Article Writing


An article is a short piece of non – fiction material, usually based on a topic/issue that can be discussed. An article may be written for a magazine or a newspaper, the topics of which may vary from being a narration of an experience, an assessment of common current affairs, a description of a particular issue or a kind of a journal or a report on anything worth discussing.

While writing an article, one must remember:

    ● The heading can be a single word, a phrase or a small sentence but descriptive, catchy and thought provoking.

    ● An article consists of two or more paragraphs; each dealing with one main idea and ideas in each paragraph should be linked together.

    ● The first few sentences should introduce the topic /main idea/main issue.

    ● The last sentence should state your conclusion.

    ● Don’t exceed the length – 120 words.

    ● The language should be simple, meaningful, brief and to the point.


1. Understand what is asked in the article to be written.

2. Also understand to whom you are writing the article i.e. to the newspaper, school magazine who are the readers, what is the aim of writing the article- Offering suggestion, solution or making an argument.

3. Jot down the ideas on the topic.

4. Think of the merits and demerits of the topic

5. Organize your points, what will be written first and what will follow.

6. Think how to conclude

        ● Give an attractive title.

        ● Write an introduction which introduces the idea and presents the problem. Remember, by reading this, the reader will come to know what you are going to write further.

        ● Main body of the article: In the two paragraphs discuss the problem in detail and offer possible solutions. Say what point of view you are taking.

        ● Conclusion: Conclude the article by summing up your arguments.

Title/ Heading Eye catching title, illustrating the theme of the Article.
Byline The name of the Writer
Introduction Relevant facts should be stated.
Development of Topic Merits/demerits, cause/effect, positive/ negative points
Summing Up Writer's opinions, recommendations, suggestions
Conclusion Hope, warning, appeal, call for action

Article 1

1. Child labour is a social crime. Every child has a right to shine. Still Child Labour has increased enormously. Taking help from the hints given below and using your own ideas, write an article on CHILD LABOUR – A real abuse to humanity. You are Reena/ Rohit of class VIII (100-120 WORDS)

Weak ,semi –clad children working in roadside dhabas – silver plating factories – small girls works in kilns, in fields- a sore scene to eyes- They should have been in school- poverty, large families-childhood snatched-legal side ignored by mafia- bonded labour-children need to be liberated from this inhuman labour.

Child Labour: A Heartbreaking Reality

by - Rana

Child labor is a sad and troubling problem that we see around us. Instead of being in school, playing, and studying, many young children are forced to work as laborers. They can be found working in difficult places like roadside dhabas, silver plating factories, brick kilns, and fields. These children work long hours, often from 4 am to 11 am, and are paid very little, like just Rs. 500 a month in dhabas or factories.

The worst part is that they don't get enough food or proper clothes. In winter, they feel very cold because they don't have warm clothes. They also look dirty because their bosses don't treat them well. Even little girls can be seen working alongside their parents, carrying heavy things on their heads. This is a very sad situation, and it's surprising that not enough people are helping them.

We need to do something to change the lives of these poor children. The government should also take steps to stop child labor. It's important that we all work together to make sure children can go to school and have a better future.


Article 2

Eating the right kinds of food is really important for our bodies to grow properly. Junk food can mess up how young people eat. In this article, we'll talk about why it's so important to have a balanced diet and how junk food can make it hard for young people to eat well.

By- Rekha

Yummy food doesn't always mean it's good for us. Some local dhabas and fast-food places might not be very clean, and the food they serve is often not very healthy. It has lots of oil, especially bad kinds that can make us sick, like obesity, high blood pressure, and heart problems. They make the food quickly, so it's not always fresh. Sometimes, even the drinks are not clean. This kind of food is called 'junk food,' and it can make us sick.

To stay healthy, the school canteen should serve good food with the right calories. We should eat more home-cooked meals and bring our lunch from home. Let's remember: 'Eat healthy, live healthy!'


Article 3

Disability today is a wider term to cater to people having certain conditions or impairments such as cognitive, intellectual, physical, sensory etc. This term denotes a sense of loss and sorrow to those who suffer from it. Taking help from the lesson ‘A Visit to Cambridge’ and your own ideas, write an article in 100- 120 words on ‘How one can overcome disability through courage and strength’.

Overcoming Challenges with Courage and Strength

By - Ravi

In today's world, the word 'disability' covers different conditions like thinking, physical, or seeing problems. It can make people feel sad and like they've lost something. But stories like "A Visit to Cambridge" and real-life examples tell us that having a disability doesn't have to stop you.

With bravery and inner power, people can go beyond their limitations and do amazing things. Look at Dr. Stephen Hawking, who did incredible work despite his physical challenges. If you have determination, support, and the right attitude, you can overcome your limitations and live a satisfying life. Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses, and prove that having a disability doesn't mean you can't be successful and happy.


Article 4

Obesity among young children is a cause of concern for both parents and teachers. Each year we celebrate International Yoga Day on 21 June to recognize yoga as a holistic way of maintaining healthy mind body balance. Based on hints given below as well as your own ideas, write an article in 100-120 words on the topic ‘Benefits of yoga in our lives’ .

Yoga: A Path to a Healthier Life

By - Vasudev

Obesity among young children is a worry for parents and teachers alike. That's why, every year on 21 June, we celebrate International Yoga Day. Yoga, which comes from the word 'to join' or 'to unite,' helps us maintain a balance of both our mental and physical health.

Yoga does this by bringing all the parts of our body together, creating harmony in our body, mind, and soul. This special day, International Yoga Day, reminds us of the many benefits of yoga. It not only promotes good health, especially heart health, but it also reduces the risk of serious diseases like heart problems and even cancer. So, let's embrace yoga to lead a healthier and happier life!


Article 5

As Sandeep/Sangeeta write an article on ‘Plastic Bags’ in about 100 words. 

Hints: The government banned the use of plastic bags. These bags are not biodegradable. Poisonous fumes are released when these bags are burnt, which is very dangerous for human life.

Plastic Bags: The Need for a Change

By- Sandeep / Sangeeta

Plastic bags are everywhere, but it's time to rethink our use of them. These convenient carriers are causing harm to our environment. They take hundreds of years to decompose, clogging our landfills and harming wildlife. The production of plastic bags contributes to pollution and depletes natural resources. 

We can make a difference by switching to reusable bags. It's a small change with a big impact. By reducing our reliance on plastic bags, we can help protect our planet and create a cleaner, healthier world for future generations. It's time to say goodbye to plastic bags and embrace a more sustainable way of living.

