Dust of Snow - Reading Comprehension

Grade 10 NCERT Board Based Reading Comprehensions  First Flight
Poem Dust of Snow

Reading Comprehension 1

    The way a crow
    Shook down on me
    The dust of snow
    From a hemlock tree

1. The crow shook down on the poet a bit of

    a. dust
    b. sand
    c. snow
    d. poison

2. The crow was perched on a branch of a ______

3. The hemlock tree is usually

    a. fragrant
    b. colourful
    c. snow-clad
    d. poisonous

4. The rhyme scheme of the stanza is...............

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Reading Comprehension 2

    Has given my heart
    A change ofmood
    And saved some part
    Of a day I had rued.

1. The poet had spent the major part of his day in

    a. delight
    b. regret

2. The incident in the poem made the poet.........................

3. Who/What is responsible for the change in the poet's mood?

4. The poem shows that the poet

   a. does not enjoy nature
   b. keeps complaining about nature
   c. he is indifferent to nature
   d.  loves contact with nature

5. The extract seems to suggest that little things in our life can make us happy or sad. (True/False)

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