Dust of Snow - Poetic Devices


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Poetic Devices

Poetic Device Definition Example from the Poem
Same sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.

Has given my heart (Here 'h' sound has been repeated.)
And saved some part. (sound 's')
Enjambment    Refers to running lines from one to the next.
Does not use any punctuation marks in the middle
Each of its lines runs on to the next without any punctuation mark.
The thought ends with the last line.
The fullstop comes only at the end.

Refers to the use of symbols in a literary work.

The poet uses 3 symbols.
The crow, the hemlock tree  symbolise sadness and the dust of snow symbolises blessing from heaven.
Refers to the mental pictures or images.

The poem is full of visual imagery of the winter landscape.
Rhyme Scheme Pattern of rhymes at the end of each line of a poem or song. Each of the two stanzas follow the same rhyme scheme i.e. abab.
