Footprints Without Feet - Short Answers

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Short Answers 

1.What surprised the two boys in London?

The two boys were surprised by the fresh, muddy footprints of a barefooted man on the steps of a house in London, even though they couldn't see the man.

2. How did Griffin become invisible?

Griffin became invisible by swallowing rare drugs that made his body as transparent as glass, while still remaining solid.

3. What did Griffin do to escape his landlord?

Griffin set fire to his landlord's house in revenge and escaped by removing his clothes to become invisible.

4. Why did Griffin enter a big London store

Griffin entered a big London store to escape the cold weather and to find clothes and food.

5. What happened when Griffin woke up late in the store?

When Griffin woke up late, the store assistants had arrived, forcing him to run and remove his clothes to become invisible again.

6. How did Griffin disguise himself after robbing the theatrical shop?

Griffin disguised himself by wrapping bandages around his forehead, wearing dark glasses, a false nose, bushy sidewhiskers, and a large hat.

7. Why was Mrs. Hall suspicious of Griffin?

Mrs. Hall was suspicious of Griffin because of his strange habits, irritable temper, and the unexplained disturbances in his room.

8. What unusual event occurred in the clergyman’s study?

The clergyman and his wife heard noises and found money missing from the desk, although the room appeared empty with no sign of anyone.

9. How did Griffin reveal his invisibility to Mrs. Hall?

Griffin revealed his invisibility by throwing off his bandages, whiskers, spectacles, and nose, showing that he had no head.

10. What was the constable's reaction to Griffin's invisibility?

The constable, Mr. Jaffers, was surprised but determined to arrest Griffin, even though he became more invisible as he removed his clothes.
