A House, A Home - Reading Comprehension

AP/ NCERT Board- Based Reading Comprehension

Poem A House, A Home

Reading Comprehension 1

What is a house?

It’s brick and stone

and wood that’s hard.

Some window glass

and perhaps a yard.

It’s eaves and chimneys

and tile floors

and stucco and roof

and lots of doors.

1. According to the poem, what materials are typically used to build a house?

   a) Brick and stone

   b) Wood and glass

   c) Tile and stucco

   d) All of the above


2. What is mentioned as a possible feature of a house in the poem?


   a) Yard

   b) Garden

   c) Swimming pool

   d) Patio


3. What are some specific elements mentioned in the poem that can be found in a house?

   a) Eaves and chimneys

   b) Tile floors and stucco

   c) Doors and windows

   d) All of the above


4. What is stucco?

   a) A type of wood

   b) A roofing material

   c) A flooring material

   d) A type of plaster or cement coating


5. How would you describe the overall tone of the poem?

   a) Serious and informative

   b) Playful and imaginative

   c) Emotional and dramatic

   d) Mysterious and suspenseful

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  Reading Comprehension 2

What is a home?

It’s loving and family

and doing for others.

It’s brothers and sisters

and fathers and mothers.

It’s unselfish acts

and kindly sharing

and showing your loved ones

you’re always caring.

1. According to the poem, what are some elements that make up a home?

   a) Loving and family

   b) Unselfish acts

   c) Brothers and sisters

   d) All of the above


2. What is emphasized as an important aspect of a home in the poem?

   a) Doing for others

   b) Selfishness

   c) Isolation

   d) Individuality


3. Who are mentioned as members of a home in the poem?

   a) Brothers and sisters

   b) Fathers and mothers

   c) Loved ones

   d) All of the above


4. What is the message conveyed by the poem about a home?

   a) Homes are filled with conflict and rivalry

   b) Homes are places of love and care for one another

   c) Homes are solely focused on personal needs and desires

   d) Homes are temporary and transient


5. How would you describe the overall tone of the poem?

   a) Serious and informative

   b) Playful and imaginative

   c) Emotional and dramatic

   d) Reflective and heartfelt


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