Dust of Snow - Short Answers

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Dust of Snow - Short Answers

1. How did the crow shake off snow from the hemlock tree?

The crow shook off the snow from the hemlock tree unintentionally in the course of flying off from there. As it took off from a branch of a hemlock tree, it displaced the powdery snow scattering it all over the poet passing from under the tree.

2. What are 'crow' and 'hemlock tree' usually symbolic of?

'Crow' and 'hemlock tree' are usually symbolic of the unpleasant aspects of nature. 'Crow' is not a sweet singing bird and is considered to be inauspicious, and 'hemlock' is a poisonous tree symbolizing death.

3. What state of mind did the poet have in the beginning of the poem?

In the beginning of the poem, the poet was in very low spirits. He had spoilt a good part of the day brooding pensively as his mind was filled with depressing, negative thoughts.

4. What role does the crow play in lifting the spirit of the poet?

The bird helps the poet feel better by bringing snow. Snow helps the poet feel happier and closer to nature. The bird makes a big change for the poet.

5. How coulda handful of dust of snow save 'some part of a day'?

Dust of snow in all its whiteness, purity and soothing coolness came like a blessing from heaven which pacified the poet's agitated mind. The suddenness and spontaneity of the fall drove away all his gloom, leaving the poet to spend the rest of the day happily. Thus, the rest of the day was saved.

6. Why do you think the poet has written the poem in just two stanzas? Do you think the poem could have been an elaborate piece? Why didn't the poet do so?


Why do you think the poet has kept the poem short and simple?

The poem "Dust of Snow" is short but meaningful. The poet didn't make it longer because he showed the importance of a small moment clearly in two stanzas. He didn't think extra details were needed.
