From the Diary of Anne Frank - Extract Based Questions

 Extract 1

"Paper has more patience than people.' I thought of this saying on one of those days when I was feeling a little depressed and was sitting at home with my chin in my hands, bored and listless, wondering whether to stay in or go out. I finally stayed where I was, brooding: Yes, paper does have more patience, and since I'm not planning to let anyone else read this stiff-backed notebook grandly referred to as a 'diary, unless' should ever find a real friend, it probably won't make a bit of difference.

1. Who is 'I' in the above lines?

Anne Frank

2. Anne doesn't plan to let anyone else read her diary as _____.

(a) She is secretive about her life.

(b) It's about her intimate feelings. ✔

(c) She is unwilling to share it with anyone.

(d) She wants to cherish these moments herself.

3. "Paper has more patience than people.” What does this imply?

This implies that Anne felt that she could pour her heart out on paper without any hindrance.

4. Pick the option that is ODD one out with reference to the meaning of 'patience'.

(a) Indolence ✔

(b) grit

(c) perseverance 

(d) tolerance

Extract 2

To enhance the image of this long-awaited friend in my imagination, I don't want to jot down the facts in this diary the way most people would do, but I want the diary to be my friend, and I'm going to call this friend "Kitty. Since no one would understand a word of my stories to Kitty if I were to plunge right in, I'd better provide a brief sketch of my life, much as dislike doing so.

1. Whom did Anne consider her true friend?

a. Her grandmother

b. her teacher

c. her diary ✔

d. her sister

2. Find out a word from the extract which means "to jump or dive in –"

a. Plunge ✔

b. Provide

c. Sketch.

d. Imagination

3. Why does Anne call Kitty her long-awaited friend?

Anne calls Kitty her long-awaited friend because she feels lonely and needs someone to confide in.

4. How does Anne want to begin her diary?

Anne wants to begin her diary by treating it as her friend, "Kitty," and providing a brief sketch of her life before diving into her stories.

Extract 3

Let me put it more clearly since no one will believe that a thirteen-year-old girl is completely alone in the world. And I'm not. I have loving parents and a sixteen-year-old sister, and there are about thirty people I can call friends. I have a family, loving aunts and a good home. No, on the surface I seem to have everything, except my one true friend. All I think about when I'm with friends is having a good time. I can't bring myself to talk about anything but ordinary everyday things. We don't seem to be able to get any closer, and that's the problem. Maybe it's my fault that we don't confide in each other. In any case, that's just how things are, and unfortunately, they're not liable to change. This is why I've started the diary...

1. From the options given below, identify Anne's tone in the extract

(a) Restless 

(b) Dissatisfied ✔

(c) Scared 

(d) Hurt

2. Enlist her family members:

(a) She had no family at all.

(b) She had loving parents and a sixteen-year-old sister. ✔

(c) She had a loving grandfather but no parents.

(d) There are thirty members in her family.

3. What does Anne want to clear, in the first line of the passage? What problem is she referring to?

Anne wants to explain that she is not completely alone but lacks a true friend. The problem is she can't talk deeply with anyone.

4. "Responsible' is the synonym for which word in the passage?


Extract 4 

No one knows how often I think of her and still love her. This birthday celebration in 1942 was intended to make up for the other...

1. Who speaks these words and Why?

Anne Frank speaks these words because she is sad at having lost her dear grandmother.

2. Whom does the speaker think about often? Why doesn't anyone know about this?

Anne often thinks about her grandmother. No one knows about this because she is a reserved girl and does not share her true feelings with anyone.

3. Which birthday was intended to make up for in 1942? Why?

In 1942, the birthday of 1941 was intended to be made up for, since grandma was ill in 1941 and had to be operated upon. So, that birthday had passed with little celebration.

4. What was done during the birthdaycelebrationsin1942? Why?

Grandma's candle was lit along with the rest during Anne's birthday celebrations of 1942. It was done so to pay a tribute to Grandma who was no more.

Extract 5

- what can you write about that? I'd worry about that later, I decided. I jotted down the title in my notebook, tucked it in my bag and tried to keep quiet.

1. What does 'that' here refer to?

Here 'that' refers to the topic 'A Chatterbox' that Mr. Keesing had assigned as extra homework to Anne.

2. Who is There? Why did she/he decide to worry about 'that' later?

Here T is Anne Frank. She decided to worry later about the topic 'A Chatterbox' because she had just been punished for talking.

3. What 'title' did she/he jot down in her notebook?

Anne jotted down the title 'A Chatterbox' in her notebook.

4. Why did the speaker decide to 'keep quiet'?

Anne decide to keep quiet because she did not want to give her teacher another reason to get upset with her.
