Diary Entry- Part 1- for CBSE Grade 9

Q.1. Make an entry in your diary  in 120 to 200 words on your hesitation to speak English and your wish to improve your English speaking skills. 


September 13 20XX

10:30 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Today was a day full of mixed feelings. I still feel a little shy and hesitant when it comes to speaking English. Sometimes I worry that I might say the wrong words or make mistakes. But deep down, I really want to get better at speaking English. I see my friends confidently chatting in English, and I wish I could do that too. I know that practice makes perfect, and I'm determined to improve my English speaking skills. I want to sound fluent and express myself better. I think it's important to believe in myself and not be afraid of making mistakes. Maybe I can start by talking more with my English-speaking friends and practicing with them. I'll keep reminding myself that it's okay to make mistakes, and with time and effort, I'll get better. I'm excited to see how much I can improve and become more confident in speaking English.

Until tomorrow,


Q. 2. Make an entry in your diary how you overcame your nervousness and start practicing English with your friends.


September 14 20XX

11:00 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Today was a big step for me in overcoming my hesitation to speak English. I've been feeling nervous for a while, but I really wanted to improve my English speaking skills. So, I decided to take a deep breath and talk to my friends in English. At first, I was a bit shaky and worried about making mistakes. But you know what? My friends were really supportive and encouraging. They told me that everyone makes mistakes and that it's all a part of learning. They even shared their own funny language mishaps, which made me feel much better. We started with simple conversations, like talking about our hobbies and favorite movies. It was so much fun! I realized that my friends were more interested in what I wanted to say rather than how perfectly I said it. This boosted my confidence, and as we chatted more, I felt my nervousness melting away. I'm really glad I took this step. It feels great to know that I have such wonderful friends who are helping me on my English learning journey. I can't wait to keep practicing and improving my skills.

See you tomorrow!


Q. 3. Make an entry in your diary on your experience in a school for deaf and  dumb children.


7 December 20XX

9:30 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Today was an enlightening day at a deaf and dumb school. I was welcomed with smiles that communicated more than words. Sign language was their mode of expression, a captivating dance of hands and expressions. I joined a sign language class, stumbling at first but embraced by their patience. Lunchtime revealed the beauty of communication through gestures and written words. The experience highlighted determination and inclusivity. I left with a deep appreciation for their unique way of connecting. This day emphasized that understanding goes beyond spoken words, inspiring me to learn more of this silent yet powerful language.

Till tomorrow,


Q. 4. Make an entry in your diary in about 100 to 120 words describing your experience of your visit to a Flower Exhibition.

16 August 20XX

10:00 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Today was like stepping into a magical garden! I went to a flower show, and wow, it was amazing! Flowers of all colors were there, and they smelled so good. I saw pretty roses, big sunflowers, and fancy orchids. They were like a rainbow on the ground. Nice people told me cool things about each flower. Did you know flowers have stories too? I felt like a nature explorer, learning all these secrets. I wanted to touch everything, but I couldn't. I wished I could take all the flowers home! I love flowers even more now. They're like nature's art show. I want to learn more about them and make my garden one day. Today was flowery fun!

Bye for now,


Q. 5. Make an entry in your diary in about 100 to 120 words how you helped an old man who could not cross the road by himself.


18 February 20XX

9:40 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Today, I saw an old man struggling to cross the road. He looked a bit scared, so I went up to him and asked if he needed help. He smiled and held my hand. We waited for the cars to stop, and then we walked across slowly. As we crossed, he told me stories from when he was young. I felt really happy that I could help him and make him feel safe. After we crossed, he thanked me, and I felt proud. It taught me that even small things, like helping someone cross the road, can make them happy. I want to keep helping others whenever I can. Good Night!

See you tomorrow,


Q. 6. Make an entry in your diary in about 100 to 120 words describing your meeting with a few celebrities.


22 April 20XX

8:45 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Today was beyond amazing! I met real celebrities! Their face was so familiar from movies and TV shows. My heart was racing, and I could hardly believe it was happening. I mustered up the courage to say hello, and they were really friendly. We chatted for a bit, and they even signed an autograph for me. Their voice sounded just like in the movies. I was starstruck! I realized that celebrities are regular people too, just famous. It made me feel special that they took time to talk to me. I'll always remember this day, and maybe someday, I'll become someone's cool celebrity story too.




Q. 7. Make an entry in your diary in about 100 to 120 words describing the losing of the Sports Meet.


1 March 20XX

10:00 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Today was a tough day. Our team worked so hard at the sports meet, but we didn't win. It's disappointing, but I know we gave it our all. The other team was really good too.
I felt sad at first, but our coach reminded us that it's not just about winning. We learned to work as a team, cheered for each other, and had fun playing. We gained experience and made new friends.
I'm proud of us for trying our best. Next time, we'll practice even harder and give it another shot. Losing is just part of the game, and we'll bounce back stronger.

Onward and upward, Good Night!


Q. 8. Make an entry in your diary in about 100 to 120 words describing your excitement to board a flight next week.


23 March 20XX

10:15 p.m.

Dear Diary,

I can hardly contain my excitement! In just one week, I'll be soaring through the sky on an airplane for the very first time. My heart races at the thought of looking out the window and seeing the world from high above the clouds. I've been dreaming about this moment for so long, imagining the thrill of takeoff and the breathtaking views. I can almost feel the anticipation building up as the days tick by. I'm already planning what to pack and what snacks to bring on board. I know I might feel a little nervous, but the excitement outweighs any jitters. The countdown has begun, and I can't wait to spread my wings and embark on this incredible adventure.

Until then,


Q. 9. Make an entry in your diary in about 100 to 120 words describing your feelings when you heard that your dearest friend lost his pet dog.


21 February 20XX

9:30 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Today my heart feels heavy with sadness. I heard the news that my dearest friend lost his pet dog. My heart aches for him, knowing the special bond they shared. Memories of the joyful moments they had together flood my mind. I wish I could find the right words to comfort my friend during this difficult time. I know how much that furry friend meant to him. Losing a beloved pet is like losing a part of the family. I want to be there for my friend, to offer a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear. Life can be so bittersweet, and today I'm reminded of the importance of cherishing the time we have with our loved ones, whether human or furry.

With empathy,


Q. 10. Make an entry in your diary in about 100 to 120 words describing your feelings when you received a call from your Principal intimating that you have been selected for National Level Spell Bee Competition. 


10 May 20XX

8:50 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Today has been a day of sheer exhilaration! My heart raced as I received a call from our Principal, bearing news that I have been selected for the National Level Spell Bee Competition. I could hardly believe my ears! A whirlwind of emotions surged through me – excitement, pride, and a touch of nervousness. The thought of representing our school at the national level fills me with a sense of honour and responsibility. I can already envision myself spelling out challenging words on that big stage, fueled by the support of my family, teachers, and friends. This opportunity is a dream come true, and I am determined to give it my all, practicing diligently and embracing the journey ahead.

In anticipation, Good Night!



  1. Wonderful effort In scripting down the creative discourse


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