A Letter to God - Long Answer Questions

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Long Answer Questions [100-150words]

1. The postmaster represents such people who still believe in helping others. Write a character sketch of the postmaster pointing out his good qualities.

The postmaster of the story is a kind, generous, helpful, amiable, and God-fearing man. He received a letter.from Lencho which was written to God asking for hundred pesos so that he could sow his fields again. The postmaster did not want to shake the writer's faith in the almighty, and thus, out of virtuous intentions,.decided to collect money for "an act of charity. He also signed the letter in the name of God to conceal his.identity as he wanted Lencho to think it was actually a reply from God. This shows that he was a very good.man at heart.

2. Write the story of Lencho‘s faith in God?

Lencho, a simple farmer, believed strongly in God's help. Facing a tough time with his crops, he wrote a letter to God, requesting a hundred pesos. Lencho was confident that God, understanding his needs, would send the exact amount. When a storm hit, the raindrops became like new coins falling from the sky. However, the rain turned fierce, destroying Lencho's fields. Later, when he opened the letter expecting the money, Lencho found only seventy pesos. Disheartened, he believed someone had stolen the rest and wrote another letter, expressing disappointment. Unaware that the postman and villagers had contributed, Lencho's unshakable faith revealed his simplicity and unwavering trust in divine intervention.

3. Who does Lencho think has taken the rest of the money? Describe the ironical ending of the story.

Lencho believed that someone, perhaps the postman or a dishonest person, had taken the missing money from his letter to God. Ironically, the ending of the story revealed that the postman and the villagers, touched by Lencho's faith, had collectively contributed the remaining amount. The irony lies in Lencho's distrust of the very people who sought to help him. Despite his unwavering faith in God, Lencho couldn't fathom that goodness could come from the people around him, highlighting the unexpected ways in which help and kindness may manifest.

4. How does the character of Lencho inspire us to have faith in God and remain calm in difficult situation?

Lencho was a hardworking farmer who relied on his crops to support his family. When a hailstorm destroyed his fields, he remained hopeful, trusting that God would help him. He wrote a letter asking for a hundred pesos, believing that God would send it. However, when he received only seventy pesos, he became angry and accused the post office of stealing. Despite his misunderstanding, Lencho's unwavering faith in God gave him hope in his difficult situation. This story teaches us the importance of having faith and a positive attitude during tough times, encouraging us to seek solutions to our problems.

5. “Humanity still exists”, this is what get to know after reading ‘A Letter to God’ in which firm faith in God of a poor farmer and helpfulness of the post office employees are aptly depicted thought. Write a paragraph on the values in it, in about 120-150 words. Give the paragraph a suitable title.

The story ‘A Letter to God’ written by GL Fuentes enforces our faith in humanity. After reading the story, we know that there still are people who helpothers without any self-interest.Here, the postmaster and other employees lay anexample of humanity and kindness for others. First they all laughed at Lencho’s letter to God because they knew that there was no such person but they were really moved by Lencho’s faith in God. They decided to help him to keep his faith alive and firm. Even though it was not possible for them to collect hundred pesos but any how they managed to collect seventy pesos
and kept them in an envelope for Lencho. They signed on it ‘God’ except their own name. This act shows us the true picture of humanity and motivates us to be a noble and kind person.

6. Are there people like the post office employees in real world? How did they help Lencho? What would you do if you were in place of the postmaster?

The postmaster and his workers were kind and gave money to Lencho when they saw his letter to God. They admired his strong belief in God. They collected seventy pesos and sent it to him. Lencho got the money but was still angry because he wanted thirty more pesos. He thought the post office workers took it. Calling them crooks was not fair. Nowadays, it's hard to find people like the postmaster. If I were the postmaster, I would do the same. Helping others and keeping their faith in humanity is important. Everyone needs help sometimes.
