Fire and Ice- Short Answers

 Fire and Ice- Short Answers

1. Why are 'ice' and 'hate' juxtaposed in the poem?

The word "ice" is used in two ways in the poem. Literally, it's frozen water that can cause destruction. Symbolically, it represents feelings like hate and selfishness, which can also be destructive. So, "ice" and "hate" are shown as things that can ruin.

2. According to the poet, what do ‘ice’ and ‘fire’ symbolise?

The poet says that "ice" means hate and coldness, which can destroy love. "Fire" stands for strong feelings like anger and cruelty that can also ruin everything. So, both "ice" and "fire" represent bad things that can cause harm.

3. How, according to the poet, will ice suffice to destroy the world? (Or) What does the ending of the poem suggest?

The poet thinks strong anger and hate can ruin things. But he also says that being cold and not caring about others can be just as bad. He believes these cold feelings can destroy the world slowly, like poison.

4. Frost favours fire over ice for the end of the world. Justify.

The poet's personal experiences and observations make him agree with those who are of the view that the world will end in fire. He has witnessed how fiery passions like anger, cruelty. lust and violence govern the thoughts and actions of people and may lead to the doom of the world.

5. 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.' Why is there a difference of opinion regarding the 'end' of the world?

People have different ideas about how the world might end. Some think global warming could make it too hot, while others worry that extreme cold might cause problems. It's hard to say for sure which is right, so people have different opinions.

6. For destruction 'ice is also great'. Why has the poet used the word 'also' in the line?

The poet suggests that while fire (representing anger) is an obvious threat to the world, ice (representing hatred) can also lead to its destruction. He uses "also" to emphasize that both elements are significant factors in bringing about the end of the world.
