Dust of Snow - Extract Based Questions

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1. The way a crow
    Shook down on me
    The dust of snow
    From a hemlock tree

(a) Where wasthe crow perched?

The crow was perched on a snow-covered hemlock tree in a forest.

(b) How did the crow shake off snow from the hemlock tree?

The crow shook off the snow from the hemlock tree unintentionally in the course of flying off from there. 

(c) What does 'snow' represent in this stanza?

Although snow generally symbolizes difficulties and barrenness, in this stanza, 'snow' represents nature. The poet comes in contact with nature.

(d) Explain the imagery used in the stanza.

The imagery used in the stanza is that of a winter landscape with a hemlock tree laden with snow and a crow perched on its branches.

2. Has given my heart
    A change of mood
    And saved some part
    Of a day I had rued.

(a) What state of mind did the poet have in the beginning of the poem?

In the beginning of the poem, the poet was in very low spirits.

(b) How did the poet's mood change at the end of the poem?

The poet became relieved and cheerful. He no longer had any regrets. He was out of his depressive mood. He meant to spend the rest of his day in a happy mood.

(c) What brought about a change in the poet's mood?

Particles of snow fell on the poet due to the movement of a crow sitting in the hemlock tree. This direct contact with nature soothed and pacified his troubled mind and changed his mood.

(d) Explain: 'And saved some part/Of a day...'?

The poet had a very dull and gloomy day. But before the end of the day, a fall of dust of snow over him set in a joyous mood. It was like a blessing from heaven and the rest of the day was saved from being ruined.
