A Tribute- Reading Comprehension

SSC Board-Based AP Reading Comprehension Unit: 4 Films and Theatre
C-Reading: A Tribute

Reading Comprehension 1

The Indian film industry has completed…..…… she looked too young for the role.

1. Who is talked about in the passage?


2. When was Savitri offered a role in a film first?

Twelve years old

3. Savitri associated herself with

(A) films

(B) the theatre ✔

(C) other artists

4. Savitri was dropped from the role because

(A) she was nervous on the sets

(B) a better actor was available at that time.

(C) She did not look old enough to take up the role. ✔

5. The name of first film that savitri got role in was

(A) Agnipareeksha ✔

(B) Samsaram

(C) Chivariki Migiladi

Reading Comprehension 2

She was given a song sequence Savitri's part in …….. she was given a small role of less import.

1 . What was the setback of Savitri?

She became nervous in the set.

2. Which word in the passage suggests that Savitri's acting was good in 'Pathala Bhairavi?


3. Savitri accepted the new small role in the film. What was the film?

(A) Pathala bhairavi 

(B) Agnipareekasha

(C) Samsaaram ✔

4. The word 'import' means

(A) export

(B) importance ✔

(C) exhort

5. The word 'elevated' means

(A) to go to Chennai.

(B) to go her home.

(C) to move to a better position ✔

Reading Comprehension 3

In the film 'Devadasu' (1953) (one of) the …….. who conspire against her husband.

1. What was Savitri's role in 'Devadasu?


2. What does the word 'indelible' mean?

Making marks that cannot be removed

3. The film 'Devadasu' is based on a

(A) Bengali love story ✔

(B) autobiography

(C) novel

4. Savitri played the role of rich man's wife in

(A) Ardhangi

(B) Agnipareeksha

(C) Devadasu ✔

5. "She portrayed- "Here 'portrayed' means

(A) painted as

(B) represented as

(C) played the role of ✔

Reading Comprehension 4

Savitri captured the audiences with her …………..a three hour pure comedy for the audience!

1. What kind of eyes did Savitri have?

Expressive eyes

2. Which film is discussed in this passage?


3. The feeling that pierces the heart is …..

(A) The real anger ✔

(B) The real smile

(C) The real beauty

4. The expression 'myriad' means …..

(A) Million

(B) Extremely large number ✔

(C) Limited number

5. Savitri's talent in 'Missamma' was

(A) In full form ✔

(B) Disgusting

(C) ridiculous

Reading Comprehension 5

Savitri was adored for the matchless ease in ……….. Ghatotkacha in the film to perfection. 

1. Which role of Savitri has no similarity with any female artist?

Maya Sashirekha

2. Who said that Savitri had unbelievable spontaneity?

Hindi actress Meena Kumari

3. The audience are reminded of the rich Telugu culture by Savirti's role in ….

(A) Missamma

(B) Sasirekha ✔

(C) Maya Bazaar

4. 16-annas Telugu lass clad' means ….

(A) Loss of 16 annas

(B) 100% perfect Telugu girl ✔

(C) Rich Telugu girl.

5. Savitri was adored

(A) for the matchless ease in expression ✔

(B) for her excellent action in the films

(C) for her best performance on the stage

Reading Comprehension 6

The theatre rocks with laughter when Lakshmana Kumara …….. the film became a milestone in her career.

1. Who do you think has played Maya Sasirekha?


2. Pick out the idiom that appeared in the passage.

A milestone in her career

3. The word 'psychiatry' means …. 

(A) The art of acting

(B) The field of medicine that deals with diseases

(C) The field of medicine that deals with psychological illness ✔

4. Savitri's milestone in her career was …

(A) Ardhangi

(B) Chivaraku Migiledi ✔

(C) Pathala Bhairavi

5. ……………… appears as the masculine demon in the film Maya Bazaar.

(A) Ghatothkacha

(B) Savitri 

(C) Ghatothkacha in the role of Sasirekha ✔

Reading Comprehension 7

 Savitri gets totally involved in whatever role she ………. in spite of certain adversities.

1. What is the greatest work of Savitri according to this passage?

Chivariki Migiledi

2. What was the incident showing her involvement in 'Chivaraku Migiledi?

She could not stop crying even after the scene was completed.

3. 'Chivaraku Migiledi' became a milestone in Savitri's career as ….

(A) she had thirty years of acting experience

(B) she cried on the sets.

(C) she lived the role ✔

4. In 'at the zenith of her career' 'zenith' means ….

(A) time when she had no roles.

(B) the highest point ✔

(C) the happiest moment in her career

5. How do we say that she has a passion for films?

(A) She had a lion's share of films.

(B) She was so strong

(C) she directed and produced a few films in spite of adversities. ✔

Reading Comprehension 8 

Savitri was a humane artiste .She was ………  AND SAVITRI ETERNAL SINCE SHE GAVE THAT LIFE TO CINEMA. 

1. How do you know that Savitri was a humane artist?

She was generous to the people who were in need. Once, she donated all the jewellery she was wearing to the Prime Minister's fund.

2. What did Savitri leave the world behind her?

Unsurpassed legacy

3. "Her versatility lives on " Here versatility means …..

(A) having worse conditions of life.

(B) having a wide variety of skills. ✔

(C) unforgettable behaviour.

4. "Her rise as a star was like a meteor. This simile means that …..

(A) Her development is great and long standing.

(B) Her development is bright and short. ✔

(C) Her development is rich and unforgettable.

5. 'Album of life' here refers to ….

(A) a collection of pictures from life.

(B) a range of different kinds of lives. ✔

(C) the themes of all human lives.
