Fog - Long Answers

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Long Answers

1. Describe how Carl Sandburg uses animal imagery to depict the fog in the poem "Fog."

Carl Sandburg uses animal imagery to depict the fog as a cat. He describes the fog as coming "on little cat feet," which emphasises its quiet and stealthy arrival. The fog is personified as sitting and looking over the harbour and city "on silent haunches," just like a cat would sit and observe its surroundings. This imagery helps to convey the soft, silent, and mysterious nature of the fog as it appears and then moves on without making a sound. By comparing the fog to a cat, Sandburg creates a vivid picture of its gentle and ephemeral presence.

2.How does the poem "Fog" by Carl Sandburg create a sense of mystery and tranquillity?

The poem "Fog" creates a sense of mystery and tranquillity through its use of simple, yet evocative language. By describing the fog as moving "on little cat feet," Sandburg evokes an image of quiet and stealth, much like a cat. The fog's silent observation of the harbour and city, sitting on "silent haunches," adds to the tranquil and mysterious atmosphere. The brevity of the poem, combined with its gentle imagery, allows readers to feel the calm and ephemeral nature of the fog, emphasising its transient beauty and the peaceful stillness it brings as it moves on silently.

3. Explain the significance of the fog sitting and looking over the harbour and city in the poem "Fog."

In the poem "Fog," the significance of the fog sitting and looking over the harbour and city lies in its metaphorical representation of quiet observation and stillness. The fog, like a cat, sits silently and watches its surroundings, creating a sense of calm and contemplation. This imagery highlights the fog's temporary yet impactful presence as it envelops the city and harbour, providing a moment of pause in the hustle and bustle of urban life. The fog's ability to move on without disturbing the environment emphasises the transient nature of such moments, reminding readers of the fleeting beauty found in everyday occurrences.

4. Analyse how the poem "Fog" by Carl Sandburg uses personification to enhance its imagery and impact.

Carl Sandburg uses personification in "Fog" to enhance the poem's imagery and impact by giving the fog human-like qualities. By describing the fog as coming "on little cat feet," Sandburg personifies the fog as a quiet, stealthy creature. This comparison to a cat sitting and observing the harbour and city on "silent haunches" adds a layer of mystery and tranquillity to the scene. The personification creates a vivid image of the fog as a living entity, enhancing the reader's connection to the natural phenomenon. This technique deepens the poem's impact, allowing readers to experience the fog's gentle, silent movement as if it were a sentient being.

5. Evaluate the effectiveness of the metaphor used in Carl Sandburg's poem "Fog."

The metaphor in Carl Sandburg's poem "Fog" is highly effective in conveying the nature of fog. By comparing the fog to a cat moving "on little cat feet," Sandburg captures the quiet, stealthy, and mysterious qualities of fog. This metaphor helps readers visualise the fog's gentle arrival and its silent, observant presence over the harbour and city. The imagery of the fog sitting on "silent haunches" reinforces its tranquil and ephemeral nature. The metaphor is simple yet powerful, effectively creating a vivid and relatable picture of the fog, making the poem memorable and impactful in its brevity.
