Bepin Choudhury's Lapse of Memory

Comprehension Check (Page 61)

1. Why did the man stare at Bepin Babu in disbelief?

In 1958, Parimal met Bepin at Ranchi. Bepin didn't remember him, and Parimal realized Bepin forgot his time in Ranchi.

2. Where did Bepin Babu say he went in October ’58?

Bepin claimed he visited a friend in Kanpur in October '58.

3. Mention any three (or more) things that Parimal Ghose knew about Bepin Babu.

Bepin hurt his right knee in Hudroo, stayed at a Ranchi bungalow, liked homemade meals, lost his wife a decade ago, and his brother had mental issues.

Comprehension Check (Page 64)

1. Why did Bepin Babu worry about what Parimal Ghose had said?

Bepin was amazed that Parimal knew about his leg, books, wife, and brother. He believed Parimal wasn't lying and questioned his memory loss.

2. How did he try to decide who was right-his memory or Parimal Ghose ?

Bepin was worried about Parimal's claim since 1958 and his knee injury. He couldn't remember, so he planned to ask Dinesh Mukerji for answers to clear his confusion.

3. Why did Bepin Babu hesitate to visit Mr. Mukerji? Why did he finally decide to phone him?

Bepin worried about Dinesh's sarcasm, ignored Parimal's details initially. But curiosity about Parimal's knowledge pushed him to call Mr. Mukerji for clarity, avoiding embarrassment.

4. What did Mr. Mukerji say? Did it comfort Bepin Babu, or add to his worries?

Mr. Mukerji checked his diary, confirmed their 1958 Ranchi visit. Bepin was puzzled, not remembering the trip, and wondered why.

Comprehension Check (Page 67)

1. Who was Chunilal? What did he want from Bepin Babu?

Chunilal, Bepin's schoolmate, sought job help. Bepin couldn't do much, but Chunilal persisted in visiting him regularly.

2. Why was Dr. Chanda puzzled? What was unusual about Bepin Babu’s loss of memory?

Dr. Chanda didn't know why Bepin forgot his Ranchi trip. He said Bepin should visit Ranchi to remember things better.

Comprehension Check (Page 69)

1. Had Bepin Babu really lost his memory and forgotten all about a trip to Ranchi?

Bepin didn't forget Ranchi; Chunilal tricked him because he didn't help with a job, as shown in Chunilal's letter.

2. Why do you think Chunilal did what he did? Chunilal says he has no money; what is it that he does have?

Chunilal was upset because Bepin didn't help him find a job. So, he made up a story to remind Bepin of his Ranchi fall. Chunilal wrote a novel, hoping it would bring him money.

Working with the text (Page 69)

1. The author describes Bepin Babu as a serious and hardworking man. What evidence can you find in the story to support this?

Bepin Babu was a serious, hardworking man at a big firm for 25 years. He was known as a dedicated worker.

2. Why did Bepin Babu change his mind about meeting Chunilal? What was the result of this meeting?

Chunilal often asked Bepin for help in finding a job. Bepin usually refused, but one day, he asked Chunilal about his Ranchi visit. Chunilal confirmed it, making Bepin seek a doctor's help for his memory.

3. Bepin Babu lost consciousness at Hudroo Falls. What do you think was the reason for this?

Bepin hoped Hudroo Falls would trigger his memory of Ranchi in 1958. He fainted, couldn't recall anything, and accidentally broke his hip near a boulder.

4. How do you think Bepin Babu reacted when he found out that Chunilal had tricked him?

Bepin felt sorry for not helping Chunilal and regretted his refusal. He realized he forgot the value of friendship during his prosperous times
