A House is not a Home

Think Abou It

1. What does the author notice one Sunday afternoon? What is his mother’s reaction? What does she do?

One Sunday, the author smelled something odd. Smoke rushed through the ceiling, making it hard to see. They ran outside, and the roof was on fire, spreading fast. Mom saved important papers. Then, in a rush, she went back for pictures and letters of her late husband, the only things she had to remember him.

2. Why does he break down in tears after the fire?

After the fire ended, the author couldn't find his cat. Thinking about his new school, the burnt house, and the possibly lost cat made him cry. He faced significant losses and felt very sad.

3. Why is the author deeply embarrassed the next day in school? Which words show his fear and insecurity?

The next day at school, the author felt very embarrassed because he lost everything in a fire. He wore the wrong clothes, no shoes except borrowed ones. He had no books, homework, or backpack. Words like 'outcast,' 'geek,' and 'curl up and die' showed his fear and feeling of insecurity.

4. The cat and the author are very fond of each other. How has this been shown in the story? Where was the cat after the fire? Who brings it back and how?

The cat and the author were best buddies. She sat by him during homework, even climbed into his pocket. He felt sad when he lost her in the fire. The cat got scared and ran far away. A kind woman found her, but couldn't reach the author. A month later, the woman brought the cat to the rebuilt house. The author hugged the cat, and they were both very happy.

5. What actions of the schoolmates change the author’s understanding of life and people, and comfort him emotionally? How does his loneliness vanish and how does he start participating in life?

The author's schoolmates cared about him after the fire, collecting school things and being friends. Even those who never spoke to him before started helping and inviting him. Feeling their genuine concern, his loneliness disappeared. He saw that his new school and friends were good, and his fear faded away. Finally, he felt life would be okay and began enjoying it again.

Extra Questions 

6. What happened to the narrator’s mother when she had run into the burning house?

The author’s mother inhaled a little smoke when she ran into the burning house. She was rescued by the firemen who put an oxygen mask on her after bringing her out. However, she was fine soosoon.

7. How did Zan’s mother save important documents from the burning house?

Zan’s mother saved important documents from the burning house by courageously rushing inside the house on fire and bringing out a small metal box that contained those documents. She thus risked her life but eventually succeeded in her mission.

8. Why did the author miss his old teachers?

The author missed his old teachers they would encourage him to get involved in school activities so that he could meet new people. They also assured him that he would soon adjust to his new school. Their affection, warmth, and cooperation in making him feel special made the author miss them.

9. “I knew what she was after”. Why does Zan make this observation?

Zan’s mother ran back to save the pictures and letters of his father who had died when Zan wasyoung. Zan knew that these memories of her husband were extremely precious for her and she did not want them to go up in flames

8. What kind of day it was when a fire broke out in the author’s house? What were the author and his cat doing at that time?

It was Sunday afternoon of a cold and windy winter when the fire broke out. The author was at the dinning-room table doing homework with the fire burning in the fireplace. His red tabby cat was lying over his papers, purring loudly and sometimes swatting at his pen.

9. What is surreal ? Why does the author feel that everything was surreal?

Surreal means something strange or unreal. The author thought everything felt unreal because so many bad things happened: house burned, cat lost, no money, and he lost all his things. His safe place vanished suddenly, and the changes were too much for him.
