
A determiner is used to modify a noun. It indicates reference to something specific or something of a particular type. There are nearly fifty types of determiners. These include:

        1. Articles

        2. Demonstratives

        3. possessives

        4. Quantifiers

        5. Distributive

 1. Article Determiners:

Articles are specifically three in number and are used to determine the specific things about the subject.

1. Indefinite Articles

'A' and 'an' are Indefinite articles because they do not refer to a particular person of thing.

For example,

            i) I have a pen.

            ii) I saw an ox.

In the first sentence ‘ a pen ‘ means any pen and in the second sentence , ‘an ox ‘ means any ox. Thus `a` and `an `are Indefinite Articles.

2. Definite Article

The Definite Article is used to refer to a particular person or thing.

For example,

            i) The boy who is playing is my brother.

            ii) Sita is the most intelligent girl in my class.

2. Demonstrative Determiners:

        This-singular and nearby thing

        That- singular but at a distance

        These – Plural and nearby things

        Those-plural and far off things

                        i) I like this dress.

                        ii) These pens are precious

                        iii) Amit likes that tea shop.

                        iv) This is not my kind of thing.

                        v) That garden is very big

                        vi) Those are the stories of bygone days.

                        vii) She wanted those boys to go away.

3. Possessive Determiners:

It is used to arrange the possession of the item referenced by the commemorating Noun. Possessive determiners are pigeonholed as weak or low possessive pronouns. They are adopted as adjectives pervious to nouns. They show you who possesses or keeps something.

        My, your, his, her, Its, their, our are Possessive determiners.


        1. I thought my water bottle was lost.

        2. Rohan is in his bathroom.

        3. The college is famous for its education and placement.

        4. I have lost her phone in the market.

        5. They have finished their meeting yesterday.

4. Quantifiers

Quantifiers are very significant phrases because they let us correlate the quantity of something. Quantifiers can be practiced with countable and uncountable nouns or with both.

        Countable nouns:- (How many?) a few, several, many, etc.

        Uncountable nouns:- (How much?) much, a little, a bit of, a large quantity, etc.

 Quantifiers and expressions determiners are some, any, plenty of, a little, much, many, several, one, two, first, second, last etc.


            1. There are some books in the class.

            2. How much juice do you need?

            3. There is a little sugar in the cup.

            4. There are not many fruits in the kitchen.

            5. How many chips packets did you buy?

            6. Raman stood first in the long jump.

            7. Sushil was the last to receive the prize.

5. Distributive Determiners

Distributive are determiners that are adopted to talk about how something is divided. Distributive determiners are applied with countable nouns.

Distributes determiners are Each, Every, Either, Neither.


        1. Each student received a certificate.

        2. India expects every man to do his best.

        3. Either place would suit me.

        4. Neither exam was successful.

        5. Every teacher has great knowledge.
