Fire and Ice - Reading Comprehension

Fire and Ice

Reading Comprehension 1

    Some say the world will end in fire
    Some say in ice.
    From what I've tasted of desire
    I hold with those who favour fire.

1. People believe that the world will end either in _______ or _____.

2. 'Desire' in the third line stands for

    a) happy memories

    b) noble purposes

    c) uncontrolled passions

    d) bare necessities

3. 'I' in the stanza refers to...............

4. Here to 'favour fire' implies that fire is a/an _______ element.

    a) essential

    b) pleasant

    c) favourable

    d) destructive

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Reading Comprehension 2

    But if it had to perish twice,
    I think I know enough of hate
    To say that for destruction ice
    Is also great
    And would suffice.

1. What does the poet believe would be sufficient for destruction?

    a) Fire

    b) Ice

    c) Both fire and ice

    d) Earthquake

2. What does the word "suffice" mean in the context of the poem?

    a) To be excessive

    b) To be inadequate

    c) To be enough

    d) To be irrelevant

3. What emotion does the poet associate with "ice"?

    a) Joy

    b) Love

    c) Hate

    d) Compassion

4. In the poem, what is the poet saying about perishing twice?

    a) His personal experiences

    b) The world's destruction

    c) The end of love and hate

    d) The consequences of anger

5. Which of the following statements best describes the poet's view on destruction?

    a) Destruction should be avoided at all costs.

    b) Destruction by ice is preferable to destruction by fire.

    c) Destruction by fire is preferable to destruction by ice.

    d) Destruction is inevitable and necessary.

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