Geography Lesson -Reading Comprehension

AP/ NCERT  Grade 8 Honeydew
Poem Geography Lesson Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension 1

When the jet sprang into the sky,
it was clear why the city
had developed the way it had,
seeing it scaled six inches to the mile.
There seemed an inevitability
about what on ground had looked haphazard,
unplanned and without style
When the jet sprang into the sky.

1. What is the significance of the jet sprang into the sky in the given lines?
   a) It caused chaos and disruption in the city.
   b) It revealed the city's organized development.
   c) It confirmed the city's lack of planning.
   d) It had no impact on the city's appearance.

2. What does the stanza suggest about the city's development?
   a) It was meticulously planned and stylish.
   b) It lacked any sense of style or order.
   c) It was intentionally designed to appear haphazard.
   d) It scaled down when the jet took off.

3. What was the effect of viewing the city from the jet's perspective?
   a) It made the city appear more disorganized.
   b) It confirmed the city's meticulous planning.
   c) It revealed an unexpected sense of order.
   d) It had no impact on the city's appearance.

4. According to the stanza, what word best describes the city's appearance before the jet took off?
   a) Organized
   b) Haphazard
   c) Stylish
   d) Inevitable

5. The stanza suggests that the city's development was chaotic and unplanned until the jet took off. (True/False)

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Reading Comprehension 2

When the jet reached ten thousand feet,
it was clear why the country
had cities where the rivers ran
and why the valleys were populated.
The logic of geography —
that land and water attracted man —
was clearly delineated
When the jet reached ten thousand feet.

1. What was the altitude of the jet when the realization about the country's geography was made?
   a) 1,000 feet
   b) 5,000 feet
   c) 10,000 feet
   d) 15,000 feet

2. What is the reason given in the stanza for the location of cities in the country?
   a) Mountains and hills
   b) Desert regions
   c) Rivers and water bodies
   d) Forested areas

3. Why were valleys populated according to the stanza?
   a) Valleys were naturally abundant in resources.
   b) Valleys had the best views from the jet.
   c) Valleys were isolated and peaceful.
   d) Valleys had easy access to rivers.

4. What is the primary theme discussed in the stanza?
   a) Air travel
   b) Country's history
   c) Geography and settlement patterns
   d) Jet engine technology

5. Fill in the Blanks:
"When the jet reached ten thousand feet, the logic of _____________ was clearly delineated."

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Reading Comprehension 3

When the jet rose six miles high,
it was clear the earth was round
and that it had more sea than land.
But it was difficult to understand
that the men on the earth found
causes to hate each other, to build
walls across cities and to kill.
From that height, it was not clear why.

1. What did the jet's elevation reveal about the earth in the stanza?
   a) The earth was flat.
   b) The earth was round.
   c) The earth had more land than sea.
   d) The earth was covered in clouds.

2. According to the stanza, what was difficult to understand from the jet's perspective?
   a) The shape of the earth
   b) The reasons for hating each other
   c) Building walls across cities
   d) The need to kill

3. What did the men on the earth find difficult to understand, as mentioned in the stanza?
   a) The shape of the earth
   b) The need to build walls
   c) The reasons for hatred and conflict
   d) The jet's elevation

4. From the perspective of the jet, what was not clear in the stanza?
   a) The shape of the earth
   b) The reasons for hatred
   c) The need to build walls
   d) The elevation of the jet

5. In the stanza, what does the word "elevation" mean?
   a) The act of moving upward
   b) The altitude or height above a reference point
   c) The shape of the earth
   d) The process of building walls

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