. Compare the piece from the text (on the left below) with the other piece on Goan bakers (on the right). What makes the two texts so different? Are the facts the same? Do both writers give you a picture of the baker? 

Both the texts are more or less similar with the context that knowledge of bread-making flows down in the family like a tradition. Both the writers give a brief overview of a baker’s work. They have also mentioned how successive generations of bakers work hard and follow the footsteps of their parents to keep the family profession alive.

1. Now find a travel brochure about a place you have visited. Look at the description in the brochure. Then write your own account, adding details from your own experience, to give the reader a picture of the place, rather than an impersonal, factual description.

Jaipur, the Pink City, was a magical adventure! The colorful streets of Johari Bazaar were like a rainbow of saris and spicy smells. At Amber Fort, I felt like a royal as I wandered through grand halls and peeked at the hills from towering walls. City Palace was a fairytale with its shiny mirrors and pretty gardens. Then, atop Nahargarh Fort, the sunset painted Jaipur gold. Eating under the stars, I realized Jaipur wasn't just a city; it was a story of kings and queens, and I was part of it!

(Note: Students can write about their personal experiences for this question.)

Group Discussion (Page 89)

1. In groups, collect information on how bakeries bake bread now and how the process has changed over time.

In modern bakeries, the process of baking bread has become more automated and efficient compared to traditional methods. Nowadays, most bakeries use large-scale commercial equipment to mix, knead, proof, and bake bread. Industrial mixers handle large batches of dough, reducing the need for manual labor. Fermentation and proofing chambers control temperature and humidity to ensure consistent quality. Additionally, commercial ovens with precise temperature and steam controls bake bread evenly and quickly.

Historically, bread baking was a labor-intensive process done by hand or with simple tools. Dough was kneaded manually, often in large wooden troughs. Proofing relied on natural fermentation, which could take hours or even days. Traditional brick ovens heated with wood or coal required constant monitoring to maintain temperature. While modern technology has streamlined the baking process, some artisan bakeries still use traditional methods to produce specialty bread with unique flavors and textures.

2. There are a number of craft-based professions which are dying out. Pick one of the crafts below. Make a group presentation to the class about the skills required, and the possible reasons for the decline of the craft. Can you think of ways to revive these crafts?

(i) Pottery 
(ii) Batik work 
(iii) Dhurri (rug) weaving 
(iv) Embroidery 
(v) Carpentry 
(vi) Bamboo weaving 
(vii) Making jute products
(viii) Handloom

Activity to be done by yourself.

(Note: Students can write this answer as per their personal preferences.)

II. Coorg

The short narrative "Coorg" by Lokesh Abrol highlights the beauty and attractions of the hill station Coorg, situated between Mangalore and Mysore. The narrator describes Coorg as a heavenly place with abundant natural resources, diverse plant and animal life, and stunning landscapes. Coorg, also known as "Kodagu," is famous for its coffee plantations and is home to brave warriors and beautiful women. The people of Coorg are believed to have Greek or Arabic ancestry, known for their warm hospitality and courage.The region is blessed with the origin of the significant south Indian river, the Cauvery, where Mahaseer fish thrive. The riverbanks teem with diverse wildlife, including kingfishers, langurs, squirrels, and elephants. Coorg offers a range of adventure sports like river rafting, canoeing, rappelling, and trekking, attracting adventure enthusiasts. Tourist attractions like the Brahmagiri hills, Nisargdham island, and Bylakuppe Tibetan settlements draw visitors from far and wide. The narrator concludes by asserting that Coorg is the heart and soul of India, emphasizing its significance as a captivating destination.

Thinking about the Text (Page 92-93)

1. Where is Coorg?
Coorg or Kodagu is the smallest district of Karnataka that is located midway between Mysore and Mangalore.

2. What is the story about the Kodavu people’s descent?
The fiercely independent people of Coorg are believed to be the descendants of people of Greek or Arabic origin. As the story goes, a section of Alexander’s army moved south along the coast and settled there when they could not return to their country. These people married amongst the locals and their culture is apparent in the martial traditions, marriage and religious rites, which are distinct from the Hindu mainstream. This is the beautiful story about the Kodavu people’s descent.

3. What are some of the things you now know about
(i) the people of Coorg?
(ii) the main crop of Coorg?
(iii) the sports it offers to tourists?
(iv) the animals you are likely to see in Coorg?
(v) its distance from Bangalore, and how to get there?

(i) The Coorgi or Kodagu people are fiercely independent people comprising martial men and beautiful women who are believed to have descended from the Greeks or the Arabs. They have a strong tradition of hospitality and they are more than willing to recount numerous tales of bravery that are related to the men of this region. As a matter of fact, the Kodavus are the only people in India who are permitted to carry firearms without a licence.

(ii) Coffee is the main crop of Coorg. The air smells of invigorating coffee. Coffee estates and colonial bungalows stand tucked under tree canopies in prime corners of the town.

(iii) Coorg offers a variety of high-energy adventure sports that include river rafting, canoeing, rappelling, rock climbing, mountain biking and trekking.

(iv) The animals that you are likely to see in Coorg include Macaques, Malabar squirrels, langurs, slender lorises, wild elephants, etc. You can also see birds, bees and butterflies giving you company around the corner.

(v) By road, Coorg is around 250 – 260 kilometres from Bangalore and there are two routes to reach there. One route is via Mysore, which is the most frequented one. The other route is via Neelamangal, Kunigal and Chanrayanapatna.

Question 4:

Here are six sentences with some words in italics. Find phrases from the text that have the same meaning. (Look in the paragraphs indicated)

(i) During monsoons it rains so heavily that tourists do not visit Coorg. (para 2)

(ii) Some people say that Alexander’s army moved south along the coast and settled there. (para 3)

(iii) The Coorg people are always ready to tell stories of their sons’ and fathers’ valour. (para 4)

(iv) Even people who normally lead an easy and slow life get smitten by the high-energy adventure sports of Coorg. (para 6
(v) The theory of the Arab origin is supported by the long coat with embroidered waist-belt they wear. (para 3)

(vi) Macaques, Malabar squirrels observe you carefully from the tree canopy. (para 7)


(i) to keep many visitors away

(ii) As one story goes

(iii) are more than willing to recount

(iv) The most laidback individuals become converts to

(v) draws support from

(vi) keep a watchful eye

Thinking about Language (Page 93-94)


Certain words ‘go together’. Such ‘word friends’ are called collocations. The collocation of a word is ‘the company it keeps’.

For example, look at the paired sentences and phrases below. Which is a common collocation, and which one is odd? Strike out the odd sentence or phrase.

(a) • ‘How old are you?’ (b) • a pleasant person

• ‘How young are you?’ • a pleasant pillow

1. Here are some nouns from the text.

culture   monks   surprise   experience weather   tradition

Work with a partner and discuss which of the nouns can collocate with which of the adjectives given below. The first one has been done for you.

unique   terrible   unforgettable   serious ancient   wide   sudden

(i) culture: unique culture, ancient culture

(ii) monks: unique monks, serious monks

(iii) surprise: unforgettable surprise, terrible surprise, unique surprise

(iv) experience: unique experience, unforgettable experience, terrible experience

(v) weather: terrible weather, unique weather

(vi) tradition: unique tradition, ancient tradition

2. Complete the following phrases from the text. For each phrase, can you find at least one other word that would fit into the blank?

(i) tales of _______ 

(ii) coastal __________

(iii) a piece of _______ 

(iv) evergreen __________

(v) ________ plantations 

(vi) __________ bridge

(vii) wild ___________

You may add your own examples to this list.

tales of valour, tales of bravery
coastal town, coastal village/belt
a piece of heaven, a piece of cake
evergreen rainforests, evergreen forest/jungle
coffee plantations, banana/tea plantations
rope bridge, concrete bridge
wild creatures, wild animals

III. Tea from Assam

The story is about two friends, Pranjol and Rajvir, who are traveling to Assam, Pranjol's hometown. They buy tea from a vendor on the train, and as they journey, Rajvir admires the tea plantations, while Pranjol, who grew up in Assam, is less impressed. Rajvir shares his knowledge about tea's history, dating back to China in 2700 B.C. and spreading to Europe in the 16th century for its medicinal uses. They discuss different stories about tea's discovery, involving a Chinese Emperor and a Buddhist monk. When they arrive, Pranjol's parents take them to their tea garden. On the way, they see a truck carrying tea leaves, signaling the second sprouting season. Rajvir's enthusiasm for tea is evident from his research.

Thinking about the Text (Page 96-97)

I. 1. Look at these words: upkeep, downpour, undergo, dropout, walk-in. They are built up from a verb (keep, pour, go, drop, walk) and an adverb or a particle (up, down, under, out, in).

Use these words appropriately in the sentences below. You may consult a dictionary.

(i) A heavy _______ has been forecast due to low pressure in the Bay of Bengal. downpour

(ii) Rakesh will ________ major surgery tomorrow morning. undergo

(iii) My brother is responsible for the ________of our family property. upkeep

(iv) The _______ rate for this accountancy course is very high. dropout

(v) She went to the Enterprise Company to attend a _________ interview. walk-in

2. Now fill in the blanks in the sentences given below by combining the verb given in brackets with one of the words from the box as appropriate.

over      by     through     out     up    down

(i) The Army attempted unsuccessfully to _____ the Government. (throw) overthrow

(ii) Scientists are on the brink of a major ______ in cancer research. (break) breakthrough

(iii) The State Government plans to build a ________ for Bhubaneswar to speed up traffic on the main highway. (pass) bypass

(iv) Gautama’s ________ on life changed when he realised that the world is full of sorrow. (look) outlook

(v) Rakesh seemed unusually ________ after the game. (cast) downcast

II:Notice how these -ing and -ed adjectives are used.

(a) Chess is an interesting game.
       I am very interested in chess.
(b) Going trekking in the Himalayas this summer is an exciting idea.
       We are very excited about the trek.
(c) Are all your school books this boring?
      He was bored as he had no friends there.

The -ing adjectives show the qualities that chess, trekking, or these books have: they cause interest, excitement, or boredom in you. The —ed/—en adjectives show your mental state, or your physical state: how you feel in response to ideas, events or things.

1. Think of suitable -ing or -ed adjectives to answer the following questions. You may also use words from those given above.

How would you describe

(i) a good detective serial on television? Interesting

(ii) a debate on your favourite topic ‘Homework Should Be Banned’? Exciting

(iii) how you feel when you stay indoors due to incessant rain? Bored

(iv) how you feel when you open a present? Excited

(v) how you feel when you watch your favourite programme on television? Interested

(vi) the look on your mother’s face as you waited in a queue? Fatigued

(vii) how you feel when tracking a tiger in a tiger reserve forest? Thrilled

(viii) the story you have recently read, or a film you have seen? Interesting

2. Now use the adjectives in the exercise above, as appropriate, to write a paragraph about Coorg.

Coorg is an interesting place to visit because it's full of exciting adventures and breathtaking views. When I visited, I felt thrilled to explore the lush green forests and sparkling waterfalls. I was excited to try the delicious local cuisine and learn about the unique culture of the people there. However, after a long day of trekking and sightseeing, I felt fatigued but still interested in discovering more about this beautiful region. Overall, my trip to Coorg was an unforgettable experience that left me both exhausted and eager to return for more adventures.

Speaking and Writing (Page 97-98)

1. Read the following passage about tea.

India and tea are so intertwined together that life without the brew is unimaginable. Tea entered our life only in the mid-nineteenth century when the British started plantations in Assam and Darjeeling! In the beginning though, Indians shunned the drink as they thought it was a poison that led to umpteen diseases. Ironically, tea colonised Britain where it became a part of their social diary and also led to the establishment of numerous tea houses.

Today, scientific research across the world has attempted to establish the beneficial qualities of tea — a fact the Japanese and the Chinese knew anyway from ancient times, attributing to it numerous medicinal properties.

[Source: ‘History: Tea Anytime’ by Ranjit Biswas from Literary Review, The Hindu, 1 October 2006]
Collect information about tea, e.g. its evolution as a drink, its beneficial qualities. You can consult an encyclopedia or visit Internet websites. Then form groups of five and play the following roles: Imagine a meeting of a tea planter, a sales agent, a tea lover (consumer), a physician and a tea-shop owner. Each person in the group has to put forward his/her views about tea. You may use the following words and phrases.

• I feel … • It is important to know …

• I disagree with you … • I think that tea …

• I would like you to know … • I agree with …

• It is my feeling … • I suggest …

• May I know why you … • I am afraid …

1. Tea Planter:

"I feel proud of the rich history of tea cultivation in India. It is important to know the hard work and dedication that goes into growing tea leaves. I suggest exploring sustainable farming practices to ensure the longevity of our tea plantations."

2. Sales Agent:

 "I think that tea is a versatile beverage loved by people worldwide. It is important to know the preferences of our customers to offer them the best quality tea. I suggest promoting new tea flavors and blends to attract more consumers."

3. Tea Lover (Consumer):

 "I disagree with you on the notion that tea is just a beverage. For me, tea is an essential part of my daily routine and brings me comfort and joy. I would like you to know that the quality and taste of tea are important factors for me when choosing a brand."

4. Physician:

"It is my feeling that tea has numerous health benefits when consumed in moderation. It is important to know that tea contains antioxidants that can boost the immune system and improve heart health. I suggest educating the public about the positive effects of tea on overall well-being."

5. Tea-Shop Owner:

"I agree with the physician's viewpoint on the health benefits of tea. It is important to know the different types of tea and their unique qualities to offer customers a diverse selection. I am afraid that misinformation about tea may deter potential customers, so I suggest providing accurate information to promote tea consumption."

2. You are the sales executive of a famous tea company and you have been asked to draft an advertisement for the product. Draft the advertisement using the information you collected for the role play. You can draw pictures or add photographs and make your advertisement colourful.

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[Include colorful images of tea leaves, happy customers enjoying tea, and the RefreshTea packaging to make the advertisement visually appealing.]


Activity to be done by yourself.
