A Triumph of Surgery - Short Answers

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Short Answer Questions

1. How could you tell that Mrs. Pumphrey was wealthy?

Mrs. Pumphrey displayed signs of wealth by having numerous servants and maids, and she indulged her pet with a variety of dishes, sweets, and snacks. Above all, she allocated a separate room and wardrobe for her pet, indicating her affluent status.

2. Why weren't the household dogs interested in Tricki at first?

Initially, the household dogs showed little interest in Tricki because he was new to the house and seemed lethargic, not engaging in play. However, over time, Tricki began to enjoy their company, becoming an accepted member of the group.

3. Why was Dr. Herriot concerned that Tricki might need hospitalization?

Dr. Herriot noticed that Tricki was moving slowly around the house, refusing to eat even his favorite foods, and experiencing bouts of vomiting. Concerned, Dr. Herriot believed that without changes to Tricki's diet and exercise routine, he could soon become seriously ill.

4. Why did Mrs. Pumphrey treat Tricki so specially?

Mrs. Pumphrey was very rich and loved to spoil her dog, Tricki. She gave him lots of treats like cream cakes and chocolates because she considered him like her own child.

5. Why did the household dogs at the surgery ignore Tricki?

When Tricki was at the surgery, the other dogs found him boring because he didn't react to them when they sniffed him. So, they didn't think he was interesting and ignored him.

6. How did Tricki become part of the household dog gang?

After a few days, Tricki started having fun and playing with the other dogs in the household. He ran around with them and enjoyed being tackled and squished. Eventually, they accepted him as one of their own.

7. What special food did Mrs. Pumphrey give Tricki to help him get better?

Mrs. Pumphrey noticed that Tricki seemed tired and lacking in energy, so she decided to give him some special food to help him get stronger. She gave him things like malt, cod liver oil, and a drink called Horlicks at night, in addition to his regular meals.

8. What was Tricki's main problem according to Dr. Herriot?

Dr. Herriot discovered that Tricki's main problem was his love for food. Because Mrs. Pumphrey spoiled him with too many treats and didn't make him exercise enough, Tricki became very fat and lazy.
