A Tiger in the Zoo - Reading Comprehension

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Reading Comprehension 1

He stalks in his vivid stripes
The few steps of his cage,
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage.

1. What is the subject of the excerpt?

   a) A tiger
   b) A lion
   c) A leopard
   d) A cheetah

2. What is the mood conveyed by the excerpt?

   a) Joyful
   b) Angry
   c) Calm
   d) Fearful

3. What does the phrase "vivid stripes" refer to?

   a) The bars of the cage
   b) The animal's fur pattern
   c) The sunlight filtering through the cage
   d) The shadows on the ground

4. What is the animal doing in the cage?

   a) Sleeping
   b) Roaring
   c) Stalking
   d) Playing

5. What does the phrase "quiet rage" suggest about the animal?

   a) It is content
   b) It is angry but subdued
   c) It is aggressive and loud
   d) It is fearful and timid

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Reading Comprehension 2

He should be lurking in shadow,
Sliding through long grass
Near the water hole
Where plump deer pass.

1. Where should the subject of the excerpt be lurking?

   a) In a cave
   b) In a cage
   c) In the shadow
   d) In the open field

2. What should the subject of the excerpt be sliding through?

   a) Mud
   b) Sand
   c) Long grass
   d) Rocks

3. Where is the suggested location of the water hole?

   a) Near the mountain
   b) Near the forest
   c) Near the desert
   d) Near the river

4. What kind of animals are passing near the water hole?

   a) Lions
   b) Tigers
   c) Deer
   d) Elephants

5. What does the word "plump" suggest about the deer?

   a) They are fast
   b) They are fat
   c) They are tall
   d) They are old

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Reading Comprehension 3

He should be snarling around houses
At the jungle’s edge,
Baring his white fangs, his claws,
Terrorising the village!

1. Where is the subject suggested to be snarling around?

   a) In the jungle
   b) In the desert
   c) Near the water hole
   d) Near the village

2. What is the subject baring in the excerpt?

   a) Its fur
   b) Its eyes
   c) Its fangs and claws
   d) Its teeth

3. Who or what is being terrorized in the excerpt?

   a) The forest animals
   b) The village
   c) The hunter
   d) The prey

4. What is the setting mentioned in the excerpt?

   a) The mountain
   b) The forest
   c) The desert
   d) The ocean

5. What emotion does the subject seem to evoke in the village?

   a) Joy
   b) Fear
   c) Calm
   d) Excitement

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Reading Comprehension 4

But he’s locked in a concrete cell,
His strength behind bars,
Stalking the length of his cage,
Ignoring visitors.

1. Where is the subject of the excerpt confined?

   a) In the jungle
   b) In a concrete cell
   c) In the village
   d) In the forest

2. What is restricting the subject's strength?

   a) Chains
   b) Bars
   c) Ropes
   d) Walls

3. How does the subject behave towards visitors?

   a) Friendly
   b) Aggressively
   c) Indifferently
   d) Fearfully

4. What is the subject doing inside the cage?

   a) Sleeping
   b) Roaring
   c) Stalking
   d) Eating

5. What material is the subject's cell made of?

   a) Wood
   b) Iron
   c) Concrete
   d) Glass

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Reading Comprehension 5

He hears the last voice at night,
The patrolling cars,
And stares with his brilliant eyes
At the brilliant stars.

1. What is the significance of the subject hearing the last voice at night?

   a) It signals feeding time.
   b) It signifies the end of the day's activities.
   c) It indicates the approach of danger.
   d) It prompts the subject to sleep.

2. How does the presence of patrolling cars affect the subject?

   a) It calms the subject down.
   b) It excites the subject.
   c) It disrupts the subject's sleep.
   d) It prompts the subject to hide.

3. Why does the subject stare at the brilliant stars?

   a) To communicate with them.
   b) To hunt for prey.
   c) To feel connected to nature.
   d) To avoid looking at visitors.

4. How do the subject's brilliant eyes contribute to its behavior?

   a) They help the subject see better in the dark.
   b) They intimidate other animals.
   c) They attract visitors to the enclosure.
   d) They make the subject feel lonely.

5. Why might the subject be more attentive at night compared to during the day?

   a) Because it is cooler at night.
   b) Because its prey is more active at night.
   c) Because there are fewer visitors during the night.
   d) Because it is easier to escape from the enclosure at night.

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