A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal - Reading Comprehension

AP/ NCERT Board-Based Reading Comprehension Passages Grade 9 Beehive 

Poem - A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

Reading Comprehension 1

A slumber did my spirit seal—

I had no human fears.

She seemed a thing that could not feel

The touch of earthly years.

1. What does the speaker mean by "A slumber did my spirit seal"?

  1. The speaker was in a deep sleep
  2. The speaker's spirit was dormant or sealed. 
  3. The speaker was afraid of sleeping.
  4. The speaker was trapped in a dream-like state.

2. What is the significance of the line "I had no human fears"?

  1. The speaker was fearless during their slumber.
  2. The speaker was experiencing a state of bliss.
  3. The speaker had no worries or anxieties. 
  4. The speaker was unable to feel fear.

3. How does the speaker describe the figure in the third line?

  1. She was unfeeling and emotionless. 
  2. She was young and vibrant.
  3. She was filled with joy and happiness.
  4. She was distant and unreachable.

4. What does the phrase "could not feel the touch of earthly years" imply?

  1. The figure was unaffected by the passage of time. 
  2. The figure had a long lifespan.
  3. The figure had a deep connection to the earth.
  4. The figure was immortal.

5. What is the overall tone of the stanza?

  1. Joyful and exuberant
  2. Sad and melancholic
  3. Serene and peaceful
  4. Fearful and anxious

6.Which poetic device is employed in the line "A slumber did my spirit seal"?

  1. Simile
  2. Personification
  3. Hyperbole
  4. Metaphor

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7. Which poetic device is used in the line "She seemed a thing that could not feel"?

  1. Metaphor
  2. Simile
  3. Personification 
  4. Hyperbole

8. Choose the alliterative phrase from the given set of words. 

  1. Earthly years
  2. Seemed a thing
  3. Spirit seal 
  4. Human fears

9. What does the phrase "earthly years" imply in the stanza?

  1. Years spent on Earth 
  2. Years influenced by the Earth's rotation
  3. Years filled with happiness and joy
  4. Years associated with the natural world

10. Choose the FALSE statement. 

  1. The word "unfeeling" in the line "She seemed a thing that could not feel" means expressing indifference.
  2. The word "seal" in the line "A slumber did my spirit seal" means an aquatic animal. 
  3. The phrase "earthly years" in the stanza refers to years associated with the natural world.
  4. The speaker's spirit was sealed.

11. In which form and style the poem has been written?

  1. Elegy 
  2. Epic
  3. Allegory 
  4. Ode 
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Reading Comprehension 2

No motion has she now, no force—

She neither hears nor sees,

Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course

With rocks and stones and trees.

1. What does the phrase "earth's diurnal course" refer to in the stanza?

  1. The movement of the Earth around the sun.
  2. The cycle of day and night. 
  3. The seasonal changes on Earth.
  4. The rotation of the Moon on its axis.

2. What does the phrase "no motion has she now, no force" suggest about the figure being described?

  1. She is full of energy and vitality.
  2. She is capable of hearing and seeing.
  3. She is constantly moving and active.
  4. She is completely still and devoid of power. 

3. What does the line "she neither hears nor sees" imply about the figure?

  1. She is blind and deaf.
  2. She is attentive and observant.
  3. She is detached from the world around her. 
  4. She is responsive and aware of her surroundings.

4. How does the line "rolled round in earth's diurnal course" contribute to the overall meaning of the poem?

  1. It suggests a sense of isolation and separation.
  2. It emphasizes the figure's detachment from nature.
  3. It highlights the cyclical and interconnected nature of life. 
  4.  It signifies the figure's resistance to change and movement.

5. What is the effect of the repetition of the word "no" in the stanza?

  1. It emphasizes the stillness and lack of activity. 
  2. It creates a sense of constant movement and action.
  3. It adds musicality and rhythm to the poem.
  4. It signifies a contrast between two different states.

6. Complete the sentence choosing the right option.
        The poet could feel the presence of  her beloved after her death  __________ .

  1. in the trees she planted 
  2. in Nature spread all over. 
  3. in his tears for her 
  4. in the poet’s pain and sorrow.

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7. Which poetic device is employed in the line "Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course"?

  1. Simile
  2. Hyperbole 
  3. Synecdoche
  4. Alliteration 

8. Choose the TRUE statement. 

  1. The figure is aware of her surroundings and can hear and see.
  2. The figure described in the stanza is completely motionless.
  3. The figure is actively rolling and moving on the Earth's surface.
  4. The presence of rocks, stones, and trees symbolizes the figure's isolation from nature.

9. What is the overall theme conveyed in the stanza?

  1. The fleeting nature of life and human existence
  2. The interconnectedness of all living beings
  3. The power and beauty of the natural world
  4. The inevitability of death and decay 

10. What is the tone of the stanza?

  1. Joyful and uplifting
  2. Melancholic and somber 
  3. Hopeful and optimistic
  4. Humorous and lighthearted

11. Choose the TRUE statements.

  1. The poet concludes the poem very positively in spite of melancholy.
  2. The poet feels his beloved is seen in Nature everywhere after her 
  3. Souls too  have human feelings. 
  4. Above all.

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