Dad and the Cat and the Tree - Reading Comprehension

AP / NCERT Board-Based Reading Comprehension 

Grade 7 Honeycomb

Poem Dad and the Cat and the Tree

Reading Comprehension 1

This morning a cat got

Stuck in our tree.

Dad said, “Right, just

Leave it to me.”


The tree was wobbly,

The tree was tall.

Mum said, “For goodness’

Sake don’t fall!”

“Fall?” scoffed Dad,

“A climber like me?

Child’s play, this is!

You wait and see.”

1. What is the main event in the poem?

A. A cat stuck in a tree

B. Dad climbing a tree

C. Mum's concern for Dad

D. The wobbliness of the tree

2. How does Dad respond when he sees the cat in the tree?

A. Ignores it

B. Asks for help

C. Takes immediate action

D. Laughs at the situation

3. What is Mum's reaction to Dad climbing the tree?

A. Encouragement

B. Concern

C. Laughter

D. Disinterest

4. How does Dad describe climbing the tree?

A. Child's play

B. Dangerous

C. Impossible

D. Unnecessary

5. What is the tone of the poem?

A. Serious

B. Humorous

C. Sad

D. Suspenseful

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Reading Comprehension 2

He got out the ladder

From the garden shed.

It slipped. He landed

In the flower bed.

“Never mind,” said Dad,

Brushing the dirt

Off his hair and his face

And his trousers and his shirt,

“We’ll try Plan B. Stand

Out of the way!”

Mum said, “Don’t fall

Again, O.K.?”

“Fall again?” said Dad.

“Funny joke!”

Then he swung himself up

On a branch. It broke.

1. What does Dad use to try and rescue the cat?

A. A ladder

B. A rope

C. A net

D. A basket

2. What happens when Dad uses the ladder?

A. Success

B. It slips

C. Cat jumps down

D. Dad climbs down

3. Where does Dad land after the ladder slips?

A. In the tree

B. On the ground

C. In the flower bed

D. On the roof

4. What is Mum's reaction to Dad's fall?

A. Laughter

B. Anger

C. Concern

D. Indifference

5. What does Dad say about falling again?

A. Takes it seriously

B. Considers it a joke

C. Ignores the comment

D. Blames Mum

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Reading Comprehension 3

Dad landed wallop

Back on the deck.

Mum said, “Stop it,

You’ll break your neck!”

“Rubbish!” said Dad.

“Now we’ll try Plan C.

Easy as winking

To a climber like me!” 


Then he climbed up high

On the garden wall.

Guess what?

He didn’t fall!

1. What is Dad's response to Mum's concern about breaking his neck?

A. Takes it seriously

B. Ignores it

C. Laughs it off

D. Agrees with her

2. What is Dad's attitude towards trying different plans?

A. Confident

B. Anxious

C. Hesitant

D. Indifferent

3. What is mentioned as "Plan C" in the poem?

A. Climbing a ladder

B. Climbing the tree

C. Climbing the garden wall

D. Using a net

4. How does Dad climb to rescue the cat in "Plan C"?

A. Climbs up a tree

B. Climbs on the roof

C. Climbs the garden wall

D. Uses a ladder again

5. What is the outcome of "Plan C"?

A. Success

B. Failure

C. Dad falls again

D. Cat jumps down

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Reading Comprehension 4

He gave a great leap

And he landed flat

In the crook of the tree-trunk —

Right on the cat!

The cat gave a yell

And sprang to the ground,

Pleased as Punch to be

Safe and sound.

So it’s smiling and smirking,

Smug as can be,

But poor old Dad’s






1. What is Dad's final fate in the poem?

A. He successfully rescues the cat

B. He falls from the tree

C. He gets stuck in the tree

D. He climbs down safely

2. How does the cat react after Dad lands in the tree?

A. It gives a yell

B. It scratches Dad

C. It remains calm

D. It climbs higher

3. What is the tone of the poem towards Dad's attempts to rescue the cat?

A. Serious

B. Comical

C. Sad

D. Tragic

4. How does Dad end up in the tree after attempting "Plan C"?

A. He climbs successfully

B. He slips from the ladder

C. The branch breaks

D. The cat pushes him

5. What is the cat's reaction after landing on the ground?

A. Angry

B. Annoyed

C. Indifferent

D.  Pleased

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