A Letter to God- Short Answer Questions

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SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS : (30 to 40 words)

1.Who was Lencho? What were his main problems?

Lencho was a hardworking farmer who lived on the crest of a low hill with this family. His was the only house in the entire valley. He eagerly waited for a good rain to have a good harvest but hailstorm destroyed his crops, so he needed money to sow his field again and support his family. So, these were his main problems.

2. Why did Lencho write a letter to God?

Lencho’s crops were completely destroyed by the hailstorm. But there was no one to help him in his difficult situation. Being a firm believer in God, he wrote a letter God, as He was the only hope in his despair. Lencho asked Him to send hundred pesos to sow his field again and support his family till the next crop.

3. How did the rain change? What happened to Lencho‘s fields?

The rain began on a pleasant note. The air was fresh and sweet. But suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall. It did not pass quickly. For an hour the hail rained on the field and the corn was totally ruined.

4.What does the postmaster do to answer Lencho‘s Letter?    (or)

    Why and how did the postmaster help Lencho?

The postmaster decided to answer the letter, but as Lencho very badly needed some money, he asked for money from his employees. He himself gave part of his salary and several of his friends joined him. He could gather only seventy pesos. He put the money in an envelope addressed to Lencho and with it a letter containing only one word as signature: God.

5. What were Lencho‘s feelings when he found the letter with money in it?

Lencho felt really sad and mad when he found the letter with less money. He thought God would send the right amount, but it didn't happen. This made him lose hope and feel let down.

6. Why was Lencho angry? What did he do?

Lencho was mad because the money in the letter was not enough. He thought God would send the exact amount. Angry and disappointed, he wrote another letter asking for the missing money.

7. What are the raindrops compared to and why?

The raindrops are compared to new coins because they're small and shiny. Lencho hopes for a lot of raindrops to bring more money, just like more coins would mean more wealth.

8. How did the rain change? What happened to Lencho's fields?

The rain changed from a gentle shower to a fierce storm. Lencho's fields were ruined as the heavy rain destroyed his crops, leaving him worried about how he would support his family.

9. How much money did Lencho need? How much did he get?

Lencho asked God to send him hundred pesos to sow the crops and support his family till the next harvest but when he received the letter from God which was sent by the post office employees, he saw only seventy pesos in it, less than he had demanded from God.

10. Do you think that Lencho was right to call the post office employees a bunch of crooks? Why or why not?

Lencho was a simple and poor farmer who had firm faith in God. When he asked God to send him hundred pesos, he received only seventy pesos in reply. Due to his faith in God, he blamed the post office employees for stealing his money as he could not believe that God could send him any less money. He doubted these employees. But he was not right to call them a bunch of crooks as they helped him in his problem.

11. Explain the qualities of the post office employees?

The post office employees represented the people who believed in helping others. They were kind and helpful. They cooperated with each other and contributed to their best of the capability just to keep Lencho’s faith in God alive. They had love, concern, compassion and empathy for Lencho.

12. What did Lencho write in his second letter?

When Lencho found thirty pesos less, he wrote a second letter to God to send him the remaining amount, but not through the mail as he felt that the employees of the post office were a bunch of crooks.

13. What is ironic about the ending of the story?

The end of the story is rather ironic. The postmaster was greatly impressed by Lencho’s faith in God. He didn’t want to shake his faith in God. He collected a sum of seventy pesos from his employees and
contributed a part of his salary. However, his great act of charity was not recognised and appreciated by
the man who received help. On the contrary, the helpers were ironically called ‘a bunch of crooks.
